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Monday, September 10, 2007

UPDATED Federal inmates still call Hamilton County home

UPDATE: Sheriff Simon Leis (along with Commissioner Todd Portune and David Pepper) had made the point at this meeting that this is also a public safety issue: the federal inmates being picked up lived and worked (and often committed crimes) in Hamilton County. Wednesday, Leis sent out a press release, elaborating on this point.

Hamilton County doesn’t have enough jail beds for its own 2,000-plus inmates, yet on Monday two of the three commissioners approved a contract to continue to rent 35 beds to federal authorities – at least through the end of the year. (read the Enquirer story)

The county’s paying $55 per bed per day to house 300 overflow inmates in Butler County. The feds are only paying $49 per bed per day for the 35 beds it rents in the Justice Center.
Although it sounds like a financial no-brainer, there’s a little more to it, said Commissioners Todd Portune and David Pepper who voted for the agreement.

For instance, they said the county wouldn’t save any money by ending the contract now. In fact it would actually lose money because the Butler County beds are paid through the end of the year and the county is counting on the money from the feds to help it balance its budget. Plus, the county is hoping to cash in on the federal contract even more if/when a new jail is built. The feds have promised to rent 100 or more beds—generating some big bucks.

Commissioner Pat DeWine several weeks ago and urged the sheriff to discontinue the practice. He says (and a citizen echoed it at Monday’s commission meeting) that it’s fundamentally unfair to ask taxpayers to raise the sales tax to build a bigger jail if it isn’t even using its own beds.
Sheriff Simon Leis first agreed, then changed his mind. He came close to getting into another verbal sparring match with DeWine, (“If you knew anything about law enforcement and obviously you don’t” he managed to get out, before being cut off by Portune.)

Leis asked commissioners to continue the practice because of the good relationship between his office and the U.S. Marshal’s office. The two departments are on a joint task force that arrests fugitives wanted on local or federal charges.

U.S. Marshal Jim Wahlrab also spoke in support of the agreement saying it increases drive time and safety risks housing inmates in other counties.

Read the Pepper/Portune press release
Read the NoJailTax statement on the issue
And there was also an interesting letter/threat from COAST members on the legality of the whole thing. (Prosecutor Joe Deters said indeed, the agreement needs to be properly voted on.)


at 9:44 AM, September 11, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

I am soooooooo happy that I have the best doing my bidding for me. Would Todd or John Pepper's kid be available the next time I buy a car???

at 10:56 AM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe housing federal prisoners makes sense at some level but why would we take Leis' word for it - he's shot his credibility and insulted us by telling us we should build a jail just because he says so.
The 2 commisioners compound the credibility issue by saying they imposed the tax, "because we had no choice" - obviously not true.
I'm still open minded but will vote against it unless I feel I'm getting all the facts straight up (no spin).

at 11:32 AM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The jail inmates can't wait until the foot-tapping bold typist is finally arrested and detained in their midst.

at 12:38 PM, September 11, 2007 Blogger Mark Miller said...

Not that long ago we heard that Hamilton County was at least a hundred beds short; and the sheriff was threatening to release inmates early.

The sheriff and commissioners were just offered a legitimate, cost-free opportunity to erase one third of that alleged deficit with the stroke of a pen. And they said, "No thanks."

I guess there really isn't any problem with jail overcrowding after all.

So why in the world should I vote for a mammoth tax increase when we already have the second largest county tax burden in Ohio?

at 1:36 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a no-brainer. The "federal" inmates are generally the most dangerous Hamilton County criminals (people we should be locking up anyway). But since they are deemed federal, the County is actually reimbursed for housing them. Kicking them out impedes efforts to actually make the County safer, and also sacrifices millions of dollars down the road. This is why almost every major County in the state and country take advantage of this relationship.

You'd think the COAST nuts would support things that keep us safer and generate revenue, but oh well.

at 3:10 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The move yesterday wouldn't have kicked out the federal inmates at all. They would just be moved to another County jail in the area. So tell me again how we're safer with theses dangerous inmates in Hamilton County jail instead of in Butler, Warren, etc.?

at 3:19 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Portune/Pepper Press release is the biggest load of bull I've seen in a long time.
It's the same sort of scare tactics they've been using all year to force this jail on people.

"The facts are if we did what Commissioner DeWine wants us to do we won’t save any money and we would be jailing women who write bad checks instead of federal bank robbers and kidnappers.” Oh really Commissioner Portune? You must have been asleep when the Federal Marshall said they would just house prisoners in an adjacent county if Hamilton County stopped. NOT A SINGLE FEDERAL PRISONER WOULD BE RELEASED!

“This regional taskforce gets the most dangerous offenders off our streets as quickly as possible,” Pepper said. “With crime already too high, we’d be short-sighted not to continue it.”
Mr. Pepper must have been asleep when the Marshall said that he would continue the task force cooperation regardless of whether federal prisoners were housed in Hamilton County.


at 4:01 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, assuming the partnership continues, what the Marshall said is that his deputies would be spending all their time driving Hamilton County fugitivies to far-away jails-rather than spending time arresting and jailing those people as quickly as possible in by far the most convenient place. The local jail.

A total waste, and something that would completely undermine the effectiveness of the program.

at 5:14 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the patriots in this county? Every community should do their fair share in making sure the worst of the worst criminals are jailed in a manner that is cost effective and process effective for the country.
Who would support NOT pitching in with the rest of the country to address social "terrorists" robbing our banks, commiting vicious crimes, operating grug rings, etc.
For God's sake, it's 9/11. Think of the people who gave their lives in Pennsylvania for this country - and we have people who refuse to support Cincinnati doing their fair share by housing 35 of the worst inmates terrorizing our communities with crime, sucking our youth into their illegal games as pawns, supplying the drugs that have wreaked havoc on our families?
Some people like DaWhine care more about protecting his wallet than protecting our community, our innocent families and our country.

DaWhine is a terrorist sympathizer - he isn't willing to contribute like the rest of the country to doing his part in prosecuting these white collar and high echelon criminal cartels --- all for the almighty buck (DaWhine's campaign war chest serves to launder money for these people either way)

at 6:19 PM, September 11, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

Annon 5:14,

it's not just 184m for a jail, it's a 700m tax hike.

at 9:52 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

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at 11:15 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused. On one hand, Pepper/Portune/Leis say we currently have a jail shortage and immediately need more spaces.

But on Monday, all 3 argued to lease 35 spaces to the federal govt. I guess we don't have a shortage of jail spaces after all and don't need to vote for an $800 million Sales Tax hike to build a $198 million jail.

at 1:41 AM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

use-full-idiot? or useful-idiot?

enought said about that.

What makes this country great is that true patriotic Americans are willing to support public initiatives, voluntarily doing the right thing for the betterment of its society. That includes knowingly and willingly doing their fair share with the rest of us to support the prosecution of criminals whether federal or state including providing jail space so the federal government doesn't have to build a thousand mini-jails all over the country, including ensuring that the 3000 outstanding warrants for arrest for domestic violence can be served and wife beaters and child abusers can be put in jail instead of released all teed off to hurt someone else some more, and to provide the necessary services to prevent taxpayers from having to repeatedly jail the same people doing worse crimes year after year.

Capitalism, responsible support by paying your fair share and community involvement are what makes the US the envy of the world

But I guess there are some useless- idiots in the world who only think of their own wallets and support our criminal terrorists right here inthe tri-state

at 10:49 AM, September 12, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

As a patriotic American, one must be a watchdog of resources. The spending that has permeated the Federal, State, and local Governments is out of control and the real American patriot is obligated to rise up and say enough is enough, just as my ancestor, who spent two years chained in the orlin deck of a British frigate in NY harbor.
The need or not for a new jail is not the question with me, as much as the fuzzy math for the funding and your deceitful ways. Read my prior post a second time and see if you can understand.

at 2:19 AM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a watchdog of resources first requires that you can distinguish between waste and/or abuse of taxpayer dollars and legitimate needs and sufficient expenditures.

No one can argue that for a justice system to work - the worst of offenders must face jail time, so we know and understand the need.

So the next question is sufficient expenditures and that's where we should be arguing - this never should have been a winner take all vote but letting the public vote on HOW MUCH IS NEEDED, but that's passed.

So back to sufficiency - it is undisputed whether you're a Guillani mayor or Ohio governor - if you don't attack the recidivism rate through services -

It is responsible government to prevent the throwing of good money after bad by snagging the middle ground and investing in the proven tactics that prevent this from being a waste of taxpayer monies.

To just do the jail - well that's throwing good money after bad - and , usefullidiot, what do we do about nearly 3,000 outstanding warrants for domestic violence? Isn't the abuse of women and kids enough to justify in your mind the need for more jail space?

In making MY decision about the need for a jail - I went and did the research --- my question was, how many VIOLENT offenders do we REALLY have on the loose in this county ------the answer was about 3,000 warrants for domestic violence.

That was all I needed to know. These abusers need to face the courts because we know, factually, that without judicial intervention ( and too often with it but no "treatment") they do it again, and again , and again. This destroys the fabric of our community, it destroys and breeds more violent offenders as the kids who live with it grow up,....

Need, sufficiency --- that is in no way a waste or abuse of taxpayer dollars

at 8:08 AM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"usefullidiot said...I am soooooooo happy that...my bidding for...kid be available the next time...9:44 AM, September 11, 2007"

Stop da da da whining !

The use-less idiot of the NAZI party (tnp) keeps goose-stepping through that schmidty elephant dung propaganda while 'foley fondling our family values !



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