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Friday, June 16, 2006

Townships: No jail here

A group representing the elected officials of Hamilton County's townships attacked today suggestions that a new $225 million, 1,800-bed jail be built in Colerain Township.

Here is their release:


For more information: Tom Weidman, (513) 324-5555
June 16, 2006

Township Association Says “No” to Jail in Townships

(Cincinnati, OH) – Kathy Wagner, President of the Hamilton County Township Association, announced today the association’s opposition to a proposal made by David Pepper and Todd Portune that an area in Colerain Township may be a viable spot for the new jail.

“Entertaining the idea of putting the new jail in an area inaccessible to the current Justice Center and Courthouse is short-sighted and unworkable,” stated Wagner. “With the price of gas, it is ludicrous to transport criminals back and forth between the Court House in downtown Cincinnati to an area in the northern part of the county. What a terrible waste of time, energy and manpower!”

David Pepper proposed that the Educational Service Center, which Commissioners Heimlich and DeWine would like to sell to the Educational Service Center Board, be the site of the new jail.

Pepper’s proposal came in two separate press releases on June 2 and June 6 in which he suggested the sale of land owned by the commissioners be tabled. Todd Portune confirmed the location of the proposed jail site at a Commissioner’s meeting June 7.

“Our townships are the only areas of the county that are still growing. If we limit the growth by expanding jail facilities into the suburbs, Hamilton County’s problem will only be compounded,” Wagner stated. “Hamilton County needs a new, larger facility near the Court House. We need this facility to get the violent criminals off the streets. Cincinnati and Hamilton County used to be a safe place to shop, eat, and enjoy the beautiful attractions. When the streets are safe, people will come back and revitalize the county and city. This will only happen when the criminals are off the streets."

# # #

Commission candidate David Pepper reacted angrily to the press release.
"It's a flat-out lie," Pepper said, adding that Tom Weidman is a supporter of Pepper's opponent, Commissioner Phil Heimlich.

"I'd never heard of the (Colerain Township) location in my life," Pepper said.

Pepper insists he never has said he would consider placing a jail in Colerain Township.
Pepper admits there was confusion over his June 2 press release (see link below) that advocated to "Initiate the location and engineering analysis for the added jail space, including tabling the decision made by Heimlich to sell county owned property that might be useful for the jail location."

After that, Commissioner Todd Portune said in a televised June 7 Hamilton County Commission meeting (see link to clip below) that one of the pieces of land being considered for sale that might be used for a jail is the Educational Services Center -- in Colerain Township.

"I'd never even heard of the location in my life," Pepper said, adding he has no specific site in mind for a new jail.

Weidman said that was the connection he -- and Heimlich's campaign -- made to Pepper pushing for a jail in Colerain Township.

Kathy Wagner told the Enquirer this afternoon she didn't feel misled by Weidman, her source for the information, saying "I trust those guys."

She stressed her point was the opposition to any proposed jail in any Hamilton County township.


at 10:23 AM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

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at 11:31 AM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil Heimlich has never built a jail, wants to raise your taxes, and now because his election changes are dwindling by the day he's orchestrating hack-job smear tactics against Pepper on the jail. Pepper never proposed this or any other jail site. What a joke!

at 12:21 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepper is on record calling for a halt to the sale of township property "that might be useful for a jail."

If not Colerain, what property is he referring to, then?

I wouldn't want a jail in my backyard, but I do want a jail. Perhaps David Pepper, in his eternal quest for public office, should think before he runs his mouth.

at 12:43 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"David Pepper proposed that the Educational Service Center, which Commissioners Heimlich and DeWine would like to sell to the Educational Service Center Board, be the site of the new jail."

That is a lie, plain and simple. Heimlich is a desperate politician.

at 1:13 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heimlich is pathetic. The guy fails to build a jail in four years, and now he attacks (through intermediaries) his opponent about where he's going to put a jail that he still has no idea how to build.

at 1:51 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wouldn't want a jail in my backyard, but I do want a jail."

I guess like most suburban hypocrites, you don't care about the people living downtown and in Over the Rhine who don't want jails in their backyards, either. If those township t(R)ustees are so worried about the cost of gas, why not build it in the 'burbs so they don't waste so much gas bringing their suburban criminals into my city to put them in jail.

at 2:46 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Colerain Township is a great place for a jail. It will look great next to a garbage dump.

The Feds really screwed up back in the 50s. They should have put Fernald here too.

What's next for our Township, County Boys? Moving all those junkyards out of the West End? How about Nu-Blend paint? A nice new rail yard?

Welcome to Colerain Township: Ohio's Largest Dumping Ground.

Todd Portune sure knows how to make his hometown proud.

at 3:13 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do not need another jail, period.

75% of occupants are abuse issues.

Take one forth the money of the new jail and expand CCats, prospect house, first step and treat immediately and the crime rate will drop, period.

One only needs to drive through over-the-rhine and pick up the troubled and get treatment, rehabilitation, and county jobs rebuilding, restoring blighted buildings property.

Location of jail is irrelevant in the electronic age with video hearings.

The city should not have to bear the blight of the criminals of the county.

We know where the crimes are !

Substations could be an answer, as well !


at 3:30 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Osborne on CityBeat's blog:

The Enquirer and the Art of the Smear

Kimball Perry, you need to publish a retraction for publishing a false statement about David Pepper.

at 3:52 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does fact-checking and journalistic responsibility end when Enquirer reporters call it a blog entry? Is this where you get to spread smears with impunity?

From now on, save the bother of typing - just scan Republican Party press releases and upload them here.

Another proud day for the Enquirer....

at 4:28 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video makes clear that Todd is barely paying attention, let alone making a jail site location proposal. Heimlich and his people are lowlifes

at 4:30 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are those the same Wagners who have given Heimlich's campaign $5,500?

at 4:33 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy Wagner told the Enquirer this afternoon she didn't feel misled by Weidman, her source for the information, saying "I trust those guys."

So does Kimball Perry....

at 4:42 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original release, put out by a Heimlich hack, said:

“David Pepper proposed that the Educational Service Center, which Commissioners Heimlich and DeWine would like to sell to the Educational Service Center Board, be the site of the new jail.”

Reading Pepper's press release and watching a video where Portune seems to barely know what Heimlich is talking about, and then throws something in at the end, shows that the above statement is totally ridiculous.

at 5:03 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As everyone knows, sooner or later Phil Heimlich double-crosses anyone who tries to form an alliance with him. That's his nature. Get involved with him and eventually it blows up in your face.

He just left his sugar daddy, Carl Lindner, and Si Leis twisting in the wind. If that wasn't enough, he then had his Repub pals punk the paper with this jive press release in order to distract from today's editorial.

But hey, Enquirer, keep giving Phil cover and, by all means, endorse him in his re-election bid. No matter how many times he pulls the same stunt, you guys always answer the doorbell and stomp on the burning paper bag. Then you wonder what's that nasty stuff on your shoe!

at 7:11 PM, June 16, 2006 Blogger Someone said...

Just look at how different my "revision" of the "update" sounds. How easy to spin toward one candidate or another!

Commission candidate David Pepper provided clarification for the mistaken press release from Tom Weidman, indicating that Tom Weidman is a supporter of Pepper's opponent, Commissioner Phil Heimlich.

"I'd never heard of the (Colerain Township) location in my life," Pepper explained.

Pepper said he would not consider placing a jail in Colerain Township. It seems Weidman is confused about Pepper's June 2 press release (see link below) that advocated to "Initiate the location and engineering analysis for the added jail space, including tabling the decision made by Heimlich to sell county owned property that might be useful for the jail location."

"I'd never even heard of the location in my life," Pepper said, adding he has no specific site in mind for a new jail.

In a televised June 7 Hamilton County Commission meeting (see link to clip below), Todd Portune briefly mentioned that one of the pieces of land being considered for sale that might be used for a jail is the Educational Services Center -- in Colerain Township.

Weidman said that was the connection he -- and Heimlich's campaign -- made to Pepper pushing for a jail in Colerain Township.

Despite misrepresenting Pepper's campaign releases, Kathy Wagner told the Enquirer this afternoon she didn't feel misled by Weidman, her source for the information, saying "I trust those guys."

She stressed her point was the opposition to any proposed jail in any Hamilton County township.

at 8:11 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait till the w(R)ong wing fishwap is served with that multi-million libel and civil rights case along with every member of the hamilton county republican party central committee for trying to suppress the free speech rights of that anonymous website that is exposing all those unlawful, deceiving and misleading judicial advertisements the w(R)ong wing nuts ran in the fishwrap.

The fishwrap neglected to report, out of partisan bias, those unlawful, deceiving and misleading advertisements although they tried to ding Mallory using the same supreme court ruling.



at 8:20 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Kimball Perry collude with Phil Heimlich in a smear? The evidence points in that direction.

at 10:43 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimball Perry, the retraction is fine, but you've done the damage. If you are a professional journalist, you should issue an official public apology to David Pepper.

I always believed professional journalist always backed up & did thorough fact-checking before printing/blogging.

I'm not a journalist, however, I do plenty of research on community projects & not only do I check once, I check at least twice.

This maelstrom you created is absolutely pathetic. Shame on you, Heimlich & all your crooked cronies.

at 12:42 AM, June 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimball Perry is twice the reporter that Kevin Osborn is. That's why Kevin couldn't cut it at the Enquirer.

That said, the Enquirer is much too quick to cut and paste every GOP press release that comes its way onto its blog without any real reporting. This seems to be a Carl Wesier trait.

Maybe they just want you to pay 50 cents for a paper in order to get the real story.

at 1:32 AM, June 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

O:K Brainiacs, Here's the missing link ( best of my memory)

Heimlich proposed to sell off county owned properties and USE THE MONEY for a NEW jail's location!! The missing prepositional phrase ( for those of you who are not news junkie or Enquirer reporters on local politics) is inserted in the quote below so it makes sense for everyone;

...the decision made by Heimlich to sell county owned property TO GET THE MONEY that might be useful for the NEW jail'S location...

That is what Pepper and Portune were referring to , and the Educational Service Center was one of the properties that had been discussed that wasn't being used OR ANTICIPATED TO BE USED IN THE FUTURE for ANY county service.

So, Heimlich cannot correlate his own plans for raising the revenues to build a jail with the statement made by Pepper and Portune stating that they wanted to "table" those plans at this juncture.

When Heimlich asks Portune "what site might be useful for the jail location" he further demonstrates that he cannot remember what BS he last fed to the public about his plans for financing a new jail, thinking the press release is referring to a site for a jail rather the a property to be sold - which he, himself, proposed.

Portune, actually, is answering two differnet questions - what property would be beneficial for a jail ( which is not the context of the press release being referenced) and what property he, Heimlich, proposed to be sold as Heimlich hands him the press release.

Heimlich, Honey, you proposed selling the Educational Service Center among other properties -- don't you remember? Thank goodness Todd knows what YOU'RE talking about and can keep track of your BS!!!

Now, I understand why the average Joe might not be able to follow the line of politics of Heimlcih - but these people being paid to report to us the proposals(news) -and the persons making the proposals (Heimlich) -- why they can't decipher a reference to Heimlich's own proposal -- I don't understand.

Todd's answer was correct. Someone please explain to Heimlich and the Enquirer what this exchange was about - in simple terms with lots of footnotes.

Then, Pepper should file an elections complaint citing Heimlich's own proposal,the tape of the meeting, Heimlich's website ( making known false statements) and put the Township official under oath as well as her "informant" --

Let the games begin!

at 11:58 PM, June 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just frickin sad. The Enquirer owes a headline apology to Pepper. When will the Enquirer become a paper that this city can all be proud of? As of now, with something as big as this, it seems never.

This truly makes my stomach churn. No wonder the people are fleeing Hamilton County. Can we say a bunch of liars are telling us the way things are?

Does The Enquirer have any sence of duty to the people of Hamilton County. Every now and again I see hope in the way they report and that they do care but then things like this (attacking Pepper without facts) pop up time and again and I see that they lead us astray or shut the lights off completely.

We all lose time and again because our one major newspaper or it's blog failed us.

I just don't get it... I just don't get it.

Maybe the Enquirer shares it's name with a major check-out counter tabloid for a reason. Rumors as news.

at 12:13 PM, June 18, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kimball Perry wrote this up as a print news article rather than a blog item, he would have had to call all the parties including Pepper, Portune, Colerain Township officials, Heimlich, and Weidman. Instead, Perry runs the Weidman press release without comment.

This looks like when Perry wants to broadcast questionable material that can't make it into the paper because it won't pass muster, he parks it on the Enquirer blog.

It's a win-win for Heimlich & Perry. No fact-checking or even-handedness required, but the item gets the implied respectability of being part of the Enquirer.

at 6:28 PM, June 18, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

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at 9:57 PM, June 19, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

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at 1:43 AM, June 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today, the northwest press, owned by the enquirer, printed the story about pepper's supposed plan to build the new jail in colerain twp. what a joke! Since the Enquirer bought out the press papers - journalism has gone out the window and political propaganda has prevailed,

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