Qualls, Subcommittee Chairwoman
When she was announced as the replacement for Jim Tarbell, Roxanne Qualls said two of her favorite topics to work on were transportation and infrastructure.
So guess what new subcommittee she leads? The one created Thursday afternoon, in a motion put forth by Jeff Berding and approved by all nine, on transportation and infrastructure.
The new subcommittee's members will be the leaders of the finance, economic development and vibrant neighborhoods committees. That's John Cranley, Chris Bortz and Laketa Cole, respectively.
Berding called it a very important role for her and an important subcommittee, particularly because of the massive pending project to rehab and add lanes to Interstate 75. Planning strategically, he said, for the areas along that corridor will be crucial over the next few years.
Seems, the bird-ling is already hen-pecked !
We can't wait until the vice-mayor gets the sweat revenge with a 'cheaney' bird-ling hunting trip !
How's the Dem suck-up, bird-ling !
We thought bird-ling promised to help the cole-aberator with that bungle-ing campaign cash !
Bird-ling 'flip-flops' faster than a cross-dressing lesbian !
Since bird-ling is single, we wonder if there isn't a little 'foot-tapping' under that council table as he goes Qualls hunting !
We bet the west-side wRong wingnut whackos appreciate the bird-ling housing abandonment faster than his flocking to the 'fascist five' !
The bird-ling says: Section Eight - NOT IN MY BACKYARD !
We shall keep on the Mt. Lookout !
Out of my way canidates, (elbow, elbow) there is an opportunity to grand-stand with the governor !
HAD ENOUGH, VOTE for a real DEMOCRAT and Jeffre !
I thought the mayor appointed all committee chairs.
Guess Qualls has already taken over from Mayor Zero.
"...I thought the mayor appointed all committee chairs...."
Here we go again, the sock-puppet, use-less idiot, of the NAZI party (tnp) sucking-up the elephant dung propaganda and blowing their rhetoric !
Can anyone say :
sub-committee ?
PATHETIC 'foot-tapers' !
Hey foot-tapping bold typist! Do you enjoy foot-tapping in your high heels while stalking Ms. Qualls?
What is a subcommittee?Worked in city hall for years...never heard of one of those.
Qualls is taking over and Mallory does not have the guts to do anything about it.
There also was, may still be, an Education Subcomittee that Crowley chaired so he could throw more taxpayer money down the CPS rathole and suck up even more to the CFT union and grab some cashola for his campaigns.
"...What is a subcommittee?Worked in city hall for years...never heard of one of those...."
Foot-taping in the wRong wingnut restrooms does not qualify for well informed.
Sorry (w), I'm the Decider !
I'm ready to write in Britney Spears for Council!!!!!!!
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