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Monday, October 22, 2007

Willke believes Romney

Many social conservative leaders have questioned the anti-abortion street cred of Mitt Romney because of his fairly recent conversion to the pro-life side, but Cincinnati's John Willke is not among the doubters.

Willke, who, with his wife Barbara, founded the National Right-to-Life organization in the early 1970s, hopped on the Romney bandwagon late last week. In a press release issued by the Romney campaign, Willke said of Romney that "every decision he made as governor was on the side of life."


at 12:51 PM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how Kerry got labeled (and bashed)a flip-flopper by the Repubs for having nuanced positions. Yet Romney, a bona fide flip flopper and political opportunist, is getting a free pass.

This is hypocrisy at its finest.

Romney is bad news and both sides should realize that.

at 4:05 PM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in complete agreement with the first comment. Mitt is a dangerous power hungry greedy titan that will stop at nothing to get his singular neocon message out. He no longer believes in abortion and wants to ban it. Doesn't really fit in with the new GOP message of no healthcare for little ones, does it? Whatever, not to worry, doesn't really matter what Mitt wants, the GOP could put Jesus himself on the ballot and lose in 2008.

at 6:52 PM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney is the political equivalent of a stepford wives character.

He is a robotic political response to a party that doesn't know what it wants so creates a cartoon character candidate that meets the requisites of its platform. Sad commentary on the republican desperation.

the real candidate is mccain - the only one with honor, courage, fortitude and common sense. he might not say everything you want him to say - but, when he sits down at the bargaining table and agrees to compromise his position on the war, you'll know you can trust him to do what he says.

unfortunately, it doesn't matter who the republicans put forward - they'll lose to that goof clinton because ALL the current elected officials have from the republican party have made a mockery of our values, our laws, our constitution,....

at 10:55 PM, October 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weak !

What does Romney know that we don't ?

Now, sock puppet jim lacks integrity !

Romney continues to post anonymously in support of his own rhetoric !

Romney highjacks a topic to shamelessly promote himself !

Other than claiming to be the best door to door salesman, he is shallow, PERIOD !

Although Romney sincere that his ego elevates him to be the best candidate, he really is only a legend in his own mind !

He has nothing to offer, PERIOD !

He has promised not to blog and yet continues ?

He is a flip-flopper, Period !

That being said, we like the guy !

He is personable enough, but, he is big time Naive !


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