Jessica Brown,
Hamilton County reporter

Jon Craig,
Enquirer statehouse bureau

Jane Prendergast,
Cincinnati City Hall reporter

Malia Rulon,
Enquirer Washington bureau

Carl Weiser,
Blog editor

Howard Wilkinson,
politics reporter

Portune to unveil his "dramatic" plans today
...and yet the best news is Todd is going to give us all a new car and candy because he has a better chance of doing that, then getting anything positive done in Hamilton County to many good old boys. If you listen you can here the meetings now " Well lets do this because it hasn't worked for so long it's just a matter of time before it does..."There is nothing, I mean nothing, anyone can do in this county that will turn it around for the better, because no one in this county can figure out how to do something with making the tax payer getting it in the end. And then it's for 40 or 50 years. Does everyone know that we are still paying for the subway system? To the guy who usally types FED UP and all that stuff yes, I am fed up and I am getting out of Hamilton Co as soon as I can get rid of this over taxed home, and out of this crime ridden, hole we call Cincinnati / Hamilton County. Please tell me one large project in Cincinnati History that has worked just one that was not screwed up so much and was completed on time and under or at budget. Todd nothing ventured nothing gain, but if you don't venture then I don't have pay anymore taxes to do a report about getting a report. Please don't venture, I can not afford it!
And, on the seventh day, Todd
Here is a suggestion:
Why not investigate why a private Golf Club in Indian Hill is getting property tax breaks under (CAUV) ?
Since when is a country club a commercial farm ?
We agree on the property taxes !
We went to purchase a four unit apartment building and it would take one years rental from one unit to pay the property taxes for the year. Hello folks, that's 25 % of gross revenue !
We passed on the purchase and can understand why investment in the county is null !
The wRong wingnut whackos have wasted tax-payers money, to pay for their crony salaries, for so long that we can not expect the new commission majority to fix it overnight !
Just like the wRong wingnut whacko misleader that has led this great country into a recession with his fake WMD war !
But, the 'bush-whacko', Cheaney culture of corruption has become billionaires off our 3.25 per. gallon tank of gas !
Yes, it is:
Dear Todd,
You have been in office (at different levels of government) as Cincinnati has gone from the "most livable" to 3rd poorest. As you blame others, please explain (and apologize) your "service" to Cincinnati. And what about this NO OPPONENT in the Nov. election. Castro in Cuba runs unopposed, also.
The Voters
I have NEVER seen a newspaper exhibit such sarcastic disrespect to an elected official. What is wrong with you people? No wonder our youth are so rude, no wonder the climate in this county is so devisive, no wonder nothing gets done - the only major newspaper uses headlines as if they are some celbrity rag.
Just plain disrespectful.
Report the fricken news and save the condescending insults for the forum section - unprofessional and damaging to this whole community.
Portune has a press conference without his peers (City Council, Township Trustees, School Board Members) or people who actually know something about the topics he is going to solve all by himself. Would P&G let one its directors publish a proposed corporate direction without consulting the other directors, consultants, the CEO, etc.? Remember Portune is just a commissioner; not the county king pin over the city of cincinnati, schools, townships, health care system, transportion, housing, global warming, national security policy, etc. What an extreme, DeWine does nothing but complain and Portune is going to save world. Get rid of them both.
If Portune throws enough half-cooked pasta at the wall maybe something will stick. The county needs leaders not idealists. Deliver results, not sound bites.
Mr. Portune,
The citizens are behind you, but we need to feel safe in our neighborhoods. Somehow, we need to find the money for more police and sheriff’s deputies the criminal element is moving to the suburbs. Don’t let our townships and villages turn into another OTR.
Bold face typer.
Are you really saying lower taxes?? Or just when it happens to be too high for you to buy an apartment? If you are saying taxes are too high you are correct. They are hurting everyone that is trying to get ahead and stopping much investment in this country by those that have money. By the way your democratic Hamilton County Commissioners are not doing a good job at all making good fiscal decisions with our taxes. You are right we need lower taxes!!!
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