St. X grad new spokesman for Ohio Dems
Borntrager, 30, replaces Brian Rothenberg, who left to start, a nonprofit public relations firm.
“This is the first time in a long time that Democrats have the chance to turn this state around,” Borntrager said. “It’s a fantastic time to come home and help get this state back on track.”
Borntrager got into politics while studying – and cheering for the Buckeyes – at Ohio State University. He worked for former state Sen. Greg DiDonato, D-Dennison, then ran former state Rep. Marc Guthrie’s unsuccessful campaign against Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, in 2000.
In Washington, Borntrager worked for Bannon Communications Research, a Democratic polling firm, and as a communications specialist for Special Olympics.
That's nice. A Catholic school graduate decides to be the spokesman for the pro-abortion crowd. It is too bad that the lessons learned at Saint Xavier didn't take.
In fact, the lessons did take !
Xavier fully teaches independent thinking.
They also teach judge not, least you be judged.
Your narrow viewpoint and one wedge issue rethoric is PATHETIC !
If you think there are not pro-life candidates and voters in the Democratic party, then you are easily influenced by the wRong wingnut culture of corruption and their fishwrap propaganda !
Do not pretend to be pro-life when there are millions of children dying from lack of health care !
Do not pretend to be pro-life when there are thousands of children dying in a misleading war !
It would seem you are pro-birth NOT pro-life:
Wow, the previous, bold faced, italic using, exclamtion point intensive doesn't seem to really know what is going on.
He (assumed to be a he) says that Saint Xavier teaches one to not judge. Well, I seem to recall that X teaches us to stand against evil (like murdering babies). He claims that opposition to aborting children is a "narrow viewpoint", as oppposed to his (assumed) wide viewpoint that it is quite alright to kill babies. Wedge issue? Sure it is. It is a major wedge that prevents me and millions of others from supporting most Democrats. Obviously, the Democrats have permitted a few pro-baby folks into the party, however, that does not disguise the fact that the party does fully support aborting babies.
I'd love to find where these "millions of children dying from lack of health care" are. Must be overseas, because they certainly are not here. Additionally, our beloved bold faced typist seems to be trying to throw a red herring our way. No, young man, we are speaking about your party's support of the "choice" to murder an unborn child.
Then, the bold faced typist desides to decree that WTF is only pro-birth. How dumb could he be? We'll wait and see his next post!
Yes, BFT (Bold Faced Typist) is one of those people who makes me ask, WTF?
Interesting thread here. I'm glad to see a fellow St. X alum at the helm of the Ohio Democratic Party's communications campaign.
Regarding the pro-life debate above, it's important to note that many people falsely assume the Democrats are the pro-choice party and the Republicans are the pro-life party. It really just depends on the candidate.
In fact, Councilman John Cranley is also a St. X alum and Democrat who's pro-life and challenging incumbent Rep. Chabot in November. While Chabot claims to be pro-life, he actually supports the death penalty (in fact has advocated speeding up the process) and an reckless Iraq War policy that was opposed by the Vatican. In addition, he voted last year to cut vital social services to the poor despite a letter from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urging him to vote the other way. All of these elements of his record contravene the "consistent ethic of life" laid out in Pope John Paul II's encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" and are therefore inconsistent with the pro-life position.
John Cranley, on the hand, more fully represents the pro-life ethic in his opposition to not only abortion, but also the death penalty, reckless war plans, and disregard for the quality of life for the poor.
For more detail about the information above and about the Chabot/Cranley race, visit
the ohio democratic party supports abortion on demand. that is who rothenberg is speaking for. not the one or two pro-life candidates the democrats trot out
You've made a sweeping statement about the Ohio Democratic Party. Can you cite a source or two to support it?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Typical wRong wingnut whacko that doesn't like the truth in the message so they attempt to discredit or shoot the messenger !
As an XU grad, I can state with certainty, the teachings.
Don't come off with that holier than thou rhetoric.
Catholics use birth control everyday !
They drink everyday. Wow, the fanatics don't like that either !
Do they listen to their POPE ?
If you think there is not religious zealots getting abortions, think again !
This is a wedge issue, as the wRong wingnuts are in power and could have changed things, but, haven't.
So, you ! (WTF) are labeled:
ok let me help you out here ross
The ohio democratic party is the ohio affliate to the democratic national party. The national democratic platform is the position statement for its affiliated organizations.
the national party platform says
"Because we
believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman's right to choose,
consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of her ability to pay. We stand firmly against Republican
efforts to undermine that right."
so the ohio democratic party as an affiliate of the national party officially supports abortion on demand at the cost of the taxpayer.
Certainly there are some pro-life candidates on the democratic side but they are opposing the party's official stance.
Hmmm... Bold Italics Typist Constantly Here is a St. X grad. He has previously said he has not found a Republican worth voting for in 32 years.
Know any 32-year-old St. X grads? How about John Cranley.
Hey Cranley, why don't you try fixing the city's crime problems instead of playing on here?
The guy graduated from St. Xavier HIGH SCHOOL, not Xavier UNIVERSITY.
Point taken, Anonymous (re: the 2004 Dem platform). As you point out, though, there are Dems who are pro-life. I should also point out to you a line from the Republican party platform:
"We support courts having the option to impose the
death penalty in capital murder cases."
This is an anti-life position that supports state-sponsored killing.
The point here: there is no party that can claim the "pro-life" title. There are elements within each that contravene the pro-life position, and it's incumbent upon voters to use their heads and examine their consciences when stepping into the ballot box.
It's intellectually lazy to paint all members of a party with a broad brush and abandon one's duty to individually evaluate each candidate on his or her own merit.
Oh yeah, and go Bombers!
"As you point out, though, there are Dems who are pro-life."
but he isnt working for those democrats he is working for the ohio democratic party. Though he will help a couple pro-life democrats in a small way the paycheck and the organization believes in abortion which is contrary to his catholic education as the orignal poster pointed out.
"It's intellectually lazy to paint all members of a party with a broad brush and abandon one's duty to individually evaluate each candidate on his or her own merit."
who painted all members of a party with a broad brush.. I spoke only to the organization that he works for which is clearly pro-abortion as pointed out in the platform.
If you interpreted my comments as a saying all democrats are pro-abortion that was an incorrect interpretation on your part.
Do you propose, then, that people shouldn't work for either political party because both are anti-life?
I think it makes sense for people of good moral character to work within established systems even when those systems are flawed. I'm always glad to hear that there are good people in positions of public service in the government, the public sector, and in politics, especially when those arenas need reforming. Indeed, that's why they're there!
If we were to decide that the government, politics, or the country is flawed, and then discourage good people from participating, it would make all of those things even worse.
The democratic party is not proabortion. No one is proabortion. The majority of Americans are not in favor of the criminalization of abortion because they believe that families have to be able to make decisions that are right for them, whether it is because of the advanced age and health concerns of the mother or the economic considerations of a couple who already have several children, or the decision a couple sometimes makes after aminocetrisis or genetic testing.
Since the prolife movements goal is the criminalization of abortion perhaps the penalties should be discussed. Just how much jail time should a woman get if convicted of seeking an abortion in a post Roe v Wade world. 5-10, 15-life, the death penalty?
Looks like the right-wing republicans are at it again. They want to call anyone who supports women's rights a pro abortion person. That is like GW Bush saying Saddam had WMD's. Seems like republicans can't help but making up lies if it helps them politically.
"Do you propose, then, that people shouldn't work for either political party because both are anti-life?"
well how deeply into catholic teaching do you want to go here. there are differences in the teachigns concerning the death penalty and abortion. abortion is mentioned by the pope "ex cathedra" which means that as a catholic it is an obligation to believe that it is wrong. The death penalty (which has been supported by the church for centuries) was mention by the pope in a non "ex cahedra" setting and therefore a catholic is required to give it "seriosu consideration" but not obligated to beleive it.
the comparasion of the two issues with regards to ones catholic beliefs are not valid.
"The democratic party is not proabortion. No one is proabortion."
if no one is pro-abortion how are there 4000 abortions a day. there are plenty of pro abortion people and to claim otherwise is crazy.
"The majority of Americans are not in favor of the criminalization of abortion because they believe that families have to be able to make decisions that are right for them,"
bullshit. the family is not given any consideration as is shown by the fact that there is no parenental consent, no spousal notification and no way for the family ti make a decision. again you are kididng yourself
"Just how much jail time should a woman get if convicted of seeking an abortion in a post Roe v Wade world."
most bills have no criminal penalties for the mother but only for the doctor who performs the abortion. nice distortion of the facts
If Borntrager was any good, he would have helped get rid of Booby Ney's sorry butt six years ago. Think how much taxpayer and bribe money Boob has piseed away since then?
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