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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sheriff Gilligan?

With three veteran members (plus a secretary) set to leave the Cincinnati school board this month, the board's meeting on Monday was abnormally full of political pageantry.

Atop the list of was a lengthy resolution honoring John J. Gilligan, the former Governor of Ohio and two-term school board veteran.

The resolution noted his "decades of additional public service," highlighting his Silver Star he earned in World War II, six terms on Cincinnati City Council, one term in Congress, one term as Ohio Governor and two terms as a school board member, along with other non-elected positions he's held.

Gilligan, 86, has not said whether he intends to remain in public life. But throughout his final year on the board, he's joked that he intends to challenge Sheriff Simon Leis Jr. in the 2008 elections.

"I always wanted to drive a tank in a parade," he said once.

Also honored were Rick Williams, who lost his bid for re-election, and Florence Newell, who retired along with Gilligan. The trio all were first elected to the board in the 1999 elections. Another resolution honored board secretary Suzann Tragesser, who's leaving after 30-plus years.

Three new members -- Eve Bolton, Chris Nelms and Michael Flannery -- will replace the exiting trio.


at 6:58 PM, December 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Gilligan. Arrogant and nasty. Remenber when he closed the state parks in a snit with the legislature?

He couldn't hold Si Leis' jockstrap.

Good riddance!

at 7:30 PM, December 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish someone would run against Leis, regardless of the politcal gaffs lately, the department and county needs a breath of fresh air.

Mike Allen?

Hmm...any thoughts from Dems?

at 7:53 PM, December 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Streicher should be fired, PERIOD !

He knew he was not using the money. It took an audit to discover. He was greedy and put the community at risk.

If he knew he would not utilize the money, he had an obligation to inform the city.

He could have done that and the clinics and pools could have remained opened with the funds.

Or, the administration could have hired additional officers to patrol OTR, then the county could have better served the suburbs.

Streicher did nothing but pad ($$$) his department and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar !

Voting records indicate he pulled a wRong wingnut whacko ballot in 04 !

Doesn't surprise us he is willing to be less than candid !

Somebody owes 'stan the man' - $75 grand !

PATHETIC 'HypocRites' !


at 10:42 PM, December 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey John G, You can not only drive your own tank.

You can do a scenic tour of Cincy (or wherever) in your very own helicopter!!

When you're "the Man", you can do whatever you want.

at 3:47 PM, December 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 PM Anon AKA Jeff Cappell

I bet you want someone to run against the Sheriff, Jeff. I'd keep an eye open at all times, cause you never know when the Sheriff is going to get payback against you!

at 8:39 PM, December 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I hoped he'd become an optometrist: "Gilligan's Eye Land."

Work with me people.

at 9:14 AM, December 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Anonymous said...
And here I hoped he'd become an optometrist: "Gilligan's Eye Land." Work with me people. 8:39 PM, December 12, 2007"

You are so funny, Mary-Ann !

lol, lol, lol


Professor Dean of Cincinnati


at 10:39 PM, December 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own this town. Didn't you get the memo?

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