Republican "revolt"

Republicans are "revolting" against the County party's stance in support of the sales tax issue to fund a new jail and public safety programs.
Read their press release here.
"Republicans are not united on this plan," said Jason Gloyd, a Republican and head of the anti-sales tax campaign at a press conference Monday, explaining the revolt. They said Republicans want fiscal responsibility, and they thik the tax is too expensive.
The County GOP endorsed the sales tax--also known as Issue 27. But several elected Republicans including Commissioner Pat DeWine, Treasurer Rob Goering, councilman Chris Monzel, and State Rep. Tom Brinkman have all come out against the plan, as has Herman Tegenkamp, a Deer Park councilman and Heather Harlow, Colerain Township fiscal officer.
Representatives from Republican clubs in Anderson Township, Sycamore Township, Cheviot, and Springfield Township were at the press conference. Several of those clubs are printing alternate sample ballots for members to hand out at the polls if they choose.
The group said the issue goes deeper than just the tax. Many Republicans are revolting against what they call the "tax-and-spend" mentality of the local and state Republican leaders.
Said Chris Finney, who is a member of the Policy Committee for the county GOP: "We stand for a new direction of the Republican Party. We represent the future of the Republican Party. those advocating for the tax represent the failed past of the Republican Party."
Here's who was there:
Chris Finney (Hamilton County GOP policy committee, COAST), Jason Gloyd (spokesman for, Pat DeWine (Hamilton County Commissioner), Jeff Capell (Filed a federal lawsuit against Sheriff Leis and the county to get them to allow anti-tax literature to be sent to sheriff's office workers), Mike Jordan (head of the Anderson Township Republican Club), Charlie Norman (DeWine's staffer and member of the Cheviot Republican Club), Herman Tegenkamp (Deer Park city councilman), Lou and Pat Williams (members of Springfield Township Republican Club), and Justin Jeffre and Michael Earl Patton (City Council Candidates).
Jeffre and Patton aren't Republicans though they do oppose the tax. They were there for a separate press conference.
so, I read the press release, and just as I suspected - STILL no "plan" offered by Mr. Dewine.
Has everyone read the county proposed budget by now? Does everyone realize that come Jan 1st - if issue 27 doesn't pass, there will BE NO MORE sherriffs in OTR or any other city community. There will BE NO MORE prisoners going to Butler County.
There will BE tax cuts - and the above won't happen.
WHERE is Mr. DeWine's plan?
Back to the drawing boards Portune/Leis/pepper/Deters, only this time give the pencil to someone smarter than you all.
Yawn !
Oh goodie, a mon-jealot pac of wRong wingnut whackos willing to kiss 'finney's fanny' !
All stumbling, stuttering, babbling, use-less, ****ing idiots !
PATHETIC 'misleaders' !
VOTE NO, on the'fannatical five' !
Republicans are so ugly
Nice to see Mike Harlow ruining his wife's political career, after he sank Bob McEwen, Sam Malone, John Dowlin, Bob Bedinghaus, Todd Ward, Jeannette Cissell, and whoever that poor lady was who got trounced by Steve Driehaus.
The guy is a one-man GOP career wrecking crew.
His wife will get trounced next week and they will both be unemployed.
Alright, so what, we've got between 12- 15 Republicans who are declaring that they will abandon, the "law and order party" just to save a few cents.
We're better off without them on our side - they're sellouts, literally, sellouts - the only wonder is how cheap they could be bought off for...
Future of GOP....
Has Finney ever run for office? His GOP would have no social responsibility. At least W seriously tried to reform education With Child Left Behind.,,,he did not just jump up and down a say the schools are mismanaged like Brinkman, Finney, and other COAST.
Mike Jordan had no problem voting for the Anderson towncenter government offices....which cost more to build per square foot than the proposed jail and according to the Enquirer "Have a nice view of the lake."
I see the Enquirer blog is no longer covering Council elections. It must be because they see the writing on the wall and that no Repugs will win.
Looks like it will be 7 Democrats (minus Garry and Young) plus Qualls and Melanie Bates.
Adios, Bortz and Ghizzy!
Sayonara, Chris "The Ice Cream Boy" Monzel.
Hey council aides: Wal-Mart is hiring!
I see the Enquirer blog is no longer covering Council elections. It must be because they see the writing on the wall and that no Repugs will win.
Looks like it will be 7 Democrats (minus Garry and Young) plus Qualls and Melanie Bates.
Adios, Bortz and Ghizzy!
Sayonara, Chris "The Ice Cream Boy" Monzel.
Hey council aides: Wal-Mart is hiring!
All knowing must not be all knowing as Michael's wife is running unapposed so I don't think she'll be trounced.
Finney claims to be the "new" party versus the old failed party? What a joke!
He's the one (as Heimlich's puppeteer) who managed to lose the County majority for the first time in 40 years. He's as "old" and "failed" as there is.
I agree with the anon 9:05.
No Repugs on Council!
Voters aren't buying what they're selling right now.
Here's my prediction in order:
I can't believe you consider this "news" The same people who have been against the tax since the beginnig plus 4 new minor officials. Big woop.
As an Anderson Twp Precinct Executive and club member I can honestly tell you that Mike Jordan does not "head" the club. He is a ward chair of our Central Committee but he does not hold elected or appointed offices (yet). Finney does not "own" Anderson as he claims. He does control some of our elected officials but not all. All of these political shenanigans are coming from the ATRC (club) NOT the elected Republican Central Committee. Wonder why our club president - Russ Jackson -- representing COAST/Finney/Brinkman wasn't in attendance. Hiding behind his boy Mike again?
How sad to see how the once powerful and respected local GOP has been reduced to this. There have always been factions in the local party, but all in all we really were able to work together. Is anyone talking to each other?? Does anyone see the big picture? Is there any such thing as party loyalty any more?
Where is the leadership? The current chairman is AWOL. Deters only cares about himself and does not lift a finger for the Party. Finney and the conservatives would rather bash the moderates in the local GOP than fight the Democrats.
At the same time the local Democratic party is rejuvenated and current demographic trends favor them.
It's sad to see the once proud HCRP go down the tubes but that is exactly what is happening.
They have only themselves to blame.
I'm not sure how Michael Harlow is even able to derail his wife's campaign, seeing how she's running unopposed. This is an example of how mean-spirited and uninformed the proponents of Issue 27 are. They'd rather make personal attacks than debate the issues, even if they have to make up facts as they go along.
Kind of funny, the only time I have ever agreed with the local GOP is in voting NO on 27. That said the GOP has no real future at least not in 2008.
One things for sure with Harlow against the jail it gives the proponents an advantage. With Harlow on your side you have as much chance of winning as the Bengals going to the Super Bowl.
Harlow set up Si Leis and had him ambushed at the Colerain Republican Club meeting. Leis can't even get respect in his own backyard.
The sheriff has neglected his primary statuatory responsibility (the jail) for years as he has expanded his meglomaniac patrols into the city. Now he's on board trying to bribe everyone to get his way, at the taxpayers expense. No money? How much is he paying out in patrol overtime due to his mismanagement? He's supposed to be a public servant, not dictator of the county! The net increase in jail space vs the cost of this behemoth makes this tax and spend levy nothing short of an insult to taxpayers. The City of Cincinnati is capable of patrolling the city, and can do so more efficiently and effectively than the minions of Si. We need more jail space? PUT ON A JAIL LEVY, NOT A PORK-FILLED EXCUSE TO EXPAND THE KINGDOM OF SI-I-AM.
Proponents of Issue 27 have gone from making personal attacks on the leaders of the opposition to making personal attacks on the husband of an elected official who is opposed to the jail tax. I guess they got tired of pretending to be Jeff Capell on MySpace and Facebook. How sad.
For pete's sake, bring a little rationality to this conflict.
Does Hamco need more jail space? From what I can tell, yes. Must the bill for it be paid by the taxpayers? You bet. Is a sales tax boost the best way? I don't know. Is Issue 27 too much of a tax increase? From what I can tell, yes, it appears to be excessive. Does the problem of jail space go away if Issue 27 is defeated? No. What then are the alternative methods of financing new jail space and what level of financing is sufficient without being excessive? I don't know--and, I dare say, no one else seems to know either. At least no one that I've seen has come up with a viable alternative plan to finance jail space expansion. Meanwhile, we are turning convicted criminals right back out onto the street to commit more crimes, because we can not house them.
The dem/libs plus some other folks who badly want expanded jail space are clamoring for the sales tax, regardless of considerations that it may well be excessive. The COAST people (and their intimidated sycophants and dependent camp followers) who are claiming to be the "real voice" of the Republican Party are, as usual, vehemently opposed to ANY tax increases period, regardless of the need. Accusations, recriminations, insults, threats are flying between the two diametrically opposed sides. Party lines are being blurred. All the heat with very little light is creating confusion on the part of voters.
What we need right here and now is leadership with common sense and vision, and I don't see it on either side. And the blithering, silly comments on this blog up to this point are NOT helping.
tnp, what is excessive? The fact that this operates the jail?
These people are waaaaaaayy out on the wingnut fringe. They are COAST mind-numbed robots. Phil Heimlich bowed down to COAST and look where it got him - reading the classified ads looking for jobs. Dewine, you're next. Soon you will join your daddy on the bread line.
COAST is TOAST. Just ask Phil Heimlich!
Anonymous at 2:52 pm, 10/31/07, I've read the breakdown of the revenues expected to be pulled in with the tax increase. It appears to me to be significantly more than is needed for jail space expansion alone. That seems to me to be excessive. Raising funds for jail expansion is one thing. Raising funds for several other kinds of expenditures under the guise of jail expansion is quite another. I don't think "excessive" is overstating it.
Anonymous at 1:21 pm, 10/30/07, I agree totally with your comment. As an ATRC member myself, I object to a phony "spokesperson" staking out the "club position" on this difficult issue without a clear mandate from a majority of club members. I also object to anyone speaking on behalf of Anderson Township Republicans without the authority to do so. The bloody arrogance!
If last year's plan was soooo awful because it didn't include operations why did Leis, Portune, and Pepper urge its passage?
I didn't hear one peep out of Leis all of last year about lack of operating funds. Now he tells us that this is a great plan just like he told us with the last plan.
Was he lying then or is he lying now???
Tonne and Harlow are old COAST pals I wonder how Si feels being used by Tonne for a photo op?
I've been to dozens of COAST events over the years and have no idea who Tonne or Harlow are.
More misinformation from the pro-tax crowd. They have been exposed as the liars and frauds that they are, so they moved on to attack the opposition personally. Now they are attacking the spouse of an opposition member personally.
Can we really trust these people with 700,000,000 taxpayer dollars?
"Your Majesty, the Republicans are revolting!"
"I know: they stink on ice."
Apologies to Mel Brooks.
Consider this: The Cincinnati police spends $350,000 per day. YES, PER DAY! The R-pols what to been seen the police at election time but they can't support the jail to put the people in. How twisted and hollow.
Oh, where is the anti-jail folks plan? DeWine is a smart guy, please tell me he has spent the last 10 months oposing the safety plan and at the same time developing his own team of experts and developed a viable alternative?
The Republican antitax COAST sentiment is killing Hamilton County. I hope the last criminal who is free for lack of jail space and the last child not educated because the schools have no money will turn out the lights in Hamilton County. But at least the repubs will get re-elected because their against taxes! If were lucky the Repubs will all move to Northern Kentucky and turn Campbell County in to the worst county in the nation through their one party wrecking crew.
Anonymous at 9:42 pm, 11/1/07, you have a lot of nerve laying the devastation of the greater Cincinnati area at the feet of the Republican Party. The Democrats have been running the city for years and years, and with their internal conflicts, their politically-correct BS, their hamstringing of the police and their kowtowing to the leftists and racists in their party (yes, blacks CAN and often ARE racists) the city area lodged as it is in the heart of Hamilton County has festered, stagnated and weakened to the point where people are fleeing to the suburbs, including Northern Ky, by the 1000's. The Republicans are not fault-free, but to lay this area's ongoing troubles on the backs of the GOP is unfair at best and utterly stupid at worst.
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