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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Report from Eastgate

Reporter Howard Wilkinson reports from the Jean Schmidt fundraiser:

House Speaker Dennis Hastert wrapped up two days of campaigning for GOP congressional candidates in the Cincinnati area with a campaign fundraising luncheon for Rep. Jean Schmidt, who is locked in a GOP primary battle with one of Hastert’s former House colleagues.

Hastert, a 10-term congressman from Illinois, made it clear Tuesday that in the battle between Schmidt and former congressman Bob McEwen, whom he served with in the House in the late 1980s and early 1990s, he is on the side of the incumbent.

Schmidt, Hastert told about 200 supporters gathered at the Eastgate Holiday Inn, “earned her spurs’’ last year by winning tough battles in the special primary and general elections to replace former Rep. Rob Portman.

“What I like to see is somebody who lives in the district, works in the district, raises a family in the district,’’ Hastert said. “I like a member who comes home on the weekends and goes to the grocery stores, goes to the hardware stores. That’s what I call retail politics. Jean does that.’’

Schmidt’s $125-a-plate fundraising luncheon came at the end of a two-day swing through Cincinnati that included a Monday night fundraising event at a private home in Indian Hill for 1st District Rep. Steve Chabot and a Tuesday morning fundraiser in Crestview Hills for Geoff Davis, the GOP incumbent in Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District.

Among the crowd at the Schmidt fundraiser were Clermont County commissioner Bob Proud, Keith Maupin, father of missing U.S. soldier Matt Maupin; John and Barbara Willke, the Cincinnatians who founded the national right-to-life movement in the early 1970s; and Ken Johnson, the Adams County minister who led the battle to keep the Ten Commandments on display at several Adams County schools.

Schmidt thanked Hastert for coming and told the crowd they were in the presence of someone “very important.’’

“That’s evidenced by all the armed men in the room,’’ said Schmidt, motioning to the House speaker’s four security men positioned in the four corners of the room. “So watch out.’’

E-mail hwilkinson@enquirer.com


at 3:51 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a fine, fun event. Turnout was good, and it seems that a lot of money was raised. Congratulations to Speaker of the House Hastert and Congresswoman Schmidt.

I look forward to hearing about the fundraiser with Secretary of the Treasury Bodman later tonight.

at 4:07 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

GWB is a war criminal who should tried for crimes against humanity, and the republicans who support him are equally as guilty of war crimes as he is

at 4:21 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing Jean Schmidt's explanation about why she lied for 16 years about having a degree in Secondary Education when she really didn't.

The truth always catches up to you.

Whatever you do, don't click my name, because then you will be exposed to the shocking lie that Jean spread for 16 years.

And believe me, there is much more than this...

Stick a fork in her. She's done.

at 5:14 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if the Republicans in Anderson charged $150 a person to attend the debate, and then gave all the money to Jean, maybe then Anderson would look neutral again and Old Lady Cut-n-Run would fulfill her commitment to debate in Anderson.

at 5:20 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction: I wrote misidentified Secretary Bodman earlier. He is Secretary of Energy. Sorry.

at 7:11 PM, March 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked why there will no longer be a debate at the Gaslight Theater in Georgetown, Ohio?

at 1:20 AM, March 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jean is showing more of the true stripes. Shows up in Eastgate to talk to a group of supporters to pick up some more money. And then won't go to Anderson where someone in the crowd might ask her a tough question.
That is just want I want from a my representative in congress. Scared to debate!!! She shows no guts at all. Guess her people have told her that everytime she opens her mouth something bad comes out.

And now we hear about lies about a degree in Education. This just keeps getting better. The more people find out the more there is there to just shake our heads at.

Come on Jean you have lost my vote. Debate and let happen what is suppose to happen. Let the voters make a choice on who is the better canidate.

Of course you don't care about what is best you only will do anything (or nothing, ie no debate) to keep your seat.

at 2:48 PM, March 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard on 700 WLW that Jean Schmidt lied on her resume, claiming she earned a college degree when she did not.

This woman has embarrassed our district too many times she she took office.

She will not be getting my vote.

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