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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Schmidt caught plagiarizing – again? (UPDATED)

THIS is Rep. Jean Schmidt's column on school bus safety that came out last Friday.

Looks mighty similar to this THIS column written in October 2005 by now retired Ohio State Highway Patrol Col. Paul McClellan.


This would NOT BE THE FIRST time Schmidt has been caught using someone else's words in her column.

Is this really allowed??

Schmidt chief of staff Barry Bennett called this latest accusation of plagiarism "ridiculous."

"We even reference the instructions taken from the Ohio State Highway Patrol. They were safety instructions as recommended from the Highway patrol and appropriately referenced. I would hope that the safety instructions were indeed identical," he said in an e-mail.

Granted, school bus safety is not something many people would disagree on. But six sentences in the Highway Patrol column were cut and pasted in identical form into Schmidt's column. Despite one "According to..." phrase, there is no attribution.

That's not plagiarism?

---> Hat tip to The Daily Bellwether for noticing this latest Schmidt-ism. Click HERE to see a sentence-by-sentence comparison of the two columns.


at 3:08 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Props to the Enquirer for reporting something negative on Jean Schmidt. Now if only the publisher would allow it in the print edition and perhaps not consider a rubber-stamp endorsement of her yet again next November.

at 3:22 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. you know, next time, you guys should be a litttttle less blatantly anti-schmidt. that looks like it was taken straight from the dailykos. do i feel a plagiarism charge coming soon?

this is yet one more way for jean's opponents to evade having to talk about the REAL issues, yet again.

at 3:30 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schmidt says, "Here in Ohio, we have not experienced a fatal incident involving a child riding in a school bus since 1966, but there have been other accidents involving school buses where children were hurt or fatally injured."

I don't follow - we've had no fatal incidents, only fatal injuries?

at 3:51 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it with Jean Schmidt and the truth???

Lying about having 2 college degrees from 1989-2006?

Lying about endorsements from Tom Tancredo and the Family Research Council?

Lying about a telephone conversation she had with State Representative Danny Bubp?

Lying about supporting Piketon as a nuclear waste storage facility?

Passing work off as her own last year?

Doing it again this year?

Lying about ever meeting with Tom Noe?

Calling for doing business with Cuba, then taking money from Anti-Castro PACs?

Lying about trying to help Roger Ach set up an Internet lottery?

Failing to report gifts when she was a state rep?

Surely, I am missing some things.
What. An. Embarassment.

at 4:55 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:22 PM, as a Republican, I am embarassed by Jean Schmidt and would gladly take the most liberal Democrat in the world if he/she were an honest person over someone like Jean Schmidt.

600,000 people live in the 2nd Congressional District, surely Jean Schmidt is not the best person in there.

at 4:56 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for the hat-tip and citing The Daily Bellwether as your source. Really was a responsible thing to do. You have made a classy foray into the Ohiosphere, and people have noticed.

at 4:59 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, when I was a kid, I lived near Cleveland (please don't hold it against me, I am most decidedly NOT a Browns or Indians fan).

Anyway, there was a heated race for Cleveland Mayor in 1979 and then one of the candidates' daughters was killed in an accident involving a school bus right before the election. It was very tragic and it sent chills down my spine since the girl (I did not know her) and I were the same age and lived probably less than 10 miles apart.

So either Col. McClellan or Cong. Schmidt is off base here.

Incidentally, the guy with the daughter who was killed in the accident ended up winning the election. His name? George Voinovich. The guy he beat? Dennis Kucinich. Small world.

at 5:13 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this hilarious video from the Wulsin campaign after Schmidt's first (that we know of) plagiarism goof:


Get Xerox Jean out!

at 5:50 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daily Bellweather sounds surprised that the Enquirer did the right thing!

at 7:44 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical for all to be the protectionists wRong wingnut whacko for "mean jean" !

All schmidt-heads make me vomit !

One would think,they woild be capible of better work than to try and defend the undefendable !

lol, lol, lol



at 7:46 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am absolutely no fan of Schmidt's but this seems commical, but way over blown - she cited her source, what's the problem?

at 7:51 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... would gladly take the most liberal Democrat in the world if he/she were an honest person over someone like Jean Schmidt...."

Well, she is not all that liberal, but, you will loooove Wulsin !


at 8:01 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean Schmidt never gets a break in anything she does. She writes according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol about school bus safety and now that’s the new definition of plagiarizing. Amazing how the blogosphere defines journalism these days.

at 8:03 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're kidding, right?! Rep. Schmidt cites standardized safety language in a column and you cry "plagerism"? This is certainly Pulitzer material for a budding young political journalist. In case you can't tell (and apparently from your lack of investigative skill, you can't) that was sarcasm.

You spent a whole column on this ridiculous non-scandal yet the Enquirer utters not a word about the illicit campaign funds received by Gov. Strickland and Senator Brown from felon Hsu who has now jumped bail. Tell me, which is the more important story?

This is the reason why print media is dying. You try to manufacture controversy where there is none and ignore more important stories to fit an agenda. The only embarassment to Rep. Schmidt's district is the poor quality of the local fishwrap.

at 8:06 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another monumental mountain out of a molehill and boosts my hopes even higher than they already were that Congresswoman Jean Schmidt will win yet another primary and general next year. This kind of silly crap is all her opponents have, and it won't be enough to defeat her in 2008.

And Anonymous at 3:51 pm, 9/6/07, I smell a nutty Nathan Noy in your stale, worn-out attempts to smear the good Congresswoman. By your own admission you did miss something: the unbelievably stupid claim that she didn't finish a marathon race in Columbus in 1994. That one was the creme de la creme of utter inanity. Get a life and catch up to current events.

And Anonymous at 4:55 pm, 9/6/07, I, too, am a Republican. Indeed, I'm a Barry Goldwater/Ronaldus Maximus member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, and I'm here to tell you that the good Congresswoman doesn't embarrass me. If you'd rather vote for a pro-abortion cut and run socialist (AKA damned Dem) than vote for Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, then I suggest you examine your party affiliations and line them up with your personal political priorities. And quit referring to yourself as a member of the GOP. We don't want someone who would help the dem/libs into office rather than support a pro-life, pro-prosecution of the war against the thugs and murderers of Islamic Fascism, pro-gun rights, fiscal conservative, pro-traditional family, anti-illegal immigration, pro-strict constructionist judges and pro-Social Security reform Republican with proven credentials to back every single assertion I just made.

at 8:12 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read in the Enquirer. Malia, your not going to win an award for your 7th grade reporting habits. Jean Schmidt gave credit to the Ohio State Patrol and that should be the end of story. Her staff needed to spend a little more time on "extracting" part of the info, but my lord, Malia. Doesn't matter, she has faced this bully clan before, and she'll keep winning and winning and winning.

at 8:57 PM, September 06, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean Schmidt caught lying? That's new! Malia, we all know Jean's not the truth telling type; there's no reason to beat a dead horse.
It's amazing that Jean plagiarizing is such hot news. It's not like she faked having a college degree or used fraudulent endorsements.

at 3:40 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Parker, the Democratic Candidate for US Congress who ran for US Congress in the 2006 primary always tells the truth.

Jim Parker won Pike and Scioto Counties and came in 2nd place almost all the way to Cincinnati. He never attacked another candidate and he ran a decent, honest campaign without hardly spending a dime.

I hear that Jim Parker might be running for US Congress again in the future.

Look at his website:


Jim Parker seems like an honest person to me. He is exactly the kind of person that we really need to represent us in Washingotn. I will be proud to vote for Jim Parker if he ever runs for US Congress again.

at 7:40 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the American Heritage Dictionary (There...happy?)

pet·ty (pt) KEY

pet·ti·er , pet·ti·est
Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.
Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.
Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.
Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate.

As used in a sentence:

The Enquirer published a petty story about Jean Schmidt which was written by the Enquirer's petty staff.

at 9:33 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the Jean Schmidt defenders on this site:

Yes, she did write "according to the Highway Patrol" in her column. However, even the introduction and other sentences which occur prior to the citation are remarkably similar.

As a former teacher, I can tell you that I would fail a student who turned in this work as his/her own were I to know of the other source. I know of no other teacher who would let it go, either.

This is theft by a lazy staffer, nothing more and nothing less. Schmidt's problem is in continuing to excuse it.

at 10:04 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plagiarism? That is just an absurd charge. Bill Sloat and Malia Rulon should be ashamed. Maybe inproper attribution. It was clearly attributed to the OSHP, but not in the proper way.

Give us a break. Let's get some real news, not this made up crap.

at 11:09 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is theft by a lazy staffer, nothing more and nothing less. Schmidt's problem is in continuing to excuse it."


I am far from a fan of Jean Schmidt but there are other reasons to hate her. Nit-picking lazy citation isn't one of them.

at 1:04 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very nice of you to act upon a hot tip from the democrats, I'm so glad that we have some one such as yourself to go around and make mountains out of mole hills. Hey! I got it, next time, why not just make it headline news, then just maybe you might discredit her and finally get her out of office.

at 3:01 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Malia, so you have a hard-on for Republicans. No story there, but your latest attempt to jump on the anti-Schmidt bandwagon is both transparent and pathetic.

Congresswoman Schmidt referenced the Ohio State Patrol - and that's good enough for government work and 99% of the public. She's not writing a dissertation or a peer-reviewed journal article on the migration of Indian Ocean sea birds. She's simply trying to get helpful information out to her constituents - part of her job, don't you know. Not everyone in society is required to abide by what J-school types like you feel is the proper way to disseminate information. This story highlights why Dinosaur Media like the Enquirer is in its final death throes.

at 3:02 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schmidt Happens...again. Why should anyone be surprised.

at 3:11 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey folks, leave 'er alone. It's a slow news day and she's probably still tired from the rainbow party she hosted last night.

at 3:52 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This story highlights why Dinosaur Media like the Enquirer is in its final death throes."

That's funny-- since it was one of those "New Media" blogs breaking the story. Blogs being the things you right-wing Jesus Freaks think will somehow turn the tide in favor of your discredited and sometimes criminal ideas and politicians.

Let's be clear here. This is about Jean Schmidt and her ability to tell the truth. She went around for 18 years claiming on multiple occasions a degree she did not have. She lied about having some endorsements she did not have. She lied about a call she had with one of her biggest supporters (at the time), which caused her national embarassment. She cribbed a story from another colleague last year.

At some point, enough is enough. She. Has. To. Go.

at 4:25 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

She didn't "cite her source."

She said, "According to..." and then proceeded to write as though the words were entirely hers.

Most folks expcet a U.S. Representative and her staff to be a bit more professional.

This is just more proof we have a clueless amateur in office.

Please, Tom Brinkman, save us from this woman.

at 4:43 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

at 4:56 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure is one-sided reporting!! It sure is obvious to any readers the contempt that Malia has for our duly elected representative!
Isn't there some real news that needs to be reported out of DC ? Or is it that our local paper is happy with the trash that Malia decides to spend her time reporting! How about picking a battle against others in DC that are trying to take every dime we earn and leave our representative, elected by majority vote in the 2nd district, do her job without rediculous accusations.

at 5:47 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that the Schmidtheads are using the same arguments that the Clintonistas were using about BIll Clinton 10 years ago.

How does that make you feel? Baseless accusations of the motives of a reporter? Raising all sorts of side issues to spin this away from your hero? Placing the blame somewhere else other than on the person doing the deeds?

At least James Carville had the decency to show his face on national television when he did it.

You right-wing Bible Thumpers like to hide anonymously on a computer. Thanks for taking time out from cruising the men's rooms and dressing in women's clothing (then preaching against gay people)to come on here and enlighten us with your hateful drivel.

It is so liberating to not be associated with you hateful bigots anymore.

at 6:51 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

That post was certainly not Jim Parker. I know Jim Parker. And you sir, are no Jim Parker.

Anywhoo, this story is silly. I'm a Dem but jumping all over Schmidt for this is dumb. The political debate in our region and our counrty needs to be advanced and we need to get over petty nonsense like this.

If we use these tactics to go after Republicans we are no better than them. C'mon guys, were supposed to be the enlightened ones.

at 8:28 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all of you lame dweebs who take this blogging junk seriously:


Y'all need to get laid or a coke habit.

I've got an excuse to be doing this crap... i'm laid up with a broken leg i got while walking home drunk.

oh yeah, and jean schmidt ran by my house the other day. she's surprisingly short.


at 9:14 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's no surprise that the right-wing Jesus Freaks jump so quickly to defend Jean. Plagiarizing? Lying? That's nothing compared to defending their election-stealing, illegal war-starting, job-outsourcing, tax-cutting, deficit-causing, minority-hating, school-destroying, covert agent outing, domestic spying, Constitution-shredding, infrastructure-neglecting "President." And Jean is one of the leading aiders and abettors of their putrid agenda.

at 11:56 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a joke! The Enquirer should have more important things to do than pick on a US Rep writing about School Bus safety! I hope that all of us would use the safety tips...and it's not like their supposed to be top secret. C'mon Malia, report on something that matters!

at 1:42 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in from the schmidt'y pack:

'mean jean' needs a colon-rink-a-dink an elephant dew cleanser before she turns things over for a 'staffer' again !

A 'head' is going to roll !

Talk about: 'cut and run' !

We bet the use-less idiot of the NAZI party (tnp) will be willing to goose-step to the rear and fill that vacancy left in the inner circle !



at 1:02 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how Mean Jean's apologists here and elsewhere are, as usual, absolving her of any responsibility for this latest embarrassment. It's always someone else's fault. Mean Jean is never responsible for her numerous scandals and embarrassing behaviors. It's time we clean out the trash by replacing Mean Jean with a Republican who can represent us well.

at 9:20 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cincy Jeff..why don't you get a life, or a job, or something. Your postings are as crazy and out there than the BOLD TYPIST! Your man Brinkman is going down...and don't forget the "real crimnal".

at 10:40 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no embarrassment here, unless you are embarrassed by the quixotic efforts of Congresswoman Jean Schmidt's detractors to build an Everest out of an anthill. I don't blame them; it's all they have, and they have to do the best they can with essentially nothing. But, as usual, their empty endeavors won't be anywhere near enough to unseat the good Congresswoman in 2008. Count on it.

at 1:21 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intersting attention that I'm getting in Cincinnati these days. I only have one thing to say... Ted Strickland is the greatest Governor that Ohio has ever known!

I am proud to have voted for him and I only wish I could say the same thing about all the politicians in Washington...

These days, there's just way too much money being spent on political campaigns. It's all kind of sad if you really think about it.

I really like the people that I've met throughout the 2nd District. That's why, even though I will not be a candidate in 2008, I have been knocking on family's doors all throughout the 2nd district since the last election. People in this country are having problems and we need serious people in Washington who are truly committed to making a difference in the lives of others. But also, they have to be smart, genuine and kind. There is something lacking in the people who represent us in Washington when it comes to those requirements (except for Sherrod Brown).

And I do always tell the truth...

Jim Parker
Former / Futue Democratic Candidate for US Congress
Southern Ohio - 2nd District

at 11:10 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


The House passed H.R. 2786, to reauthorize the programs for housing assistance for Native Americans


• Rep. John Boehner (R-8) N

• Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-2) N

Both voted NO !

Compassionate Conservatives



at 11:25 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm confused. Are you running this time or aren't you?

You know, you would probably be wise to run for something small in Pike Co. in the meantime.

at 10:15 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Parker is not interested in running again for any office.

at 7:13 AM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking. Not right now. I'm going to stick to saying THANK YOU about 25,000 more times before I try again... I believe that if I continue to do the right things for the right reasons that, eventually, enough people will listen to what I have to say and enough people will realize what I am capable of doing for my country.

I have proven this to some degree already. In 2005, I ran for Congress against politicians, lawyers and millionaires. Nobody ever heard of me and less than 700 people voted for me. I lost that primary but hardly spent any money at all. Then, less than one year later, in 2006, I ran again. That time, I went out and talked with a few thousand people. In 2006 I missed second place by about 100 votes. More than 6,000 people voted for me. I won two counties and came in 2nd place in three others. The person who came in 2nd place spent almost $70,000. And the candidate who won the primary spent more than $1 million dollars but still lost in November. The only money I spent was on gas, paper and ink. My campaign was funded entirely out of my own pocket and I published everything myself and went door to door from Waverly and Portsmouth all the way to Cincinnati. Many of the people who voted for me know who I am and they believe in what I am trying to do. Money doesn't win the second district. Many candidates before me have proven that to be a fact.

My name is Jim Parker and I am on a mission to save Medicare. The Medicare system is running out of money at the same time the baby boom generation is getting ready to retire. I proposed a plan to expand Medicare from age 65 down to age 55 and to allow employers to purchase healthcare coverage for their workers at a rate set by the federal govwernment. And the federal government doesn't pay executives millions of dollars per year. I can lower the cost of healthcare for every man, woman and child in America. I have ideas to expand the Southern Ohio and the American economy. I was the only Democrat who refused to raise taxes for the people I tried to represent. If ever elected, I will be a Congressman who takes the lead in battling greed and corruption at the highest levels of government and industry in this nation. The key to Americ'as economic future begin with bringing an end to the war in Iraq. The key to America's future begins with battling the greed of the insurance companies, prescription drug companies and the oil companies that have been hurting the middle class and the poorest Americans; people who I love very much.


I will accomplish these three objectives by continuing to do what I have been doing one person at a time in all the right places. The next time I run for US Congress I intend to win the elcetion in all 7 counties in our district. In many places, "Jim Parker" has become a household name. People who have met me know that I am exactly the kind of person that they need to represent them in Washington. I am not owned by any special interest group, I work for the people of Southern Ohio. I do that everyday right now when I work for them in healthcare. I will continue to work for the people that I care so much about for the rest of my life.

And if you don't believe that a man from a small town in Southern Ohio can be the next Congressman to represent 650,000 people who live and raise their families in Southern Ohio, then you haven't met Ted Strickland. He lost his campaigns for Congress several times but he never gave up because he knew that what he was trying to do was the right thing for millions of people. He won his district one person at a time. Eventually, and God willing, so will I...

I appreciate your question. THANK YOU and have a nice day.

Future Democratic Candidate for US Congress
Southern Ohio - 2nd District


at 7:19 AM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...And I do always tell the truth...1:21 AM, September 09, 2007"

Isn't it true lying jim, that you had promised to go home to your wife and kids and never blog again ?

Isn't it true lying jim, that you have been guilty of sock-puppet blogging by responding favorably to your own posts, anonymous ?

Isn't it true lying jim, that you currently are doing the same thing ?

We have your IP address, sooooo come on jim:

"...always tell the truth...1:21 AM, September 09, 2007"


HAD ENOUGH, VOTE for a real DEMOCRAT 2007 !

at 4:15 PM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just to let you know, Vic Wulsin is not a politician, lawyer, or millionaire. And she only spent $40k to win the primary.

at 6:37 AM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check how much money was spent in the general election in 2006 ---> more than $1 MILLION DOLLARS.

The truth...

at 4:23 PM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim prides himself on running a no-funds campaign against "politicians, lawyers, and millionaires" when he was beat by someone who falls into none of those categories and barely spent any money to beat him. She won her primary on about $2 a vote.

Sure, she spent more money than Jim but she spent significantly less than Thor.Jim can't really use money as an excuse for losing when Wulsin spent a little over half (by Jim's numbers) of what her closest competitor.

The point is, in any campaign, it isn't how much money you spend but how you spend it. Though Wulsin did spend that much in the general, she waited too long to start spending it.

Either which way, though, you still need money. You can't knock on everybody's door...

at 9:42 PM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't need to knock on everybody's door... only 25,000 of them...

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