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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who's in Hamilton County jail?

Jessica has the story here

You can read the report here (pdf)


at 10:11 PM, December 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mind-boggling thing is we (taxpayers) had to hire a consultant to "analyze" this.

So Leis/Portune/Pepper/etc didn't know (or care) who we are throwing in jail (Pot smokers?, derelicts) but they were absloutely certain we needed to spend $700 million to continue to do it.

Makes "Bengal Bob" Bedinghaus look good and that's no small feat.

at 1:58 AM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when did DeWhine resign? Isn't he and Heimlich the ones who depleted the the county reserves and sunk the county's budget ship over the last few years

at 2:31 AM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a mess (the report).

Why were there nearly 2000 juveniles admitted into an adult facility? ISn't that against state and federal law???

We have a juvenile detention facility - there is absolutely no excuse for housing kids with adults under any circumstances

at 2:41 AM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

O:K - looking at that juvenile case hold 17 day stay--- does that actually mean that a newly of age adult has been picked up on an old juvenile case and is held an average of 17 days in adult jail for an offense committed while they were still a minor????
this rather, rather than a juvenile being held there for a juvenile offense? So, we're putting kids in big boy jail for juvie offenses -- what the heck?

at 4:38 AM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why so many obstruction of justice charges ?

Does it appear: If you piss off a cop, this is a catch all ?

Little help here ?

at 8:34 AM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line: almost everything the No on 27 People told voters proved to be false:

- they claimed marijuana was causing overcrowding (actually was only .3% of jail beds; shortest average sentence of any offense)
- they told voters that 80% of people were in jail for traffic offenses (in reality, even for bookings, DUI and traffic together were only 19% )

It turns out that most jail bed days were taken up for property crimes(theft, etc.) and personal crimes (domestic violence, assault, etc.), which is what most citizens want.

at 1:43 PM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can people just get over the Vote Yes or No Issue 27? Both sides were playing to win the game. Therefore, neither side told the entire truth. Both stretched the facts to better their play.

at 8:14 PM, December 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 8:34 what we said was that 80% of the people in the jail were awaiting processing. That was directly from the most recent vera report that was available from the hamilton county website. Meanwhile, the inmates are coming back from butler county and no early releases. How about holding Pepper, Portune, and Leis accountable for actual lies that they told during the campaign. Killers were going to be released before the ink dried on their arrest reports, father rapers would be unleashed on the community.
Remember, before you call someone a liar, you need to know what they actually said!

at 1:57 AM, December 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cut the frills, cut the bloated staffs and expensive toys, keep the criminals locked up and the streets safe. It's not about how much money you spend, it's all about effectively managing what you have.
Leadership lacking in this pissing match !

at 10:51 AM, December 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, HamCo is "cutting to the bone (& beyond)" but budget is increasing by 8%. This morning's Enquirer reports Clermont Co (with no major cuts) is Decreasing their budget by 1.9%.

Admittedly, they're not apples-to-apples but the big difference >> Ham Co is more like US Gov't - bloated, inefficient, obtuse. And the guys in charge can't do the right thing or they won't get re-elected.

I suspect, if private enterprise took over Ham Co functions, they'd cut 15-30% of jobs in first 6 months.

at 2:59 PM, December 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only increasing in 2008 because of the Presidential Election costs (Board of Elections), and the one-time pay period. They hacked the hell out of the rest of it.

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