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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

MoveOn And Voinovich

MoveOn sent out this notice this afternoon.


Senate Republicans Use Ploy to Prevent Passage of Timetable for Safe & Secure Exit of U.S. Troops

Cincinnati, OH — Members of the Southern Ohio community and MoveOn will hold a Tuesday evening "counter-filibuster" in front of Ohio's Senator Voinovich's Cincinnati Office, as Voinovich joins a Republican “filibuster” to block a vote on ending the Iraq war. They will call on him to end his participation in the filibuster, which is blocking the Senate from passing a timetable for the safe and secure exit of U.S. troops from Iraq.

MoveOn members will read letters from Iraq war veterans and their families that call on Congress to bring the troops home soon. "We're gathering to ask Senator Voinovich to stop stalling and to stand up and vote to bring our troops home safely, securely, and soon," said Laura Read of Cincinnati, the local MoveOn leader and spokesperson for Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq.

A majority of U.S. Senators are on record in support of legislation that would require President Bush to begin bringing troops home within the next 120 days and complete the task by April, 2008. They will not be able to vote on such a measure if Senator Voinovich, along with other Republican senators, continue to block progress on the most important issue facing the country. Senate rules require 60 (out of 100) votes to end debate so Senators can vote on a bill.

The pending Senate measure is an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill offered by Democratic Senators Carl Levin (MI), chair of the Armed Services Committee, and Jack Reed (RI), a former U.S. Army Ranger. It is co-sponsored by three Republican Senators – Olympia Snowe (ME), Chuck Hagel (NE), and Gordon Smith (OR).

WHO: MoveOn members and other local residents.
WHAT: A "counter-filibuster" directed at Senate Republicans, demanding that they stop blocking a vote for a timetable to end the Iraq War.
WHERE: On the sidewalk in front of Senator Voinovich's Cincinnati Office
36 E. 7th St., Cincinnati, OH
WHEN: Tuesday July 17, 2007 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Vigils and Counter-filibusters will also take place in front of the U.S. Capitol Building and at the in-state offices of most Republican Senators.



at 1:36 PM, July 17, 2007 Blogger usefullidiot said...

Note to all capitaists:

Great time to buy Che T futures!!!

at 4:10 PM, July 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move on needs to move on.

at 6:39 PM, July 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is not about Voinovich!

This is about a rebellious or self-interest individual who refused to listen to his mother, PERIOD !

His ego leads him to believe that he is the party savior, or that he should be openly embraced with the golden key to the candidacy !

If he wants to be a party loyalist. Then volunteer to work on a campaign for those who laid the stepping stones before it was popular while always the "RIGHT" thing to be a DEMOCRAT !

Else, he really thinks the Dem party is so dumb that when he chose to leave the wRong wingnut party, he then becomes the smartest individual available ! lol, lol, lol

We can understand why the "black mole" would want to be a Democrat !

What we can't understand is why he ever wanted to be a wRong wingnut !

That's just whacko !

at 7:28 PM, July 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voinovich has already admitted that Bush has “f—ed up” the war in Iraq. Now the question is, does he have the fortitude to actually do something about it? Or is he going to continue to support "more of the same" until Bush leaves office?

at 12:10 AM, July 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would suggest that just maybe the Senator isn't interested in surrender to Al Quaeda. The next time they attack the US they really won't care if the throats they slit open are Democrats or Republicans. They don't respect cowards. We are infidels as the majority of Americans stand by our ally, Israel and as such we are the target whether we allow them to take over Iraq or not. Behold the Religion of Peace!

at 2:55 AM, July 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all readers, including Senator Voinovich, will read Harold Meyerson's column in the Washington Post on July 18, 2007, entitled "Spineless Sages." The kindest thing Meyerson says of Voinovich and his cohorts is to call them "gutless wonders." Personally, I would have more respect for Voinovich if he just kept quiet and voted with the Republicans to continue the Iraq War, even though I disagree with him. This loud- and foul-mouthing of the Administration and the War evidently is so much hot air, designed to garner votes in the 2008 election for his seat in the Senate. Transparent, false, hypocritical and ultimately a failed strategy.

at 3:14 PM, July 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee - a gutless wonder versus Bush the brainless wonder. Geroge W. Bush is stuck on stupid and voinovich finally finds the fortitude to stand up to him. I do ask what took him and other GOP 'Americans' so long to stand up and be counted. And anon @ 2:55 AM, July 18, 2007 dares call Voinovich's courage a 'failed strategy' to garner votes? If we want to see an example of 'failed strategy,' anon, all we have to do is look at Iraq 2003 to present -- and, it would seem, to continue perpetually. Failed, anon, is George W. Bush for his legacy is failure, bungling, screw up and the Blunder in Iraq. If that sails over your head color me not surprised.

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