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Monday, November 19, 2007

Inmates to be licensed to drive

Hamilton County Commissioner David Pepper Monday said a program is in the works that would make it easier for jail inmates to regain their driver's licenses.

The pilot program would start early in 2008. Details have not been finalized. The goal is to reduce the number of people jailed for driver’s license violations.

“Some of these citizens get arrested again and again on these traffic infractions, taking up police resources, valuable jail space and costing the taxpayer thousands of dollars to pay for their jail stays,” stated Pepper. Those beds should be freed up for more violent offenders, Pepper said.

Voters Nov. 6 defeated a sales tax increase that would have raise money to build a new jail and fund safety programs to reduce jail overcrowding.

To read the press release, click here.


at 9:18 PM, November 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical wRong wingnut whacko that failed high school and now wants to drive!

Hello: State Rights, Community Rights and dumb drivers!

Guidelines are the minimum driving requirements !

Any state, community can enact stricter guidelines if they so choose. Especially when the communities are involved in jailed drivers!

It is correct to change that for which the authority is in our domain!

But hey, I think the community also offers night-school drivers training!

Just a suggestion from bold endeevers!



at 11:43 PM, November 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is a great idea !

Some become caught in a Catch 22 !

They can not pay for their mistakes immediately, yet, they need their licenses to maintain employment !

When individuals are granted a license, it should be contingent on review of ability to pay restitution for their infractions and contingent on goal attainment ?


at 11:51 PM, November 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepper has hit the nail right on the head here -- these are the most frequent offenses reflecting how poverty equates to a crime.

So often, people who drive without insurance or drive without a license, face insurmountable costs to regain their licenses that they go without.

And subsequently, the revolving door of our court system.

This is an absolutely phenomenal idea.

at 9:46 AM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Pepper is going to invent a License Intervention Program. Hamilton County has only had one of those for about 8 years. This moron can work with the BMV all he wants, but the legislature must change the law. Judges must give suspended drivers and OVI offenders time in certain cases. Also, getting them validly licensed is only half the battle, they also must be insured. Somebody needs to tell Dave that not everyone can afford to get rear ended by an uninsured driver.

at 10:05 AM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

again...This is a great idea !

They can not pay for their mistakes immediately, yet, they need their licenses to maintain friendships with their drug related buddies !

When individuals are granted a license, it should be contingent on review of ability to pay for their drugs and contingent on goal attainment of 25 reefers per day?


at 11:35 AM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Anonymous said...Typical wRong wingnut whacko that failed high school...involved in jailed...training......
PATHETIC...9:18 PM, November 19, 2007"

It would appear we have been exposed to another flaming blockbuster: SICKO !

Oh, it is HARD, to be humble, when the wRong wingnut whackos engage their foot-tapping head via. aggressive stalking infatuation !

PATHETIC 'Phony' !


at 11:57 AM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 9:46 am, given the number of people taking up jail space for traffic violations, the current program must be really effective. It's really working well for us, huh.

It won't save the world, but getting the BMV to set up a far easier way to reinstate those who are eligible can only help things. That can be done without law changes.

at 2:16 PM, November 20, 2007 Blogger Mark Miller said...

Not a bad idea. While you're streamlining the driver's license process for the offenders, see if you can smooth it out for the rest of us too.

Anything that reduces the weight of government and improves its service to the people is a good thing.

Besides, if it doesn't work, we're not out much money, and we can move on the the next bright idea. If it does work, then everybody wins.

These are the kind of ideas Mr. Pepper should have been pushing all along; not some super-sized jail tax. It's good to see he's finally come around.

at 5:30 PM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other states - it's a "drive at your own risk" policy. Everyone insures their own property and absent malice or reckless disregard - no one is liable for damages to others property on the roadways. This way, you get the level of protection you can afford, want and need instead of in states like Ohio that is owned by the insurance lobby that basically is double billing all of us for our own property once and then for another's property. The stte's policy in insurance (including health) is totally geared to INSURING profits for the lobby, not coverage for the masses)

As to an existing program - if the program is working then why do we have people charged exclusively with driving under suspension?

Our Supreme Court says that driving is a privielege - wrong. It is a necessity that impacts our ability to get a good job, where to live, where we can chose to go to school, who we can associate with, ... transportation is a fundamental right of liberty to make choices on how to live our lives and every obstacle should be removed to insure that every person has the ability to exercise the right to obtain those jobs, buy that house, send their kids to a good school, and make friends outside the inner-city conditions that have doomed generation after generation.

Imposing insurmountable fines and fees upon minimum wage earners only insures that they can not "escape poverty" when they are forced to live, work, and play in limited areas.

at 7:46 PM, November 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anon 9:46! Attention, David Pepper: The Courts have the License Intervention Program. All one has to do is follow the simple instructions to get to LIP. Then, they need to show up when told to do so. And then, they do the program. After that, follow a bit more simple instructions.

Those who don't do the LIP & blow it off, get exactly what they deserve: 1. Get behind the wheel of the hoopdie. 2. Get lit up by the police. 3. Get a free ride Downtown. 4. Get a free set of threads, a bunk, & 3 squares. 5. Go to the Arraignment Desk. 6. Show up in Municipal Court. 7. Repeat Step 4 for 30-60-90-180 days.

Commissioner Pepper, these are 2 extremely simple processes. Everyone has a choice. Make the wrong one, you get exactly what you deserve.

at 10:18 AM, November 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, 7:46 p.m. . . . It may feel good to say those people "get what they deserve," but the taxpayers (and presumably you) end up paying the cost of it.

What citizens deserve are common sense solutions--not millions of dollars being wasted on the ludicrous and pointless seven-step process you described.

Whatever we're doing today, bringing in the BMV to help make the process easier (for people who are already eligible for reinstatement) has no downside in any way. It only will free up jailspace and save us money.

at 10:20 AM, November 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It ain't a "free" ride Downtown, and the bunk and 3 squares ain't "free" either. The taxpayers are paying for them!

at 6:10 AM, November 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If convicted drivers are too stupid, lazy or irreponsible to know how to get their license back, why help them get thier license back so they are legal next time they drive in a manner to get arrested again? What is next, we pay thier child support and court fines as well becuase they won't get a job? When are we going to put the punishment back into the justice system?

at 9:31 AM, November 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all they are doing is failing to get their license back, when they are eligible, why would taxpayers ever want to be the ones footing the bill ($65 per day) for their stupidity? We're better off making it easier for them, and we all save dollars and jailspace needed for more serious crimes in the process.

at 10:51 AM, November 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...When are we going to put the punishment back into the justice system? 6:10 AM, November 24, 2007"

Seems, the warden from Abu Ghraib has visited the blogisphere !

Does Justice center = punishment center ?

Mental illness is not a crime !

Homelessness is not a crime !

Drug/alcohol addiction is a medical illness !

$60,000 to jail v. $20,000 to treat ?




at 8:21 PM, November 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The warden from Abu Ghraib has visited bold endeavors numerous times!

We see eye to eye on so many issues!

Does Justice center = punishment center = good food and TV?

Mental illness is not a crime!
I take my medications!

Homelessness is not a crime unless I rape and steal!

Drug/alcohol addiction is fantastic but a little expensive!

$60,000 to jail v. $200,000 to treat over and over and over and over and over and over and over ?


PATHETIC ! Vote for Hillary

at 11:39 AM, November 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the many "one-stop" license bureaus in the State, Hamilton County is not one of them. For downtowners , you have to travel out to Sharonville to take a test

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