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Friday, September 07, 2007

Thursday's final score: Liberals 1, Coulter 0

Ann Coulter, best-selling author and talking head, has come and gone from Xavier University, and the Cintas Center still stands.

Lots of people expected the kind of fireworks Coulter's campus appearances usually generate, with hot-heads from both sides causing a rumpus inside and outside the lecture hall. The Xavier administration (which had nothing to do with bringing Coulter to the Cintas Center; that was the college's Republican Club) even sought out some advice from administrators at Loyola of Chicago - like Xavier, a Jesuit school - on how they dealt with a Coulter campus appearance.

In the end, though, nothing happened. Coulter gave what, for her, was a fairly tepid speech, received fairly tepidly by the 1,273 in the hall.

The liberal groups on and off campus played it cool - they had gone out and raised $26,000, mostly in the blogosphere, for liberal groups on campus and they stayed far away from the Cintas Center. Instead, they held an old-fashioned political rally in another part of the campus.

As they sometimes say in the Cintas Center, when the Muskies are playing, no harm, no foul.

Here's the Enquirer coverage:



at 10:03 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the libs 1, Ann 0 headline? Looks to me like it was a standoff for both sides, and your liberal bias is showing.

at 10:09 AM, September 07, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

Why isn't the Enquirer covering the story about that Chines guy named Norman the cops had to pull out of a car on that East Fork boat ramp?????

at 10:10 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there, as I know you, Mr. Wilkinson were.
"Liberals 1, Coulter 0"? Hardly.
Whenever one of the students (or college age people) politely asked one of their loaded question-statements, the cool Ann Coulter deftly answered, leaving the poor soul to sulk back to their seat shaking their head. Sure, the questioners were limited in their response to Coulters responses by moderators, but the majority of the audience came to hear the genius of Coulter - not uninformed opinion. Coulter 10, Liberals 0 is a more accurate assesment.

at 10:48 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical wRong wingnut whacko coulter spining her elephant dung propaganda !

Flip-flop faster than a cheney Iraq invasion position !

When the first lady was in office they certainly didn't refer to her as thin !

We all know that coulter spent time shaking her 'finney fanny' for Bill, even if it was political incorrect !

Another wRong wingnut whacko in bed with the sexy democrats !


at 11:07 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the genius of Coulter - not uninformed opinion"

That's funny because the genius of Coulter is her uninformed opinion.

I'm pleased to see that both sides played it cool--it makes me proud of my city.

Coulter's ignorant hate-mongering is tired and useless and designed to dumb down the political debate. I'm glad that everyone saw it for what it was: counterproductive nonsense.

at 11:18 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, this headline makes no sense.

at 11:21 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was left out of the story regarding hecklers that Coulter often confronts during her speeches was that she's been physically assaulted by open minded free speech liberal leftists with cream pies,too.
Name a LIB speaker who's endured that type of "heckling".I won't hold my breath.

at 11:25 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Enquirer's own reporting, about 200 people countered Coulter and about 1300 people heard her speak. Sounds like she's ahead 6-1.

We know that if Howard ever went into sports reporting, he'd always root for the blue teams. :)

at 11:29 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals: +$26,000 contributed to student groups that support the concepts that Ann rails against.

Ann: Cost +$20,000 with less than 500 tickets sold ($2,500) to re-coop costs

It's clear who "won"!

at 11:59 AM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the genius of Coulter"

at 1:04 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Name a LIB speaker who's endured that type of "heckling".I won't hold my breath."

Ralph Nader! Keep holding your breath please.

at 2:23 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Why the libs 1, Ann 0 headline? Looks to me like it was a standoff for both sides, and your liberal bias is showing...."

The use-less idiot of the NAZI party keeps clulessly goose-stepping to the wRong wingnut whacko, elephant dung propaganda !

The wRong wingnut whackos pity-patted that foot and the trans-gender, crack whore, got pimped for $20,000 and raised aprox. $6250 for a net loss !

The opposition netted $26,000 !

coulter definitely was a zero !

So, to be fare and enlighten the use-less idiot of the NAZI party (tnp) the score:

Opposition (ROI) $ 26,000
coulter (ROI) (13,750)

That's a negative $ 13,750 !



at 2:32 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


You somehow neglected to mention that Ann Coulter received enthusiastic applause after nearly every one of her answers during the Q & A session. Why didn't you report in your story that Ms. Coulter spent another half hour or so interacting with the audience during the Q & A? You made it sound like she simply tossed a few verbal hand grenades for 35
minutes, picked up her check, and left the arena. Is it possible that you snuck out of Cintas
Center immediately following her speech because the Xavier audience was more polite than you had hoped?

Lastly, in the online edition of the Cincinnati Enquirer, the headline of your story reads "Coulter draws yawns, not jeers." That headline is inaccurate
and misleading. That the audience was respectful of a speaker does not logically lead to the conclusion that the audience was bored. Coulter did not draw jeers.
She also did not draw yawns. Yes, I realize that a lowly, angry, and liberal [redundant, I know]Enquirer copy editor
contributed that headline. It illustrates an anti-Conservative bias at the Enquirer and it reflects poorly on you since it's the headline to your story. Your blog comments further illustrate your tired, uninspired approach to news-gathering.

All in all, I was very disappointed in the Enquirer's
coverage of the Ann Coulter event at Xavier. On a positive note, I was very impressed by Ms. Coulter's spirited dialogue with the Cintas Center audience. The event was a great success and a tribute to the Jesuit tradition of excellence in higher education.

at 3:36 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's also not forget that all 1,273 people gave Coulter a standing ovation...seems pretty well recieved to me. I would stack this headline up as Coulter 1 Liberals 0 as there were 1,273 people in the crowd at coulter while a mild 94 were at the protest on the greenspace, most of them non-students. So come on Howard, they were nice to you. As I understand they gave you a front row seat...don't you think in appreciation of even letting you in the building you should try to play this one down the middle?!

at 4:26 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that it is absolutely insane that people are accusing the Enquirer of having a libral bias.

This is the same paper that endorsed Ken Blackwell.

Even if you are unhappy with the reporting of this story, history indicates that the reporters and the editorial board are anything but liberals.

"The event was a great success and a tribute to the Jesuit tradition of excellence in higher education."

Did you miss the part where she alluded to Democrats as being terrorists? Or what about the part where she called them all drug addicts?

Is this really "spirited dialogue?" Is this actually in line with any part of "Jesuit tradition?"

at 5:03 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal said: "Is this really 'spirited dialogue?' Is this actually in line with any part of 'Jesuit tradition?'"

You obviously never took English 101. It's called hyperbole and it has been with us since Cicero was in short pants. If you had actually attended college, you'd know that.

at 5:40 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon guys, give Howard a break. We all know he has to battle Malia for the job of press secretary to the next Democrat Congressman elected from the Cincinnati area.

And Malia is much, much easier on the eyes.

They are going to pull out all the stops for Driehaus and Wulsin/Black (sorry, Jim) and against Chabot and Schmidt.

You saw the same thing in the gubernatorial race when Strickland hired someone who wrote a bunch of puff pieces about him in the Cleveland New Dealer.

at 6:45 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

vox populi,

That's not hyperbole. Hyperbole is obvious overstatement. Perhaps you were being sarcastic but if that is the case your point makes even less sense.

What is comforting is that, given Coulter's cold welcome, she (and you) are certainly not the voice of the people. Here schtick has worn out its welcome and America has moved on.

Oh, and you are right. I never did take English 101. I tested out of it.

at 7:56 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal groups out-classed Ann Coulter.

Then again, it's not difficult to out-class Ann Coulter.

at 8:26 PM, September 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all of the Ann "I'll say anything for a buck" Coulter fans:


(Google the above phrase and picture. It's very funny!)

at 5:38 AM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You weren't in Cintas Center, so I don't blame you for getting it wrong. Reading Howard's story got you all jumbled up. Ann Coulter received a warm response from the people of Cincinnati. The loony left didn't have the guts to show up in front of Coulter's crowd.

As for cold welcomes, that's what Bill receives every other month or so when he and Hillary find themselves in the same city by some strange coincidence.

at 10:04 AM, September 08, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

Please tell me the diff between Ann "I'll say anything for a buck" Coulter and James " My first big movie roll was the banjo player in deliverance" Carville ???

at 4:46 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the comments spewed from the left on this blog indicate their absence from Coulter's appearence but not their unchecked hatred. Typical.

Howard's comments show, at best, inaccurate reporting and at worst dishonesty.

I was there.

-The left leaning group who attended DID NOT in any way upstage Coulter.
-The audience as a whole were polite but not bored.
-Ann Coulter recieved a standing ovation at the end and subduded laughter and applause during.

Xaiver should be commended on their preparation for this event. The Xavier students on both the right and left showed that political debate can occur without the hateful rhetoric displayed on this blog.

at 7:45 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"political debate can occur without...hateful rhetoric"

That is all that anyone is asking for...and that is why Coulter is so loathed. She is hateful rhetoric personified.

She isn't Tucker Carlson or Pat Buchanon. She isn't Bob Novack or Jim Scarborough. Those people are conservative but are they are also engaging, bright, and insightful. This is the woman who just said that "terrorists are Democrats with more gumption."

How is this rhetoric productive? She is spiteful and divisive and she is dumbing down the political debate in our country.

It is ok to be a conservative, I am no bleeding heart myself, but do us all a favor and turn off Coulter and O'Reilly and turn on Scarborough or Carlson. Our country will be much better for it.

at 8:57 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, liberals and conservatives agree on one thing: Howard Wilkinson did a crappy job reporting this one!

I think the score is The Truth 24, Wilkinson 0.

at 10:55 PM, September 08, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...tnp said...10:03 AM, September 07, 2007..."

"...usefullidiot said...10:09 AM, September 07, 2007..."

We told you we would entrap the sock puppet, use-less idiot, of the NAZI party (tnp) !

We told you we had your IP address !

10:03 am - pity !
10:09 am - pat !

Tap-dance around that, girls !

lol, lol, lol

These two are so close pity-patting the 'foot' that they eat and breath each others elephant dung propaganda while blowing the wRong wingnut whacko rhetoric !

We think they are bush-whacko dick-traders !

PATHETIC 'foot-tapers" !


at 1:50 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oped, spewed to you through the wingnut noise filter machine, ala Faux News. Seriously, these people are suffering from Right Wing Derangement Syndrome because they know that they are going to loose bigtime at the pols next November.

at 1:57 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have to agree. The left and the right at Xavier(a bunch of college kids) played this right on both sides. They showed way more class then those on the right and left on this blog that choose to call people names and throw around insults. At Xavier they showed us what free speech is and that both groups can get their points across. Here on this blog all we get is the same tired name calling. At Xavier they actually had a debate on the issues and let the people make a decision on what they wanted to follow and believe. Thank you Xavier students for showing us how American Politcs should work. There are many on this blog who could learn from you. Both sides at Xavier stayed away from the name calling and insults. Too bad people like the Bold face printer can't learn from you that insults are for babies. College students taught us all a valuable lesson.

at 7:40 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that the anti-Coulter crowd here continues to attempt character assassination and does nothing to counter any of her political points. Perhaps that's because you anti-Coulter people know that you don't have a leg to stand on where the facts are concerned? Or maybe your hatred of her stems from the fact that she is one of the few conservatives that won't back down and responds in kind to the political attacks of the left wing socialists out there. In any case, you left wing nut jobs continue to show that you have no class and no positions that do not conflict with the American Constitution and the ideals of individual liberty and limited government in support of those freedoms.

News Flash for the historical facts impaired crowd of the left, it was not socialism, group think, and "diversity" that made America the greatest nation ever to exist, but in fact a homogenous population with a common culture, common language, and a belief in God given rights over which government has no legitimate power under any circumstances.

at 11:50 AM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Anonymous said...
I see that the anti-Coulter crowd...7:40 AM, September 09, 2007..."

Well, we sent the bag-man for the wRong wingnut whacko college club into submission, as he now posts his rhetoric anonymous !

Once again, we entrap the use-less idiots of the NAZI party as they hide behind that 'schmidty' pile of elephant dung !

You writing style and rhetoric is easily revealed !

We have your IP address !

You have a lot to learn 'college boy' !

If you are the future of the wRong wingnut party then we have turned fundamentalist !




at 2:31 PM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous hypocrite 7:40am:

You're actually accusing others of character assassination while defending Ann Coulter, the chief character assassin of all times? You are a pathetic kool-aid drinking Reich-Winger masquerading as a 'patriotic American', but you wouldn't know a real American value if one hit you in the head.

at 2:45 PM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, but all of the anti-Coulter folks I know DON'T read her columns and DON'T listen to her speak and DON'T buy her books.

Yet they all know so much about her...

at 9:22 PM, September 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along?

Ann is making herself rich by spouting goofy stuff - but apparently some of both sides are taking her seriously.

If this is "political debate", heaven help us.

at 2:52 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


"...Yet they all know so much about her...2:45 PM, September 09, 2007"

We know she called a presidential candidate a fag !

That is enough to send the trans-gender, 'crack whore coulter' packing a 'foot-taping' use-less idiot of the NAZI party (tnp) !



at 4:02 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's clear from the anti-Coulter spin that Howard Wilkinson put on this story that he's a tired old hack "reporter" who needs to be sent to the glue factory - or the Cincinnati Post, perhaps.

at 4:09 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone in the psychiatric ward please medicate the "all italics, all exclamation points, all the time" foot-tapping, liberal moonbat who posted 5 times on this issue alone?

Your revolution is over, Mr. Moonbat. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Moonbat? The bums will always lose!

at 6:54 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....The bums will always lose.."

Ala 2006, congress, governor, SOS, state AG !

Arn't we glad that we have social programs for people whom have found themselves the victum of 'foot-taping', 'foley fondling' like:

'the dude' !



at 9:24 PM, September 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, the bums will always lose...just like they did last November.

And just like they will in 2008.

at 7:37 AM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bums will always lose!

thats the best news i've heard in a long time. throw the bums out, starting with that moron in the white house.

at 10:10 PM, September 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The democRAT Congress has a much lower approval rating than President Bush.


"PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll finds Congress' approval rating the lowest it has been since Gallup first tracked public opinion of Congress with this measure in 1974. Just 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 76% disapprove, according to the August 13-16, 2007, Gallup Poll."

Source: http://www.galluppoll.com/content/?ci=28456

Throw the democRAT bums out!

at 4:17 PM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the Dude said...President Bush...approval rating the lowest it has been since Gallup first tracked public opinion...in 1974....Americans approve of... democrat...10:10 PM, September 11, 2007"

Looks like we have another east-side wRong wingnut whacko as the 'blower' of that 'schmidty' elephant dung propaganda !

the dude blew the 'whistle' on herself !

She probably had a 'foley fondling', 'foster' parent that beat her with a 'Kane' !

SorRy, charlie !

PATHETIC hypocRites !


at 4:44 PM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude writing in the bold italicized print

1. you are one crazy fella and need to find more to do with your time than go on a conservative website and babble to the WRONG crowd. why don't you go on some site for hilary and talk about how much you love her or whatever cause we don't want to hear your crap.

2. who goes off calling anyone NAZI? that's not something you should casually throw around and you should know better than to do that

3. what is important in developing an ACTUAL argument are facts and RATIONAL THINKING. your babbling simply undermines any intellectual thought or argument and simply turns any individual off from wanting to talk to you.

you are simply crazy and if you continue to babble random comments with no sense at all, please keep them inside your head and not on this website.

thank you.

at 4:51 PM, September 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

slanted bold print person: your ignorance and nonsense babbling really undermines any sort of intelligence you may contain.

an ADULT or should i say GROWN-UP argument contains actual facts instead of name calling, such as NAZI. you should realize that such a name should not be thrown around so nonchalantly. you should think about what you're saying and maybe you'll wake up and realize YOU MAKE NO SENSE.

and ps you're really annoying and should be commenting on a democratic blog and not bothering us rational thinkers.


at 8:32 AM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Anonymous said...one crazy fella...conservative...love...crap.
...NAZI...developing...babbling...comments with no sense...4:44 PM, September 12, 2007

"Anonymous said...slanted...babbling...contain....NAZI....NO SENSE...annoying...rational thinkers...4:51 PM, September 12, 2007"

Thanks 4:44 PM

Thanks 4:51 PM

Sock-puppet, sock-puppet lend us your thumb !

the dude is so dumb !

who talks to the bum ?

Sock-puppet, Sock-puppet talks to his-self on the blog !

His life in a: goose-stepping fog !


Hey, dude we have your IP address !

Stop da da da whining !

We have the dude's schmitdy fingers burning up the keyboard !

lol, lol, lol



at 10:49 AM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy moonbat liberal: return to your cave of ignorance. You make everyone dumber just by posting on our blog.

at 11:57 PM, September 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


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