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Monday, December 11, 2006

Kucinich runs again

The Associated Press reports:

CLEVELAND – Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004, said Monday he is planning to run again because his party isn’t pushing hard enough to end the war in Iraq.

In a statement, Kucinich said he plans to formally announce his candidacy for 2008 on Tuesday at City Hall, where he served as mayor of his hometown in the 1970s.


at 4:38 PM, December 11, 2006 Blogger MR said...

Great post, thanks. Don't know if you've seen these two short videos from Iraq yet or not, but both show the US Military engaging in some very dubious actions. I have them up on my site at www.minor-ripper.blogspot.com ..You have to wonder what these soldiers were thinking when videotaping this stuff...

at 6:38 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Don't know if you've seen these two short videos from Iraq yet...

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Pathetic !!!

True world leaders !

Reminds me of another era in Germany !

These soldiers planted a sorted seed for Democracy !

at 6:40 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'll go right to your pathetic site...

at 6:40 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like trickle on reganomics to me.

at 6:43 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis must have a lot of money to waste.

Certainly a great representative, but, extreme for a world leader.

at 6:44 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What else does this liberal clown have to do? You can't make money protesting. He's white, so he can't shake down companies for seats on corporate boards like Jesse Jack.

at 10:31 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

...What else does this liberal clown have to do? You can't make money protesting. He's white, so he can't shake down companies for seats on corporate boards like Jesse Jack...

Typical wRong wingnut whacko spewing racist propaganda for self absorbed ego justification !

Certainly a legend in his own mind !

Must come from the back-woods of the "culture of corruption" !

Thanks, for revealing your true colors !



at 11:58 PM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

why isn't there a thread regarding the republicans trying obstruct the system of checks and balances in Ohio by passing these new laws that will actually make the administrative branch pay to do their job. To requie the ag to perform administrative functions under the governor ( reviewing contracts of administrative agencies) and prevent the constitutionally established board from exercising their powes regarding the districting of districts

at 12:49 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea the video is pretty bad. The guys in the video are a couple of jerks for sure.

However I hope you know that there are alot of good honorable men and women over there. They are doing alot of really good, kind, and generous things. There are many that are there trying to help the people that are trying to do good things.

I don't like the fact that we are in Iraq and I am sure you don't. And yes there are some real jerks in the military. But please don't think or make them all out to be bad. Most of them are good people who are trying to do the right thing. In the media we hear about the small percentage that are bad but never hear about the good guys. I want our troops home tomorrow and I am sure you do to. But I think it is wrong to try and put forth an image that our troops as a whole are bad people. You ruin the reputation of alot of good people that way.

at 5:24 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Overdue Visit

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the nation
Friends of Freedom knew it was a special occasion.
Lady Liberty stood taller just off the shore
Her torch shining brighter than a few weeks before

But it wasn't the flame turning her cheeks all rosy
It was thoughts of Snowe, Feingold and Nancy Pelosi
And leaders from every side of the aisle
Who would soon bring the Bill of Rights back into style.

The Amendments had all hurried out of their beds -
Which was no easy task, they were nearly in shreds -
And they rushed to the window on papery feet
As a jolly old man flew right over their street.

"Could it be!?" they inquired as the roof shook and trembled
And they crept toward the mantle, peaceably assembled,
Just as someone emerged from the chimney with flair
In a shiny red suit, with a shock of white hair

And a top hat, and pants all in red, white and blue -
"Wait a minute," the Amendments exclaimed, "Who are you?"
"Don't be frightened my children," he said, "it's no scam.
"You can't have forgotten your old Uncle Sam!"

"Holy crap!" said Free Speech. "Stop right there!" yelled Bear Arms
And Privacy cried "Who shut off the alarms?!"
The Fifth remained silent, but Uncle Sam said
"We've been having some trouble, but Freedom's not dead."

The Amendments were cautious. "It's just been so long
"We've seen Liberty lost, we've seen so much go wrong.
"The President's trying to mangle and warp us,
"The Fourth is in tatters, so's Habeas Corpus!"

The old man sat down - he had had quite a ride -
But he told them "Don't worry, the Law's on our side,
"'Cause the nation's fed up and more people are crying
"For Justice and an end to illegal spying,

"And secret abductions by the CIA,
"And laws that would take women's choices away,
"And Gitmo tribunals and secret detention,
"And other intrusions too numerous to mention - "

"Not so fast," said a grinchity voice from above
And Don Rumsfeld pushed past the Fourteenth with a shove.
He was covered in soot and he looked kind of scary.
It seemed like his Christmas had not been so merry.

The Amendments said they weren't happy to see him:
"You tried to throw all of us in the museum!
"You've done so much the Constitution forbids!"
"And I would have gone on, but for you meddling kids!"

Uncle Sam told him "Rummy, your plans just won't do,
"So we've got a brand new timetable for you!"
And as Rumsfeld retired and crept into the night
The Amendments cried out "Have a good secret flight!"

From the distance they heard him reply with a snort.
"Bye-bye, Rummy!" they answered, "we'll see you in court!"
Uncle Sam rode the chimney up out of the room
And, like Frosty, he said "I'll be back again soon."

But they heard him exclaim "Oh, and just one more thing!
"This year, when the holiday bells start to ring,
"Try to honor religion. Honest faith can't be wrong.
"It's America, can't we all just get along?

"So, on Christian," he cried, "Muslim, Hindu, and Jew!
"On Quaker! On Shaker! And Atheist too!
"On Buddhist! On Taoist! And to show we're not chickens
"We'll file a few lawsuits defending the Wiccans!

"Your belief is your right, so get out there and savor it.
"Uncle Sam's not a preacher, and he doesn't play favorites!"
So this holiday season, whatever you do,
Warmest wishes for Freedom, from the ACLU.

at 7:34 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, its good to see the fringe on the left is getting defined early.

at 11:01 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

...well, its good to see the fringe on the left is getting defined early...

Typical wRong wingnut whacko refusing to accept reality !

Spew your propaganda somewhere else, the voters have spoken !

No backwoods, primitive wRong wingnut whacko hypocritical, fondling folley, religious fanatics in the majority !

Got it !


at 6:46 PM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann: 11:01

So much hatred in your words. Calm down. It is nice to see you throw around more insults and define someone based on one statement. You are of course right and noone elses opinion counts. Nice to see you trash anyone who might have a different opinion than yours. And good job trashing a whole group of people and putting them all together. So enlightened of you. Typical that you show no kindness, compassion, or even show a little bit of a belief that everyone can have their own opinion.

at 9:20 PM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Elf is running again? Hahahaha! Thats great! What a laughing stock!

at 2:59 AM, December 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

That poem was geat - GO ACLU and by the way -- THANK YOU for standing for all of us and each of us and national rights

at 6:34 AM, December 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And.......And.....And......And....this clown Dennis believes in global warming. And....and....and....this clown will support slave reparations.
And....and...and....this clown Dennis is anti death penalty.
And....and...and....This clown Dennis supports affirmative action.

at 10:53 AM, December 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Typical that you show no kindness, compassion, or even show a little bit of a belief that everyone can have their own opinion....

Anyone who supports wRong wingnut whacko, cokehead, misleaders and willing to strip our nation of the constitution and bill of rights are not worthy of compassion.

They are unpatriotic, period !

at 9:39 PM, December 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow so original "wRong wingnut whacko" You have never used that one before.
Question: who is the cokehead??

I am sure you have something original for all of us. Maybe you can even say wRong wingnut again.

at 8:36 AM, December 14, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

....Maybe you can even say wRong wingnut again.....

Come all ye faithful wRong wingnut whackos:

I want to talk about me !

I want to talk about I !

I want to talk about number one, oh my, oh my !

at 10:44 PM, December 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a real idiot. You make no sense. You are not original and it is clear with your statements and the words you use that you are the WACKO!!! You are so far gone that noone can help you. I have a couple of guesses as to what you do for a living but I am guessing you mostly just spend time bitching about others and being a jerk to people.

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