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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lippert adds to victory margin

Last week’s recount shows that Kathy Wiethe Lippert held on to her victory.

Lippert won the May 2 election for the State Central Committee seat for the Democratic woman in the 7th District, a jurisdiction that includes parts of Hamilton and Warren counties.

Lippert defeated Mari Ferro by 13 votes, 5,092-5,079. Because she won the race by less than one-half of one percent, a recount was automatic under Ohio law.
The recount, costing taxpayers about $3,500 in overtime for election workers, won Lippert two more votes and Ferro one more.

Officially, Lippert won 5,094-5,080, said John Williams, director of the Hamilton County Board of Elections.

Lippert is the daughter of former longtime Hamilton County Democratic Party chairman John "Socko" Wiethe


at 4:03 PM, May 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go both Kathy and Mari!
But this is one matter that takes the demands of the re-elected (but not unanimous)chair of the HamCoDems of who he wants for office and dictates to citizens without their voice being heard. The illustrous Burke sent aide out to help Maria, asking people to take shifts. Good strategy for further alienating party members. His overzealousness still has his ears clogged, even if he says that he "hears" people.
(Which big business lobyist is it now?) Stay tuned for the next chapter of "As the Tim Burke Demopublic Party Turns".

at 6:34 PM, May 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke was unanimously re-elected. Nobody ran against him. The previous poster does not know what he's talking about. Probably Tyrone Yates.

at 12:37 AM, June 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry TB/ES, but the post at 4:03 PM is correct.
Sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord. {the party agreed to disagree....there was no counting of hands to make unanimous so only a voice vote where some did not agree and no abstain was called for} Based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement {therefore,of the little over 200 people attending, about two-thirds of the elected group from May 2 the vote cannot be characterized as unanimous.That did not count the 15 voters who walked out}.
Without a true secret ballot, like offered to all Americans at the polls and to newly forming nations by our American government, intimidation is always in rule for the local demos. But TB will work through this. He has to. He said he "heard the message".
Yates is too classy to write such. He supported TB after open dialogue was finally pushed for and heard after 8 years. He's true to his work and the people of the party.This one's from a union type.

at 10:11 AM, June 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are talkers and there are doer's.

Burke is a doer !

The members of the committee for the most part do not even do their job to get the voters out in there area !

When campaigns contact them for help the majority do not even return calls. Especially, those holding office.

The majority of members are all show and no go !

Burke cannot win elections. Members can !

Less talk and more action, Dem's win !

Mr. Burke has always made himself available to me, and I'm a nobody volunteer !

He is at activist events while the talking committee members are absent !

The Dem's are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual.

He certainly doesn't need the head ache !

I would hope that those that walked out (which I doubt) plan to take to the streets and get out the vote ! Most likely they will just turn their back again on success.

Burke is a success !

If members do not want to be part of the solution, they should walk.

The Dem's certainly don't need any more problems in this county were there are so many w(R)ong wing nuts to battle !


at 11:39 AM, June 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard Burke supported Maria. I also heard that Jenny hand picked her. Only Burke knows why he supported her, but, if out of loyalty to Jenny then that is honorable.

If there is in fighting, then it is time to burry the hatchet and get Dem's elected.

Channel the energy to defeat the wiretappers !


at 3:12 PM, June 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen - Lipeprt and some other scumsuckers from Anderson really ran a nasty smear campaign against Ferro. Is Lippert trying to vindicate her father - the former fallen leader of the party who lead covert actions himself and ran smear campaigns? One might never know. However, when they (Dems) tried to get rid of that guy, he need to go. he was old, doddering and didn't know a damn thing about what was going on. Congrats to Ferro for not letting Lippert run away with the election!!!!!

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