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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Quotes from Monday Forums

UPDATE: Steve Pavelish did say "private" sector, not public. I stand corrected and his quote below is corrected.

This time, from Clifton:

Greg Harris: "I support The Banks. I don't know if I'd hang out there."

Andre Harper: "When I accepted the nomination from the (Republican) party, I said this: I'm doing it my way."

Eve Bolton: "The (CPS) levy is two years too late. It's not sound fiscal management to drain the treasury dry and then go to the people."

Steve Pavelish: "Stay away from the government plans. Be private-sector people...Be room mothers. Be involved. Control your own life." And in response to a question about lead poisoning: "I taught my children not to eat lead paint. Lead paint-eating is a behavior problem."

Mitch Painter: He wants a new tone for the city's building department. "We need to make sure we're not scaring investors off."

Joan Kaup: Does she have an agenda for The Banks? "Oh God, don't we all?"

Laketa Cole, on a question about her support for human services during budgeting last year: "I think it's time that we do begin to listen to our city manager. So when it came time to listen to our city manager, that's what I did."

David Crowley: Any city parade or event could get financial support under his new proposal - "as long as they're willing to open their books."

Justin Jeffre: The city has its priorities inverted, giving "a lot of giveaways to the favored few." On The Banks: "The issue that I see is we have a lack of imagination."

Pat Fischer: "You can pave the streets in gold, but if people are fearful, it's irrelevant."

Leslie Ghiz: "Everything flows from crime and the perception of crime."

Brian Garry, who'd been a victim the night before of theft, having his car broken into outside Democratic Party HQ: "I believe the way you address economic crime is you address economic inclusion." He also said he'd invented a new slogan for Clifton, where he lives: Where Everyone Wants To Be.

Michael Earl Patton: "Governing the city is more than just a sound bite." Re the proposed safety levy: "Most of the people in jail can't afford bail. They're just waiting for their court date."

Chris Monzel: Re a proposed restaurant in Burnet Woods: "I don't know if this is the best way to (generate more revenue for parks). But we've got to think outside the box."

Wendell Young: "City Council has no business trying to run the school system. I'm not supportive of that."

George Zamary: He decided to get involved in politics in part because someone recently said to him, "If you're not involved, you can't complain."

Chris Bortz: "A streetcar system will bring us all together."

Roxanne Qualls, re why she emphasized an increase in population while others said it declined: "Perhaps some of the other candidates might not have kept up."

John Eby: "We're attracting young professionals, but can we keep them?"

Cecil Thomas, re the decline in crime: "If you want to keep this momentum, folks, you gotta vote for Thomas."

Minette Cooper: "Healthy children build healthy communities."

Jeff Berding: "I created the evaluation process to hold the city manager accountable."

Melanie Bates: "About a year ago, my husband was murdered in our driveway...Crime is personal to me."

Rick Williams: CPS doesn't have that $70-plus million deficit yet. "It's something that we will have if we don't make changes...If we do not have a levy passed before March."

John Cranley: If the proposed streetcars linked downtown with Uptown, "we can create a 24/7 city that can be the San Francisco of the Midwest."

Sam Malone: "I'm certainly a loving and caring father...If more loving and caring parents would lawfully discipline their kids," crime wouldn't be such a problem.

Charlie Winburn: "I'm getting ready to announce a bipartisan effort that's going to blow your mind."


at 8:22 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garry fails to appreciate the difference between economic inclusion and entitlement.

The person who broke into his car didn't do it because he needed to feed his family. He did it because he felt entitled to something he didn't earn.

Garry just doesn't get it.

at 9:33 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berding, what are you saying, that all city managers before your little evaluation process were not held accountable?

What a joke.

City managers are the professionals in city management, not part-time hacks like you, and others of your ilk, who have polluted Plum Street with incompetence.

Bill Stone, OTR

at 9:49 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Jeffre:I just love being embraced by bold endeavors and the foot-tapping bold typist.

at 11:14 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jane... I was at the clifton forum. You misquoted Pavelish. Were you really at this forum? Do you even know who Pavelish is? Thats not fair. Should we really believe what you said about him in the paper?

at 11:21 PM, October 23, 2007 Blogger pavelish said...

I talk about PRIVATE SECTOR all the time. Why would you quote me as telling people to be PUBLIC sector. I preach all day long telling people that we do not need government (public sector) to control our lives or take care of us. Plus the hatchet job that you gave me on "MORE ON PAVELISH" in todays paper was twisted and biased. You, as a responsible journalist, owe me and the readers an apology and correction.

at 8:38 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Qualls. Increased population...but not on her watch. During her "reign" we lost more people than ever on a percentage basis.

at 9:01 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how one would tell if Steve Pavelish's kids ate lead paint or not given their obvious genetic handicap intellect-wise. God bless them and watch out for them, it is not their fault.

at 9:13 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavelish--You need to develop some thicker skin. You make your living profiting off government as a Section 8 landlord. And as you yourself said in the CILO forum I attended, all four of your kids attended public schools, including one with special needs. (Special education costs taxpayers twice as much--although most taxpayers, myself included, support his.) You are someone who benefits greatly from government, so you have a lot of nerve acting like you are anti-government. I guess all government is bad except for the government programs that benefit you personally?

Also, what's with all the loony independent candidates this year who are section 8 landlords?! Painter, Patton, Pavelish. Are you feeling the heat because the people are turning against your kind? How many times have you been sued Pavelish?

at 9:18 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Garry's car was broken into? I'm sure he's charging his usual suspects, other democrats. This guys gotta lay off the mary jane, it make one paranoid. Really! He'll do anything for attention! Anything! Does he even own a car?? Didn't Fischer put a stop to crime in Pleasant Ridge anyway?

Crowley: loves him some good parade placement!

Ghiz: Reveals her campaign strategy - perception of crime.

Qualls: Yeah, Roxanne, you kept up while you were living out of town for nearly a decade?

Cranley: Supports streetcars in Clifton, but doesn't anywhere else (unless it runs up the hill through the Queen City Tower).

Malone: Clifton folks aren't into beating their kids, lawfully. Keep your demons to yourself.

Winburn: I'm gonna try to buddy up to some dems and charters to make myself look less like the man I really am... a "man of god" who uses exorcism. Cincinnati's smarter than this man's bs.

at 10:14 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff but Cranley's proposing to make Cincinnati "the San Francisco of the Midwest" is the clear winner. Hilarious!

at 11:25 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this what passes at reporting at your paper these days? Seriously, other than 1 or 2 funny comments, what value does this have?

at 11:26 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that you were the one in the audience who felt that lead paint was a major concern over safety and neighborhood development and good education. I respect your opinion even though you seem to be a JERK and your comments about my children (who you do not know) crossed the line. Yes, God has blessed my children very, very much all thru-out their lives. My family is a blessing to me and a credit to Cincinnati. But please leave my family out of this... As for your MOCKING of God, that's out of MY hands...

Steve Pavelish

PS Learn to respect opinions that differ from yours...

at 11:49 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, I agree that guy has crossed the line. I dont get it.

What do the kids have to do with this? If you dont like Steve policies then fine be an adult and chalenge those.

at 11:58 AM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not in the section 8 rental business. I rented section 8 twice in the mid 90's and it was not good. I would like to see a section 8 time limit on the abled bodied. And mostly, I am THE candidate calling for MORE budget for social services and MORE budget for the providing of City services such as trash collection, road rapair, and police. And we can add to the budget by being more government efficient (stop waste) and rebbing vacant houses and getting owners to live in these house. My preaching is to be self reliant. Control your own life. Be responsible. AND you don't need Government to control and plan your life. Government should be there as SUPPORT (not control). But for the disabled, that is DIFFERENT. This is where the social services come in. Some, like my autistic son, will need social services often. Again, I am FOR that.

Steve Pavelish

at 1:25 PM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! This Pavelish dude makes Bush look like Einstein. Heck, he even makes Jeanie Schmidt look smart.

Good to see he is a God-fearing man. It should be an interesting conversation between one of Cincinnati's best know slum lords and St Peter at the pearly gates.

My guess is that the point the person was making was about Pavelish's lack of intelect, it had nothing to do with lead paint (or Pavelish's children) at all.

Do you think that Jonathon Swift was REALLY advocating eating those babies in "A Modest Proposal"?

Of course, the guy could just be posing as Pavelish...who knows.

at 2:42 PM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 9:05 PM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy who is ramblimg on about St Peter and the Pearly Gates is maybe proof that eating paint chips can be dangerous. Case closed. Pavelish has guts and that is something that city hall is lacking. That gets my vote.

at 9:56 PM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Grow a pair and get used to the criticism if you are going to run for City Council, and heaven forbid, you actually make it.

Channel your energies into getting services for needy children, such as your son, who may not have parents or guardians such as yourself.

at 11:26 PM, October 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am Natashia, one of Steve Pavelish's kids.I know it's amazing that I was able to turn the computer on with my obvious genetic intellectual handicap. Because you lost a debate with my father you have decided to personally attack me. What a coward! You have a lot of nerve saying such horrible things about four innocent people that you don't know. Just because you can't get your point across is not my fault. I'm curious what are my OBVIOUS INTELLECTUAL HANDICAPS? I was not aware that I had any. So if you're so tough and so bold to make a statement like that, then you won't be afraid to tell me why I look so stupid! My dad was right you are a jerk!!

at 12:02 AM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cranley you hippie. Why don't you go to San Fransico with flowers in your hair!

at 12:06 AM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh great Malone wants us to lawfully discipline our kids. Doesn't anyone remember when he beat the you know what out of his son? Obviously his idea of punishment is slightly screwed. What are we going to do if that maniac is elected?

at 12:10 AM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qualls is the one who needs to keep up. Does she really have any idea? Where has she been? Haven't seen the woman in forever, but now she wants people me to vote for her and she's everwhere. Why can't she be everywhere all the time, and not just for elections?

at 12:12 AM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff Berding holds everyone accountable except for himself. When is ever going to take responability for anything? His finger always points at someone else.

at 1:54 AM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffre and Patton. Yea, like they have a snowball's chance in hell of being elected.

at 8:21 PM, October 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe of all the forums I seemed to have missed the most entertaining! Lead paint eating, Little Jeffre and his "favored few", and the San Fran of the Midwest hilarious!

at 8:06 AM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pavelish needs to grow some thick skin? I have no problem with people attacking a candidate's ideas or policies, but come on...saying something like that about a man's family completely crosses the line.

I guess it's true what they say, an outlet to speak coupled with complete anonymity makes people complete idiots!

My question is this, how did a comment like the one above even get approved to be on this?!?! What does that say about this site? Can I say absolutely anything and have it posted on here?

If Pavelish hasn't tracked down the person who made the comment above and beat him by now...he's got my vote!

at 8:52 AM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


The quote I read was-

"My guess is that the point the person was making was about Pavelish's lack of intelect, it had nothing to do with lead paint (or Pavelish's children) at all."

What part of that is so hard for you to understand? Clearly, the guy wasn't saying anything about any intellectual shortcomings on your part.

On the other hand, given that you have just proven that you do not know how to read, the debate is now offically open.

Good work!

at 8:57 AM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! This is awesome! We've got candiates and their families losing their minds in print.

This Pavelish Clan comes off like the Beverly Hillbillies of olitics.

"Better to be quiet and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

at 10:45 AM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:06-

You are right. That is just what we need, more violence and censorship.

It's what makes America great!

at 11:32 AM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I taught my children not to eat lead paint."--Pavelish

Folks, he opened the door. He brought his family into it.

at 12:25 PM, October 26, 2007 Blogger Harris for Council said...

I have crossed paths with Steve Pavelish numerous times over the past several months--from when we gathered signatures to candidates forums. His family and extended family are with him each and every time. He clearly is one hell of a father with one hell of a close knit family. And he clearly misses his wife who recently passed. As a father and husband myself, I have great respect for Steve.

at 2:53 PM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Natashia
Obviously you are trying to back track "anonymous". You are a coward hiding behind your title. Apparently you must regret saying what you said because you keep claiming that you were not insulting me. This is what you wrote...

"I'm not sure how one would tell if Steve Pavelish's kids ate lead paint or not given their obvious genetic handicap intellect-wise. God bless them and watch out for them, it is not their fault."

There I reposted it for you. Now you can re-read what you wrote since you're not taking responsibility for your words. Regardless of what you meant, what you wrote is completly unacceptable.

Now you are saying that I am stupid and can't read. Just because my father shut you up doesn't mean you need to belittle yourself by stooping to this level. I am not running for council, so leave me the hell alone!!!

at 7:23 PM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Pavelish and his family defend themselves and not back down. We need guts at City Hall and maybe then things will get done in the city.

at 7:55 PM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy is an idiot. How can someone involve the innocent children.
Pavelish didn't bring his kids into anything he was just making a point. Anyone that can talk like that deserves a beat down. I'm with you 8:06. Maybe if he wasn't so scared he wouldn't be calling himself anonymous and he could get the beat down he deserves.

at 8:43 PM, October 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cecil Thomas addressing the decline in crime ("if you want to keep this up, you gotta support me").

Consider it done Cecil!

All we get from Leis/Portune/Pepper/Deters is "murder rate is exploding", so we need a "comphrehensive safety plan". Or, basically, we need $700 million from you suckers (we'll fill in the details later).

at 1:48 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This Pavelish Clan comes off like the Beverly Hillbillies of OLITICS."


at 1:52 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her name is Natashia... not Natasha.
Who can't read now?

at 2:17 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comparison of Pavelish to Bush is pathetic at best.

at 2:39 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the person condemning this forum for the pety trash talking of Pavelish's children was intending to promote violence and censorship. That is sad stretch. Do you seriously think someone would be misled with that stupidity. It's sad that you think people can be that easily manipulated. Your belief that you can debunk a solid rebuttal with such nonsense is proof of your own narcissism.Comments left here are meant to discuss city council. It's not a means for you to feel that you are better than your fellow citizens.

at 9:51 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I WILL vote for Pavelish after the PERSONAL attacks that he and his family received by people hiding behind "anonymous". My guess is that some of this FILTH is from staffers from other campaigns.That's politics for you.

at 10:54 AM, October 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:43 PM, October 26, 2007 wrote:

Cecil Thomas..........
All we get from Leis/Portune/Pepper/Deters is "murder rate is exploding", so we need a "comphrehensive safety plan". Or, basically, we need $700 million from you suckers (we'll fill in the details later).

Sorry to disappoint you, but Mr. Thomas SUPPORTS Issue 27.

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