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Friday, September 07, 2007

New campaign finance reports!

Cincinnati city council candidates had to file their 60-days-before-the-election reports Friday with the Cincinnati Elections Commission. Here's who had what, in terms funds available:

Jeff Berding: $170,778

Pat Fischer: $159,077

John Cranley: $136,575

Leslie Ghiz: $131,392

Charlie Winburn: $120,728

David Crowley: $65,678

Chris Bortz: $135,933

Chris Monzel: $77,318

David Crowley: $65,678

Joan Kaup: $42,247

Roxanne Qualls: $36,914

Melanie Bates: $29,148

Laketa Cole: $26,701

Brian Garry: $26,018

John Eby: $25,499

Cecil Thomas: $16,092

Sam Malone: $15,946

George Zamary: $6,457

Michael Earl Patton: $439

Justin Jeffre: $150

Steve Pavelish: $0

(No complete reports were available for Minette Cooper, Greg Harris, Mitch Painter or Andre Harper.)


at 6:39 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, it doesn't appear that the cole-aberation is helping some !

Looks like the bird-ling has made some bungle-ing corporate deals on the backs of those in need !

I know, the bird-ling could put his campaign manager on commission !


HAD ENOUGH, VOTE, for real DEMOCRATS and Jeffre !

at 8:47 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

the nutjob bold guy supports jeffre? i always knew there was something fishy about him. now we know he has a thing for members of boy bands! (he's a little too old for your taste though, no?)

at 9:03 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Council should be Reugnicant-free after this election.

at 9:54 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Way to go Little Jeffre". Looks like you and your foot-tapping bold typist friend should set up a lemonade stand.

at 11:22 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a candidate for City Council I am financing my own campaign from my own bank account and when you see Steve Pavelish $0 in funds on hand all that means that I am keeping my word and not taking money from those who want to throw around influence. Check out the other candidates and their money chest. Where did this money come from?? Now who do you think really
runs the city? I ownly want to be influenced by you, the common voter.

Steve Pavelish

at 11:30 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, Steve Pavelish, am a candidate for Cincinnati City Council. When you see in this article that Steve Pavelish has $0 in the campaign fund on hand what this means is that I have kept my word and not taken money from those who want to influence policy making. I am financing my own campaign, out of my own bank account and therefor only have YOU to answer to.

Steve Pavelish

at 12:23 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Earl Patton:$439

Justin Jeffre:$150

Watching a couple of fringe candidates go down in flames: Priceless.

at 12:44 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who in the heck gave money to Brian Garry?!?!?!?!?!

at 5:29 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone in the psychiatric ward please medicate the "all italics, all exclamation points, all the time" liberal moonbat nutjob who posted above? Or at least restrict his internet access?

Your revolution is over, Mr. Moonbat. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Moonbat? The bums will always lose!

at 9:26 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how Harris isn't on time along with Minette Cooper, who was late the last time, and Andre Harper who no one really cares what he does

at 9:44 AM, September 08, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

Hey boys and girls!

Speaking of campaign finance, check out this PDF,


at 10:07 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No complete reports means Howard didn't add up the amounts but only looked at cover sheets

at 10:24 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris filed at 230pm yesterday. Call the city elections office and find out for yourself. Howard Wilkinson reported in error.

at 10:30 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm told Harris is putting 100,000 into his own campaign.

at 11:05 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berding can raise all the money he wants, but it can't remove the stench from him or his views.

Pack your bags, Jeff.

at 11:46 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

How pathetic it is that canidates are judged by how fast they can sell us out to the highest bidder.

And we pretend this is a democracy. This is nothing more than an elaborate money laundering scheme where 23% of the people that give money to the council race give 75% of the total amount in the race and many of them don't even live in our city. Not to mention the corporate money.

Shouldn't elections be about ideas, issues and platforms?

Why won't the media outlets like the Enquirer do their jobs and cover all the candidates fairly and go into great detail. Is it because most of that money raised goes through their greedy hands?

So much for journalism and clean elections. Bring the troops home and maybe they can bring us a fair democracy!

at 1:46 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiot is still obsessed with Bill Clinton! His hatred has blinded him to the utter and complete corruption and hypocrisy that has ruined his own party. He also turns a blind eye to the Bush/Cheney administration's repeated breaking of the law, from the Fisa laws to violating the Bill of Rights.

The idiot gets all of his news from Bill O'Rielly & Rush Limbaugh, and it shows. You have shown the world that you are a bat-sh*t crazy wingnut, you idiot. You are pathetic, and you need mental help.

at 3:31 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's hard to humble when your revered in soooooo many ways !

Your 'love' keeps lifting us higher !

Now, it is time for the use-less idiot from the NAZI party (tnp) to start cruising the airports !

We shall entrap the penny 'loafer' at 'Lunken' !



at 4:15 PM, September 08, 2007 Blogger Someone said...

For the Justin Jeffre haters: Do you comprehend that the campaign kickoff fundraiser was AFTER the reporting cutoff for these reports?

at 8:05 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..kickoff fundraiser was AFTER the reporting cutoff..."

None to woRry !

The wRong wingnut whackos haven't a 'foley fondling' chance in a paige's bathroom !

The bush-whackos are just upset that a viable candidate will out-perform their misleading candidates !

Money can't buy you votes !

PATHETIC 'foot-taper's !

HAD ENOUGH, VOTE for real DEMOCRATS and Jeffre !

at 8:17 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shows the brilliance of the Jeffre campaign, Mr. Dean. Is he gonna tell people to vote Nov. 7 while he's at it?

at 8:45 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you realize how stupid it is to have your campaign kick off in September?

I think that Garry even had his a month or so ago.

at 8:56 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harris doesn't have 100K to drop into the race.

That said, the next Council will be Reperv-free.

It comes down to the 9 Democrats, and 4 Charterites Qualls, Bortz, Kaup, and Bates. All of them will finish ahead of Leslie "I Think I've Alienated Almost All My Supporters" Ghiz and Chris "Just Why Do I Listen to Bradford" Monzel.

at 9:31 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think everyone will be surprised when a middle-of-the-pack fundraiser wins a seat on Council...thats right, I'm talking about John Eby!

at 11:38 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I'm talking about John Eby!..."

lol, lol, lol

Oh please: E-bay, with vote for sale, is so 'Red' that the use-less idiot of the NAZI party (tnp) stops 'foot-taping' to click the heals and spew the elephant dung propaganda, while waving the Commi-Red flag !

But hey, that laugh was better than a "Late Night with Letterman !



at 2:22 PM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, Howard is pretty lazy when it comes to these things. David Crowley is so nice we get to vote for him twice? (according to his dual ranking in this post).

Garry's detractors must get their campaign opinions from Brian Griffin's moldering four year old ruminations against him.

Mr. Pavelish must be doing something right: his yard signs are popping up on the West Side in actual yards (not rights of way and vacant lots like most candidates'.)

Kaup's hit her goal (published on this blog) of being in the fundraising top ten.

Anyway: did you catch Roxanne this morning on Newsmakers? That's right folks: she wants to SPEND MORE TIME studying The Banks instead of building it already!

Ah, a return to the heady days of Cincinnati burning while Roxanne fiddles and all private investment (Aquarium, Levee, Hofbrauhaus) goes south (of the river).

at 9:21 PM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's going to be great when all of these candidates spend over $100k on TV and Radio and there is so much of it in the race that they all lose. I agree with what the middle of the pack guy said...John Eby has a real shot if he plays his money well!

at 10:22 AM, September 10, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...


Sorry I stepped on that corn. My obsession is with the puppet master of the former President and the concept of the two of them re-occupying the White House.

Apparently in your myopic fervor, you failed to notice, in my link, that the Bush administration has had their feet held to the fire by this same watchdog group.

I work in the afternoon, which precludes me from listening to Rush (although the few times I have, I felt him too much of a party water-boy). I have not had a television in six years, and have never seen him.

Keep drinking the Clinton Cool-Aid Ty, even the diehard new leftists from the sixties turned 180 degrees when the truths of ‘Nam and Cambodia surfaced.

The Clintons have never cracked the code. We can’t let them crack America.

at 3:40 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that there are a lot of yard signs starting to pile up, but no one has mentioned the amount of yard signs for Charlie Winburn. The west side locations like glenway etc are covered in winburn signs. Someone must be stepping up or he just hired a good girl/guy to hop on the campaign

at 6:54 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiot is going to hate the next 4 years, because Hillary's going to be our next President! I pity the right wing fool, sitting in his parents basement, all alone in life, blogging all day and all night, suffering from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Watching you when the Dems take the White House, a super-majority in Congress and most of the statehouses next year is going to be sheer schadenfreude for us!

at 11:22 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yard signs mean squat. Charlie just coughed up the 1.75 per and another 10 an hour to have some kid stick them along the road.

I've seen candidates win without putting up a single sign. And I've seen candidates lose while putting up tens of thousands.

at 8:30 AM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 9-9-2:22
Qualls said nothing about studying the banks. She condemned the monolithic government project approach and proposed a more natural development.
She suggested studying interstate highway upgrades and transit options.
I was glad to see her speak approvingly of the bus portion of the ill fated Metro Moves plan that got tanked because of it being tied to the goofy light rail plan.

at 11:32 AM, September 11, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...


Will she give me five minutes to pack a bag?

at 1:01 PM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, yes she did. She seems to think it should take a long time to build out (versus letting market forces and demand drive the schedule). She wants to revisit its development mix and programming.

She mentioned MetroMoves when asked by Hurley- why hasn't she done squat about it while on the SORTA Board?

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