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Friday, September 14, 2007

Schmidt on Petraeus report

Rep. Jean Schmidt issued this statement today:

"What I have witnessed in Iraq is quite similar to the testimony of General Petreaus. Significant progress is being made on the security front. In my meetings with Iraqi officials, I told them I was not happy with the pace of progress on the political front. I continue to be frustrated by this lack of progress. A more secure environment will certainly foster the opportunity to build trust and achieve reconciliation. I wish our mission were finished, but it is not. We cannot simply walk away.

"These are tough times. But given the investment we have made and the progress we have witnessed, I remain firmly committed to giving our troops the resources they need to achieve success. In my conversations with our young men and women in uniform in Baghdad, that is all that they have ever asked of me.

"Politics should not be a factor in these decisions. We have the best military in the world. General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker say they are making progress but need more time. I think politicians who are trying to make political gains with this issue are ill-advised. My position may not be popular with everyone but it is what I believe in my heart is the right thing to do.

"I am confident that we can succeed in Iraq. I want to bring our troops home in victory, not in defeat. They are asking for more time. I believe that as long as we are making progress, we should let them have it."


at 1:42 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Jean write this herself, or is it plagiarised?

at 3:35 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a standard paragraph issued by the rnc.

stay the course. pray and stay. fight them over there so we don't fight them over here. return on success.

at 4:44 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

General BetrayUs should be tried as a war criminal and Jean Schmidt and the rest of her Repugnicant cronies should be tried, too, for aiding and abetting this criminal invasion.

at 5:51 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Our investment in Iraq"?? Money down a rat hole is more like it!
In Bush's "whistling past the graveyard" speech on Thurs, he told us how he is trying to pass off responsibility for his mess in Iraq to anybody, anybody at all, including our children and grandchildren. It was a speech
given by a "special" coward.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels "slimed" by this moron!
And, Rep. Schmidt - start polishing up your resume... you are certainly going to need it.
Maybe you and Boehner can start some kind of a co-dependent company for ignorant former politicians.

at 5:52 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether the invasion was criminal or not is completely irrelevant and it frustrates the heck out of me that people keep bringing that up.

We are there. Deal with it and stop Monday morning quarterbacking.

Let's but that issue behind us and try to figure out how to bring our folks home in a way that leaves the region safe.

If only Biden wasn't such a wierdo. His Iraq plan is the only responsible one that I have heard.

at 6:07 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not irrelevant that the invasion was criminal, built on a pack of lies. wanting to put that behind us is a rnc talking point that simply aims to avoid responsibility.

that being said, yes, lets bring the troops home.

at 6:10 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean Schmidt is utterly clueless.

Can you imagine the reaction from the leaders of Iraq to this:

"I told them I was not happy with the pace of progress on the political front."

To which the Iraqi leaders rolled their eyes and said, "Congresswoman Schmidt, YOU are a prime candidate for a burkha."

Seriously, folks. Jean Schmidt telling other government she "is not happy with their progress" makes me laugh.

Hey, Jean... WE aren't happy with YOUR progress in the following areas:

-Original writing

Need I go on?

We can do better.

Brinkman for Congress

at 6:36 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are at war with a brutal, ruthless enemy. The fighting in Iraq is merely part of the larger global war against the thugs and murderers of Islamic Fascism. It's a fight to the death, and we must win it everywhere we face those 7th century cretins. Win it; my gosh, what part of that expression don't you leftists understand? And we will win it, despite your cries of "oh, ain't it awful" and "Stop the killing" and "Can't we all just get along" and "It's all our fault; let's quit, run home and maybe they won't hate us anymore." You folks live in dem/lib la-la land. Get real. I hope it doesn't take nukes set off in two or three of our ports or urban areas to make you get real. It hasn't happened yet, because we're killing the SOB's on their turf instead of ours, thanks to genuine military heroes like General Petraeus, thanks to the tough, dedicated fighting men and women of our armed forces and thanks to the Commander-in-Chief who has the brains and the balls to do what must be done. And thanks to the support of patriots in Congress like Congresswoman Jean Schmidt.

at 10:01 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

How we got there may be relevant to prosecution of those who got us there but it is an irrelevant point when considering how to get out. It may feel good to assign blame (and in many ways it may even be appropriate to do so) but pointing fingers doesn't do a bit of good from a policy standpoint and at this point in time we need to advance the debate.

I understand it may be effective politically for us Dems to keep bringing it up but it is counterproductive and devisive. To waste time on that discussion is to take time away from the conversation on how to fix this mess. "Bring them home" is no more reasonable of a strategy than "keep them there". Both are simple and both are dim.

It is a delicate disaster in which we have put ourselves and we need to move away from such simple rhetoric (see:TNP) in order to find a reasonable and responsible solution.

Biden, Paul, and Clinton (to some extent) are the only candidates who have expressed an understanding of the nuance necessary to fix this.

But to the topic of the original post, Jean Schmidt is a simple minded bufoon and she is only making things worse.

at 10:19 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're not laughing out-loud about Jean "advising the Iraq leaders", you need to pour yourself a double scotch!

at 10:22 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're not laughing out loud about Jean "advising the Iragi leaders", you need to pour yourself a double scotch.

at 10:32 PM, September 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil Heimlich is dead on. Clueless is the only word for Jean.
Let's guess who the Republicans will nominate to run for the seat.

at 9:37 AM, September 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jean Schmidt,

Many years ago, I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and my family was represented by a moderate military war hero Congressman named Colonel John P. Murtha. Congressman Murtha Saved American lives and served his country with honor. He took at least two bullets for his country. He received the Bronze Star, TWO PURPLE HEARTS, and the Vietnamese Medallion of Gallantry. Congressman Murtha, who originally voted for the war in Iraq, is a champion of the American soldier and the families they left behind. In his spare time, he visits wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center and walks amongst the graves at Arlington National Cemetery. There has never been a military program or military movement that he did not support until now. The war in Iraq has lasted longer than World War I, longer than World War II, longer than the War in Vietnam, longer than the Korean War, longer than the American Civil War. And Congressman Murtha, who you called a "COWARD" in front of millions of people is not only one of the bravest American soldiers that you will ever meet, he is the face and the voice of the American Soldier in the United States Congress. Congressman Murtha did not call for a "cut and run" strategy as you so much like to call it... He called for a change in strategy in Iraq. A redeployment of American troops to the perimeter of the region.

Jean, you came to Pike County and stood in a roomful of Republicans who applauded you for "standing up" to Congressman Murtha. And you allowed the comments to continue without saying a word. I ran for US Congress and challenged you to a debate on Healthcare, the Economy and the War in Iraq. And you repeatedly NEVER responded to my request. There is something completely wrong about American politics and we need a change in course... and we need it now.

I do not know who I will vote for in the Democratic primary, but I can assure you that Congressman Murtha is as far from being a coward as any American could ever be and I can absolutely assure you that I will not be voting for you in November.

My name is Jim Parker and I believe in the American Dream. I believe that if you work hard that you will go far. I believe in an America where your children will have the opportunity to do better in their lives than you had the opportunity to do in yours. And I believe in an America where nobody is ever left behind. I have no respect for people who are selfish, who are greedy or who only care about themselves. And I believe that the United States Government and the people who serve in political office are responsible for creating a better tomorrow. I am concerned about the future of Medicare (which by the way is going broke). I want to expand Medicare to millions of people. I can lower the cost of healthcare for millions of men, women and children in our country. You want to give Medicare to the insurance companies of our country. I am concerned about the future of Social Security and yet, in 2006, we have a President who has vowed that he will put people's economic future into the stock market if it's the last thing he ever does. He said, in a State of the Union Address, that he was going to create a specila commission to investigate ways to save Medicare and Social Security for the Baby Boom generation. He said that Rob Portman would be in charge of the cokmmission. This never happened. I don't believe what politicans say because they often say whatever people want to hear instead of what they really intend to do... Not everybody is as fortunate as you or special interests that you represent. I am asking you to try, for once, to be a congresswoman who represents ALL people, not just some. Some of your ideas about the economy and the military might work just fine for the people who don't have to worry about where the next dollar is coming from in their lives but your ideas DO NOT WORK for everybody else. One of the key principles of the Catholic religion is to stand up for the poorest of the poor. And yet the leadership of the Republican Party (not the voters - but the leaders) leave the poorest of the poor behind, instead, supporting ideas like greed (oil, insurance and drug companies), selfishness and instead, supporting the people who contribute to political campaigns instead of the people who have so little that they could never imagine giving money to a politician.

My name is Jim Parker, I am a Catholic who believes in supporting the poorest of the poor. I am a Democrat who believes in saving Medicare, ending wars and fighting for the economic future of the American middle class. I promise that if I ever run for political office again, that you will not have the fortune of escaping another debate about healthcare, the economy and the war with me. People like me are going to change this nation - even if we have to begin our battle one person at a time.

Please use your political power to reconsider the course of this war. Terrorism is an evil force that must be eliminated from the face of the earth. I have stood at the crash site of flight 93. I have been to Arlington National Cemetery. There are better ways to do what we all want to accomplish. PLEASE use your position to make a difference in the lives of everybody instead of the richest one percent of Americans. Please...

Jim Parker
Former / Future Democratic Candidate for US Congress
Southern Ohio - 2nd District
2005, 2006 and 2010???


at 10:58 AM, September 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...tnp said...We are at war with a...ruthless enemy...the Commander-in-Chief...and the Congresswoman Jean Schmidt...6:36 PM, September 14, 2007"

Here we go again the use-less idiot dude, from the NAZI party (tnp) goose-stepping to that 'schmidty' elephant dung propaganda !

Her body is so toxic that we are certain of the need for a colon-rink-a-dink-an elephant dew cleanser !

Talk about 'cut and run' !

Stop 'foley fondling' our 'family values' !

PATHETIC HypoRites !


at 1:04 PM, September 15, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

TNP@6:36 PM, There are 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide. What percentage of these would you estimate are of the "Islamic-Fascist" variety? Let's just say for the sake of argument it's only One-Percent. OK, that's 12 Million people.

Now, it would be bad enough if this was a static number. That is to say, let's kill that 12 million people scattered across the world and we win!
But I think we can agree that it's a number that is constantly replenishing it's ranks.

If you are correct when you assert that we have only two options: Victory (whatever that means here) or multiple Nuclear attacks. Then we have on any given day, something like 12 million people out there wanting to nuke us. It's time to ask ourselves - why? I will presume that you will answer, "because they hate our freedom & values...they hate everything about our way of life here in America".

This may be true. But I have serious doubts that it is our way of life here that they hate. But rather it is our attempts to force our way of life on them there, in their homelands that they hate.

When you speak of "Islamic-Fascists" I assume you mean al-Qaeda and it's satellite groups. They have made no secret of what it is they demand regarding the U.S. They want our military out of the Arabian peninsula and for us to stop giving military aid to Israel. This seems a small thing to ask if the alternative is, as you claim, multi-millions of people worldwide working to nuke the U.S. in order to drive us out.

at 5:52 PM, September 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean Schmidt just doesn't get it. Jim Parker speaks his heart. That guy is my kind of candidate. I think he is running for Congress in 2010. He should run for Congress now. What is he waiting for? We need people like Jim Parker in Washington. Jean Schmidt needs to go.

at 11:56 PM, September 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

AorA, we were attacked, we're at war and we must win. The alternative is unthinkable. All the sophistry in the world can't make this simple but unhappy situation go away. You and Anonymous at 10:01, 9/14, apparently think my belligerence is simplistic. I think your nuanced, "come let us reason together" position is self-defeating. You seem to have no idea how serious the Islamo-Fascist enemies are in seeking the destruction of the West, of Christianity, of all other non-Muslim faiths, of Israel and all the Jews of the world and particularly the United States. I don't give a damn what al Qaeda wants, what al Aqsa Brigade wants or Hezbollah or Hamas or the Taliban or the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood or Ahmadinejad or Nasrallah or Bashir or CAIR. We were attacked, it's clear who did it and why, we're at war and we must win. The "why" you posit is, indeed, simplistic. And if you can't figure out how to define "Victory" in this awful war, then I'm grateful to God that you are not the Commander-in-Chief. I'm going to work very, very hard in 2008 to defeat every candidate who thinks like you.

at 1:18 AM, September 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I really like what Jim Parker has to say.


at 11:03 AM, September 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will presume that you will answer, "because they hate our freedom & values...they hate everything about our way of life here in America".

how about, they hate us for our greed.

at 11:14 AM, September 17, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

TNP@11:56 PM: Relax pal. There are no candidates who "think like" me re: the middle east, with the possible exceptions of Paul & Kucinich. But we both know neither stands a chance.

Your "Kill 'em all - let God sort 'em out" policy is well represented among all the mainstream candidates from both parties. Whether they say so publicly or not.
Even Hillary wouldn't dare put the interests and security of The U.S.A. before that of Israel and Exxon.

at 11:19 AM, September 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

TNP is just another bed-wetting reich winger who has a delusion that the terrorists will 'end our nation" or christianity. These people are delusional. Here's a reality check: The terrorists can blow up buildings, they can kill lots of people, but as horrible as that is they cannot 'end our nation and christianity'. That's delusional. Did the IRA bring the UK to it's knees? They killed a lot more people over the years than muslim terrorists have killed Americans.

We won't ever have a military victory in Iraq. Didn't you hear Patreaus say that loud and clear? We will not 'win' the so called 'war on terror' with military might. we'll win it with intelligence work, police actions and diplomacy. The same way that terrorism in Northern Ireland was finally defeated.

And one other thing; they don't 'hate us for our freedom' or any BS of the sort; they hate us because we have troops in their holy land and for our completely one sided support of Israel. Period.

at 6:46 PM, September 17, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:19 am, 9/17/07, and AorA, I think both of you are grossly underestimating the threat we are facing. In your profound ignorance you both think I'm delusional or simple-minded. You need to read up on radical Islam and how the current global turmoil is merely the third attempt in the permanent Muslim effort to bring an end to "Dar al Harab" by extending "Dar al Islam" to the furthermost corners of the world. The Islamic "faithful" refer to all non-Muslim nations as "Dar al Harab," meaning "The World of War." The current attempt is a bit different from the previous two (and also from the bloody efforts of the IRA in Northern Ireland) in that OBL and his buddies are desperately seeking nukes to use against Dar al Harab, especially the US and Israel. If they get the nuclear capability, the same people who saw the heads off helpless, screaming victims while videotaping their bloody cowardice will use it. So hold onto your hats, peaceniks and cut and run types. The next phase of the war may well be the US and friends obliterating Iran's military infrastructure and nuclear capabilities. And as awful and dangerous as those operations will be, the cheering you hear off to the side will be me, our armed forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere and my friends in Israel.

at 6:08 AM, September 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newsbreak - Now Preseident Bush is hellbent on sending American troops into Iran. I can only begin to wonder if Jean Schmidt will rubber stamp this one too...

at 7:49 PM, September 18, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

TNP, dude. I dunno what you're reading, but the idea that al-Qaeda and let's say The Iranians are going to join forces to conquer the world is just ridiculous. For so many reasons.

at 12:35 AM, September 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every blog, talk radio call in etc, people are always saying "we" are fighting the terrorists there so "we" don't have to fight them here. Well, "we" aren't doing anything. The 160,000 soldiers and marines are fighting for the other 99% of Americans who are doing absolutely nothing. No sacrifice of their time or money to fight Bush's war. I'm sick to death of the people sitting around the coffee shop having their latte and saying "we" have to stay the course. My son is about to be deployed for the 3rd time. He is fighting and "we" his family are sacrificing and the 99% doing nothing need to shut up or go down to the recruiter and get busy. If this is really a cause that requires this kind of sacrifice, then its time for a draft and its time to raise taxes to pay for the war NOW so our grandchildren aren't saddled with Bush's huge debt. Maybe his daddy has the money to bail him out of his mistakes but most Americans don't have that luxury. Its time WE - all AMericans- really participate and earn their citizenship.

at 12:55 PM, September 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

AorA, I have never said and would never say anything like what you are ardently ascribing to me. The way you put it is an absurd spin of what I said, perhaps written as sincere misinterpretation of my position or, more likely given the persistent sarcastic tone of criticisms on this blog, written as an intentional attempt to make me appear delusional or stupid. I will assume you merely misunderstand and respond one more time.

We, and yes, Anonymous at 12:35 am, 9/19, I mean every single American, including you, like it or not, have been dragged unwillingly into a global war against a decentralized enemy that has access to WMD, has multiplied billions of bucks to spend, has state sponsorship from Iran, Syria, Sudan and other nations and has the desire to die fighting non-Muslims in order to purchase passage to a heaven which supposedly promises eternal sex with 72 virgins. There are military aspects to this war. Witness the fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. There are financial facets of this war, involving oil and oil money. There are religious features to the struggle. And the politics, international and domestic both, swirling around all the aspects of this ugly war are sometimes mind-boggling, particularly as relates to the dogged opposition from the American and European left to the successful prosecution of the war at each and every twist and turn of the conflict.

The Cold War lasted over five decades and to a degree is still going on. The war against radical Islam may well last even longer and may well bring additional devastation to our homeland. The hate-filled foot-dragging of the left in this nation and in Europe will serve to prolong the war by making the prosecution of it much more difficult than it would otherwise be. But rational men and women in both major parties will eventually prevail. 9/19 Anonymous, we will win this damned war despite your ignorant opposition. And AorA, I hope you have a clearer understanding of my position. It is virtually impossible for me to imagine the USA being "conquered" by anyone now or any time in the foreseeable future. But we could lose this awful war, make no mistake about it. Help our nation win it, damn it!

at 6:33 AM, September 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Parker should run for US Senate.

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