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Monday, February 12, 2007

Reuters reports on Muslims in US - from Cincy

CINCINNATI (Reuters) - Tala Ali, 25, has seen the good and the bad of being a Muslim in heartland America. People have leaned out car windows to scream at her: "Terrorist go home." But strangers curious about her headscarf have also approached her apologetically to ask about Islam.

"I love it, actually, when people ask me questions," said the pink-scarved Ali, who came to the United States with her Jordanian father and Palestinian mother when she was five.
"Out here, I'm the only Muslim some people may meet," said Ali, waiting for friends after Friday prayers at a Cincinnati mosque. "I always keep in mind that I'm an ambassador of Islam."

Read the rest of the story here


at 11:47 AM, February 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

has anyone ever noticed that anti-gay, anti-muslim, and anti-black attacks are so much more common in areas where Repugnicants have been elected by the inbred voters?

Do they like electing Repugnicants because they know they will look the other way and let the inbred bigoted "Christian" haters have their way with those they hate?

When's the last time someone was attacked in a heavy Democrat area for being gay, muslim or black?


at 12:39 PM, February 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The person killed in Massachusetts.

at 12:51 PM, February 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When's the last time someone was attacked in a heavy Democrat area for being gay, muslim or black?"

i will play that game.

how about detroit for being muslim.

"Linda V. Parker, Director of the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), has issued the following statement on behalf of the Department following what appears to be an anti-Muslim attack of a Detroit man on November 27th:"


Lets go detroit for being gay again

http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/story.html?id=99774929-ef4a-4a3a-af54-d3df72f1aa4a&k=74397A Windsor man recently shot in the head outside a gay bar in Detroit was the victim of a hate crime, Detroit police said Monday.

Detroit police spokesman Det. James Fisher said a 17-year-old youth has been arrested in connection with the Jan. 10 shooting of 31-year-old Salvagio Vonatti outside Gigis Bar, a popular gay club in west Detroit.

"It's a hate crime in my opinion," Fisher said.

"I'm only classifying it as a hate crime because if you approach someone and you make reference to their sexual preference (before shooting them), that's a hate crime.""

at 12:51 PM, February 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a "Repugnicant"?

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