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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Raise taxes? We didn't mean that

It wouldn't have been a total shock had Hamilton County's credit rating slipped after it spent $12 million of its reserve money on inmate housing fees, lawsuit settlements and elections equipment since 2006. However, the county made a ton of changes in the past 16 months and made a strong case to Moody's Investors Service and ended up salvaging its financial rating (read the Moody's report here).
"We were hopeful we would not be (downgraded) but we had to make a very very strong case to Moody’s," said County Administrator Patrick Thompson. "A lot of work went into preparation for it and they saw that."

County officials were thrilled that they get to keep their Aa2 rating and are off the "watch list."
Worth noting in the county's presentation are several potential revenue builders that the county said it could implement if needed. Check out page 58 of the county's presentation to Moody's

Commissioners, though, insist they do not intend to actually enact those taxes and fees.

"All those are are lists of all the various measures that the county has access to. It is not a proposal nor is it intended to be a proposal," said Commissioner Todd Portune. "Moody’s want to know what are all the things in your arsenal from soup to nuts."


at 3:36 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did they include property tax recoupment after an independent internal audit of the county crony (CAUV) program and their, so called, farmers costing the county millions of dollars each year so they can ride the horse-trails of Indian Hill ?

PATHETIC 'family values' !


at 4:49 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the County Commissioners have never once publicly mentioned any of these things as options.

Apparently, the Commissioners are more honest with the financial community than they are with the public.

at 5:00 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, it would appear that the county has a continuing plan to minimize social-services and prefer lock-up to treatment ?

Over the next 5 years the judicial expenditures will increase by 11 % while social services will only increase by 9% !

Can you imagine a society where the local courthouse receives FORTY (40) TIMES the AMOUNT spent on Social Services (slide 45) ?

Upside, the Dem's will control the courthouse !

The wRong wingnut whackos will still screw-up JFS !

PATHETIC 'family values' !


at 5:24 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Drake Deal is finally exposed:

Current Asset Value - $50,000,000
Future (2010) Sale - 28,000,000

The da da da whining, hindlick, give-away a whopping $22,000,000 LOSS !

Sounds like fraudulent conveyance ?

Then da da da whiner wants to be elected to make sound judgments ?


PATHETIC 'family values' !


at 10:29 AM, May 17, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

gee, they did not mention all the "special" county employees who get free parking in county-owned lots while the other employees have to pay.

If the county needs the money so badly, why not be fair and charge everyone to park?

at 11:44 AM, May 17, 2008 Blogger Grandpa said...

What tax payer voted for the privacy walls along interstates. Why can't I get one along my state hiway? Until this waste of tax dollars stops we will never have better schools for our kids, lets use these dollars to improve and build better schools and pay our teachers what they are worth. Until we do this my school tax levy vote will always be NO!
R. Napier
Lebanon OH

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