For women only

Incumbent Laketa Cole and challenger Samantha Herd have teamed up on a postcard-szed piece of campaign literature that went out Monday to 10,000 women voters in Cincinnati. But not just any women voters - only those who have no male registered voter in their households were targeted.
It is probably a shrewd move, particularly for Herd, who is well known in Democratic party circles and in city hall as the former council aide to Tyrone Yates, but who does not have great name recognition among the public at-large.
There are only five women among the 31 candidates for Cincinnati City Council this year. As one of the five, Herd's direct pitch to women voters makes a lot of sense.
When Yates moved on from council and was elected to the Ohio House, Herd went with him, serving as his chief aide in Columbus.
Now, in addition to getting a boost from Cole, Herd is getting a some help from her boss as well, particularly among black voters. Yates has cut a 60-second radio commercial for his legislative aide that will run on black radio stations.

We can't swear to it, but we are reasonably certain that was the first time the name of Grover Cleveland (left) had been invoked in a Cincinnati City Council race since at least the late 19th century.
Laketa's hot
Who is more attractive? Laketa? Landsman? Or David Crowley?
CROWLEY! (Have you seen that photo of him in the Navy?)
How about one with all the "hot" male Council candidates. Who would be on the mailer?
Definitely Crowley.
When did Anna Nicole Smith become interested in Cincinnati politic?
Ha ha. He happens to be a very attractive man.
I love cheeseburgers.
Mmmmm...cheeseburgers. The cheeseburger at City View in Mt. Adams is outstanding.
Laketa is dumb as a post. I mean seriously not smart.
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Ross is MUCH hotter than Landsman....or is it Landsferd...or Landsjerk?
Are Greg Landsman and Samantha Herd dating?
Isn't it great how Cole changed her hairstyle from ghetto to suburban as the election got closer?
Would anyone argue with me that if she used the scary cornrow "do" in her picture with Herd that it would come across the same way?
Herd is an attractive lady, and a lady to boot. Cole is a thug straight from the hood who can't compete.
What was Herd thinking?
O felix, that would be three votes idiot!
Teamwork- what an amazing concept!
And in a political situation, no less.
Leslie Ghiz (that's Ghiz, you know, her name is Ghiz) should try it sometime.
About Ghiz- be sure to read this column in Queen City Forum where she states that Karl Rove is one of her heroes:
Article54.php (sorry, don't know how to post as active link, feel free to fix)
Herd is not attractive......delete this comment if you want, but she comes across very bossy and stuck up
As irrelevant as this is, I feel the need to respond to the comment about Laketa's hair style. That's the photo she's had on the council website for the last 2 years, hardly a recent change.
Post 10:09- Sam Herd is lovely to look at and to listen to- she's effective,intelligent and confident.Are those the qualities that make her unattractive to you? Perhaps yoou'd like Betty Crocker or Donna Reed.
I agree, Herd may be right on the issues, but she is not ellectable because of her personality.
What is wrong with you people? Why are you commenting on how council candidates look or their staff for that matter? Does it really matter. I believe I read in The Enquirer that "ugly" candidates actually have a better chance of getting elected ... historically that is. But really is that what this council race is about? Leave the candidates' looks and their staff out of this. Commenting on immutable characteristics is low and actually quite cruel. I am imagining what some of the bloggers who posted the comments and it makes my skin crawl.
True,but Luken has the big bucks to oversadow that personality.
the difference is that luken is a man. i think its gross how ppl comment on laketa's and sam's appearance. i don't hear that kind of talk about male candidates.
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