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Friday, April 18, 2008

Monzel: Clean Up The Trash

This is a New York City trash can. Note the $100 fine for dumping anything but street litter into it.
That's the same thing Councilman Chris Monzel wants to do here. He's introducing an ordinance to allow police officers who see inappropriate dumping into any of the city's 2,379 corner trash cans to fine the dumper $100. That's because the city's public services director, Andrew Glenn, says part of the reason the cans sometimes get full fast is that people stuff the cans with their personal trash.

Monzel's plan also would require any can about which someone called public services to complain be emptied within 24 hours. Glenn says all cans are emptied weekly, if not more often, but Monzel wants to put that in the form of a policy anyway.

Monzel expects his plan to be introduced in neighborhoods committee April 29.

(Photo courtesy of Monzel aide Bradford P. Beckett)
See a map of where all the trash cans are here (pdf)


at 5:11 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City's Finance Director belongs in one of these cans.

at 5:23 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Once again the wRong wingnut whacko mon-zealot is talking trash !

The Police have better things to do, but hey, lets put them on trash-can patrol !

Perhaps, trash is kept off the street because there are cans ? We have used the cans to empty trash from our automobile !

Why not, it is usually vendor cart trash from food purchased supporting downtown vendors !

Real simple, empty the trash daily if need be, PERIOD !

Take some of that corporate welfare and put it in to services for the tax-payers !

Free up the jail space by requiring community service to pick up the trash !

Gosh, certainly there are more important matters pressing council ?

PATHETIC 'family values' !


at 7:18 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The foot-tapping Bold Typist is blog trash.

at 7:35 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Monzel and Bradford P. cannot handle the complex issues we face so they master the meaningless drivel.

at 7:45 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cincinnati, which is where I live IS no doubt trashy relative to other cities. Something has to be done.

Start with this and also look into the idea that landlords evicting tenants are not allowed to put contents of former tenants out to the curb until the trash trucks come by...and further require that they are present to assist the city workers to get the truck loaded.

Finally, have a positive thing to add. One idea would be to safely approach cars in traffic, inspect them for trash inside and reward them randomly if they have trash inside. This might spur "some" of those who now keep their vehicles clean by dumping them out on the streets to change. Is this a pure motive? No, but any noticable reduction in trash will cause it to be less acceptable as a whole in the minds of those who now think their actions of littering won't matter.

at 8:51 PM, April 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's introducing an ordinance to allow police officers who see inappropriate dumping into any of the city's 2,379 corner trash cans to fine the dumper $100.

Oh oh. The drug dealers use these cans to stash the night's inventory they have for sale. That way, they don't catch a higher felony degree on drug trafficking.

I'd like to know if there will be more corner cans. There used to be one on a corner of a residential street in Northside & it vanished. Now, the City/State owned lots are strewn with all sorts of litter & garbage, mainly by the county's homeless shelter residents. You've got to wonder if the magicians of this CityLink criminal megamall will encourage their downtrodden to pick up litter when they see it. So far, the county doesn't support their clients to do anything but make a mess where they don't live.

I don't need a "reward" for not littering or dumping. I always have a bag or a container to put discarded items in & I dispose of the stuff when I get home.

Last thing, will I be fined that $100 if I stuff several of the City Hall administration incompetents in these cans?

at 8:06 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Chris, of course! Cincinnati is already under-regulated.

How about instead of this, you require Public Services to have a Litter Patrol vehicle come through the neighborhoods after garbage has been collected to see how much trash the garbage wo/men leave behind? Trash they don't pick up. Trash they drop between the cans and the truck. Trash that falls or blows out of the trucks that they don't pick up.

What a joke.

at 9:16 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Mr. Monzel prefer people to throw personal trash on street? I think this law is foolish. Sorry Chris.

at 10:26 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do have a litter problem in Cincinnati. Picking up litter would be a great job for the rehabilitated sex offenders that Volunteers of America brings here for their hands-on treatment. Perhaps VOA's new Vice-President of Program Development could look into developing this program with his former co-workers in City Council.

at 10:29 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foolish stupidity is all we get from Monzel and Bradford P. They are the Masters of the Meaningless. Bradford is hands-down the least-respected "chief of staff" in City Hall. He and his boss are the laughingstocks of the third floor.

at 10:58 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monzel Proposes Paradox


at 11:13 AM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have cans on our street that are always overflowing. How hard is it for the city to keep these cans emptied? Geez. Kudos to Monzel.

at 1:15 PM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...The foot-tapping Bold Typist is blog trash. 7:18 PM, April 18, 2008"

Oh, it is hard to be humble, when you are revered in so many ways !

Just think of how much blog litter could be removed if the 'wRong wingnut whacko', 'culture of corruption', XXX judge Tryintofoolyou, focused on the blog issue instead of their elephant dung propaganda or their perceived number one threat, 'bold endeavors' !

PATHETIC HypocRites' !


at 1:56 PM, April 19, 2008 Blogger hellogerard said...

To those who say Monzel is wasting our time: Monzel's a genius! According to this article, what he has done is create a legal loophole whereby no one will be allowed to throw any trash in any city trashcan, meaning we can eliminate trash can collection, saving money and attracting the creative class. Brilliant!

at 5:56 PM, April 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the police already have the authority to fine people for littering and they don't, why would they fine people for putting inappropriate trash into one of these containers?

at 7:01 PM, April 19, 2008 Blogger Quimbob said...

Isn't all trash pretty much personal ?
From time to time, I pick up trash around bus stops and in privately owned but largely abandoned lots and deposit it in these public trash cans.
Will I be fined for doing this now ?

at 3:06 PM, April 20, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trash is not an isolated Cincinnati issue. Americans, in general, are pigs when it comes to the US. Canada is spotless because their citizens respect their country; no litter on their highways and no spray painting on bridges, overpasses etc.
I wish Americans would wise up; we have such a beautiful country if we would only respect what God provided for us.

at 3:55 PM, April 20, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If trash is such a problem then have the cops put dow the taser and the xbox controler and start picking up the trash.

at 8:03 AM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad Beckett probably only works for Monzel because the Republican Home Builders Association told him to hire him in exchange for their endorsement and cash.


at 9:04 AM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pick up trash daily that you assehats throw away carelessly. Hey jackasse johnny smoking that cigarette...don't just flick your butt 'towards' the trash can...try putting it out and then into the trash can. Novel idea I know.

Here's another idea for Chris...see all that trash along the highways (and there's ALOT of it)...why not send those non-violent criminals out to pick some of that trash up to be able to work off time from their sentence? I mean, according to our Sherriff Symon Leeese the jails are overcrowded...hey, we don't have to build a new jail then either! Brilliant!

You're welcome for making Cincy a bit of a prettier place to live, even if most of the people aren't.

at 10:11 AM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:03, you're forgetting that Bradford also had mysteriously short tenures with CMHA and Commissioner John Dowlin before going to "work" for Monzel.

at 11:01 AM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What qualifies as street litter and what qualifies as personal trash?

This seems stupid and unneeded.

at 12:28 PM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the existing litter ordinances should be enforced. In Eden Park last week a group of people were sitting in the midst of their picnic garbage. Bags, paper plates, etcs. were flying all over and a Cincy police officer was there - standing by his car. The next morning maintenance vrews picked up the mess. The pigs should have been fined!

at 12:57 PM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there really a problem with people using public trash cans for their household or business trash? It seems like media hype to me.

at 3:48 PM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what trash will be allowed to put into the cans? What about drive-thru while I was on my way downtown? What about an empty drink container after lunch? This is just plain stupid. We're going to have trash cans that we're not allowed to put trash in. Great thinking, idiots.

at 4:24 PM, April 21, 2008 Blogger Kevin LeMaster said...

I think the thing that people are overlooking is that the idea is that corner garbage cans are for the use of pedestrians and are not a replacement for someone's regularly scheduled trash service.

When business owners or apartment renters load up the garbage cans with their personal trash, the cans fill up quickly and spill over onto the street.

at 10:10 PM, April 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


How long have you lived in Cincinnati? Don't you know yet that when someone proposes an idea that has worked elsewhere, you are supposed to mock him or her, and make anonymous personal attacks against his or her staff, too?

at 2:05 PM, April 24, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again to support the previous poster, thanks Kevin LeMaster for dipping down to the balance of this thread's intelligence. You're picking up the litter no one else would.

Additionally, I disagree that Cincinnati is even on par with other urban areas in litter. Of course this is an opinion but despite trying, I can't say that Cincinnati is not more littered than other urban areas that I've witnessed.

As to the trash crews ineptness. This is a leadership issue. Just asking that proper containers be used is a start. Also have neighbors join their trash to eliminate the number of stops. This small stuff is meaningful to those who work doing this stuff. They'd then have time to police trash that slipped out.

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