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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Pepper is 'free to explore other political options'

Even Democratic party leaders were caught off guard by Councilman David Pepper's appearance in Columbus Tuesday for a job interview -- especially considering the job is the one held by his former mayoral opponent, state Sen. Mark Mallory.

So what does Mallory think of this development? Gongwer News Service caught up with Mallory in Columbus Tuesday:

Sen. Mallory, who will be sworn in for his new job on Dec. 1, said he is not endorsing any of the candidates as his successor. "Each of the candidates has a certain strength," he said, noting that some also have weaknesses. He said the remaining caucus members should take into strong consideration any candidate's ability to be successful at the next election.

The lawmaker, who will be recognized on the Senate floor Wednesday, said he's not bothered by Mr. Pepper's application for the job. "He's free to explore other political options," he said.


at 1:10 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Pepper this desperate?

at 1:10 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he's free, what a devastating defeat he suffered.

I thought he said he wouldn't seek higher office, he wanted to stay in the city. More BS from Pepper, I guess. He'll fit in with the republicans up there, he's a corrupt republican at heart.

at 1:18 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know Pepper is desperate from his dirty campaign.

Is David Pepper serious?

Jerry Springer is a much better candidate than Pepper.

Is Greg Korte serious?

at 1:43 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"CryBaby Pepper" comes begging ?

Does he really think Senators would pick him after he misrepresented the Hon. Senator Mallory ?

His political future is with the "Wrong Wing". There is no need for him to be a "Dan Hurly" stealth "Wrong Winger" anymore.

at 1:45 PM, November 16, 2005 Blogger Nathaniel Livingston Jr. said...

Why doesn't David Pepper just exercise his option to join the Republican Party?!

at 3:40 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I read the part about Nate Livington also being interested, I couldn't stop laughing. I guess anyone can be interested, but usually the enquirer only includes legit candidates.
I am still laughing.

at 4:07 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nate should be the last person to criticize a capable and experienced politician who came within under 3,000 votes of being elected mayor

Nate's resume/bio reads:
- formerly incarcerated
- small audience blogger
- fired from the Buzz
- ran a disorganized & futile boycott
- is a "go-for" for some attorney
- remains alienated from the mainstream local political world
- AND is widely recognized as a reverse racist and borderline nut case

Good luck in your future political endeavors, "Hate".

"The Shrink"

at 4:34 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

when will the "greenies" announce their support for hate livingston?

donny shacks

at 5:48 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

well the library has listed a Kearney as being appointed for Mallory's successor..that may just be on a board...but it wasn't listed as such.

at 5:50 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

well the library has listed that Kearney has been selected as Mallory's successor..now that might be for a particular board..they didnt specify. pepper can barely handle not getting his way in cincinnati, how the h&** does he expect to deal with people outside this city?

at 6:23 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepper is still 'free to explore other political options."

He must really be depressed. At least he's filthy rich.

at 9:19 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Kearney chosen as Senator Mallory's replacement

(Columbus)- Today the leadership team of the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus announced that Eric Kearney has been chosen to replace Cincinnati Mayor-Elect Mark Mallory. The 9th Senate District is comprised of communities within Cincinnati.
“Eric Kearney will make an excellent addition to the Democratic caucus,” said Ohio Senate Democratic Leader C.J. Prentiss of Cleveland. “His civic involvement and business experience make him the ideal candidate to achieve the goals we have as a caucus in the coming years and for the people of the 9th Senate District. We were incredibly fortunate to have a tremendously experienced pool of candidates from the Ohio House of Representatives and respected leaders in the Cincinnati-area to choose from. Each applicant provides outstanding leadership to the community and has the utmost respect of the citizens of Cincinnati. We are truly grateful for their interest in being a part of the caucus.”

Senator Prentiss continued, “We are excited to announce Eric Kearney as the next Senator for the 9th Senate District. With this choice, he will join an effective and respected group of colleagues representing the best interests of the citizens of Cincinnati.”

Eric Kearney is the current CEO/President of Sesh Communications. He founded and built the group which has become one of the largest African American-owned publishing companies in the area. Sesh Communications' list of publications includes The Cincinnati Herald, The Dayton Defender and Our Week. Additionally, Kearney has been a partner in the Cincinnati law firm, Cohen, Todd, Kit & Stanford, LLC. He is also a current special master/trustee in the Fernald II Workers Settlement fund which oversees the processing of more than 3,000 workers' claims and awards.

Kearney is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the University of Cincinnati College of Law.

“I absolutely consider this an incredible honor,” said Mr. Kearney. “I plan to serve the people of the 9th Senate District with all the energy and enthusiasm I have for this position. I look forward to working with the caucus which I have a tremendous amount of respect for.”

Kearney will be sworn into office next month.

at 10:20 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

eric was the class of the field & blew the rest away. he's a great catch for the senate & a fine representative for this area.

donny shacks

at 10:20 PM, November 16, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nate's got a lot of nerve making snide comments about David Pepper, but that's all he's got going for him, is criticizing others. Did anyone see his blog? He claimed he didn't know Rep. Cathy Barrett very well & disagreed with her on issues. However, Nate told the Enquirer recently that he lived in Northside. Anyone who lives in Northside knows Cathy Barrett has not done a great job of representing those in her District, as had retired Rep. Bill Mallory. Nate in Northside, nah. Too many white faces - Appalachian & European, gays, lesbians, Jewish & Catholics, all the people he hates.

A man like Pepper exercises his options, he's called desperate. Everyone else, including Nate, it's wonderful to have options to choose.

Nate's a half-wit in dire need of hate management & rage therapy.

at 2:44 AM, November 17, 2005 Blogger JN said...

Wow. He had absolutely no chance at getting that appointment. Pepper seems to be losing his cool.

at 11:23 AM, November 17, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepper might as well put a big L on his forehead.

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