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Monday, June 11, 2007

Dems: "think carefully" before signing referendum petition

It's no secret the Hamilton County Democratic Party supported Commissoners Todd Portune and David Pepper (both Democrats) when they increased the county sales tax to pay for a safety plan that includes a new jail.

Now the party is going a step further by telling its flock to "think carefully about the consequences" of signing a referendum petition.

"Democrats should stand behind our commissioners and not support a costly and counter productive effort to place this issue on the November ballot," stated Party Chair Tim Burke and Executive Director Caleb Faux in an e-mail last week.

Here's the full text:

Dear Supporter,

There has been much discussion over recent days about the decision of County Commissioners Todd Portune and David Pepper to enact the new Comprehensive Safety Plan. This decision, while controversial among some, is a courageous choice to tackle a difficult problem with a well thought out and thorough solution.

There are some who believe this issue should have been presented to the voters as a ballot measure and are now soliciting petition signatures to do exactly that. We urge voters to think carefully about the consequences of doing that and also to understand the value of what our Commissioners have done. Democrats should stand behind our Commissioners and not support a costly and counter productive effort to place this issue on the November ballot.

Why? Here are just a few of the reasons.

1. An Intelligent Approach to Justice - The Safety Plan enacted goes well beyond merely the provision of new jail space. Much of it is directed at programs designed to reduce crime and to reduce the number (70%) of offenders who wind up returning to jail at some later date. This is a huge improvement over past policies and should be supported as consistent with the values of the Democratic Party. There should be more to a justice system than simply locking people up.

2. Replacement of Inefficient and Inadequate Existing Jail Space - Nearly 2/3rds of the jail space to be constructed under the plan replaces very inadequate and possibly dangerous space now in use. It also replaces space now being rented in Butler County at great cost and funded by a rainy day fund which is about to run out. Its time to do the job right instead of using a patchwork of band aide solutions as the Republicans have done in the past.

3. Honest Cost Efficiency - Unlike previous proposals (and other proposals now in circulation), the Commissioner's plan is honest in that it includes both construction funds and operating funds. Last year's Heimlich/Dewine Plan provided no funds for operation, it financed construction through long term debt (leading to huge interest payments) and failed to consolidate multiple facilities leading to much higher long term operating costs. In the long run, the newly enacted plan will save the taxpayers Hamilton County nearly $450 million that would eventually be spent otherwise.

4. Meeting The County's Obligation - The County Commissioners do not decide who and how many people shall be housed in the County's jails. Those decisions are made by elected Judges and the City and County prosecutor's offices. Legally, the County is required by statute to provide adequate jail space. If the County fails to provide the space needed to house offenders, the County Commissioners can and probably would be sued and in the end, a Court would order the County to construct new jail space. The nature and configuration of that jail space would then be decided not by our Democratic Commissioners but by a Judge (probably Republican) and the County Sherriff who would bring the suit. Refusing to fund the needed construction (as have Republicans for many years) will not prevent its construction. It will simply shift the decision making to other parties.

5. $2 million per month, the cost of delay-- Delaying the implementation of the Safety Plan by placing it on the ballot will cost Hamilton County taxpayers as much as $2 million per month, money which can be spent in much more productive ways.

Our County Commissioner's have stepped up to the plate and made an intelligent and thoughtful decision as they were elected to do, a decision that can easily be misrepresented. Such decisions deserve our support as a demonstration that good public policy will be supported by the voters. To do otherwise supports the sort of bad decision making based on short term appearances that we have seen in the past. It is time for a change in Hamilton County.

Much greater detail regarding the Safety Plan can be found here.

Tim Burke, Chair , Hamilton County Democratic Party

Caleb Faux, Executive Director, Hamilton County Democratic Party


at 3:54 PM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right! You voters are too stupid to decide this issue for yourselves. You will obey.

at 4:36 PM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I see the Democrats, as usual, value and respect diversity of opinions before coming to consensus, while the Repugnicants are browbeating their members into lockstep positions. This is the way it usually works in American politics. One party values diversity and consensus-building, while the other party demands comformity.

at 6:43 PM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Dems really do think this through - the end result will be an endorsement for the likes of Heimlich and the way he ran this county.

Exercise the wil of the great majority in the middle by refusing to sign this petition

at 8:51 PM, June 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

democrats, you work for the commissioners.


at 6:29 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"band aide solutions"
"the county Sherriff"

Looks like a bad spelling day for The White Democrats. Let's hope they'd be able to implement their big government plan better than they can write in defense of it.

The Sherriff Si Lies Jail must be stopped! We need to continue gathering the signatures to put this on ballot so we can defeat it. Then starting in 2008 it's time to take out The White Democrats who have completely disrespected the voters they are supposed to serve.

at 7:50 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, concensus building is passing a proposal that ignores the concern of the third member of the commission and bypasses the voters? Right. You forgot the part, after valuing and respecting diverse opinions, where they discard those opinions and do what they want anyways.

at 7:52 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are so many people in an uproar over this? Do we get to vote on how our federal taxes are spent? Do we get to vote on changes in the federal income tax laws? No. We elect people to make those decisions. There is no "taxation without representation" going on here.

We NEED a new jail. If you can't afford an extra half cent on each dollar, then you have bigger problems to get your panties bunched up about.

at 7:53 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The supreme irony of this is:

If liberal Democrats, Greens, the NAACP and others pushing the referendum succeed in placing the issue on the ballot and overturning the Commissioners, they may well succeed in perpetuating the very system they say they oppose.

If the issue is voted down, the Sheriff will sue, the added jail space will be built by court order, the other components in the package will go away, Portune may be defeated in his re-election and replaced by a Republican; the message to elected officials will be "don't touch this issue - its poison."

And so the current system will remain in place for at least another decade; hardly what the opponents want to see happen.

All that is except COAST - they will have what they want, lower taxes and smaller government.

at 10:40 AM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats ask thier members to think. Repugnicants just demand that everyone to the line. Goose-stepping is the order of the day in GOP-land.

at 1:36 PM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh really anon 10:40? Tell us Mr. White Know it All, what exactly has the HamCo Rep Party commanded its people to do on this issue? Find me the press release that orders its people to do one thing or another regarding The White Democratic Sales Tax Hike.

The position of The White Democrats is clear. They are the only voice that matters, the people shouldn't have a role in settling this issue, and Democrats should not sign the petition because the people have no business questioning the decisions made by our great White Democrats.

at 3:08 PM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...what exactly has the ... Rep Party commanded its people to do on this issue?...'

Wow, what a total wRong wingnut whacko, racist !

Here is a clear example of the wRong wingnut whacko, obstructionist, agenda for phony political gain:

GOP Protests Earmark Rules With Amendment Blitz

Minority House Republicans are aiming a full arsenal of floor weapons at a Democratic-written Homeland Security appropriations bill to protest the majority’s rules for earmarking and its decision to add member-requested projects at the final stages of the legislative process.

GOP leaders asked their rank-and-file today to stay close to the floor to allow for maximum debate on nearly 100 amendments Republican members were prepared to offer to the measure (HR 2638).

The amendments include prohibitions on spending for adult entertainment, Louis Vuitton handbags, puppet shows and yoga classes, as well as a range of broader policy proposals. Because the bill contains no earmarks, many Republican funding-limitation amendments are directed at questionable spending by the department in past years.

The amendments represent the central element of the larger GOP effort to hold the bill up to scrutiny and deny Democratic plans to pass the first four spending bills of the year this week.

As House Republicans donned their battle gear, the White House sent reinforcement in the form of a threat to veto the Homeland Security measure because its $37.4 billion price tag is $2.1 billion more than the president’s request for homeland programs and because it contains provisions that would expand a 1931 law requiring the federal government to pay local prevailing wages to contractors.

Lock-step, goose-step, elephant dung obstructionist.

There is a reason why the wRong wingnut whackos are a minority !

No one walks that WAY anymore !

They simply are out of step !



at 3:47 PM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could almost see why The White Democrats think all us voters are stupid, if the annoying bold-type blogger is taken to represent the average voter.

Dear annoying bold-type blogger, this topic is about the Sales Tax increase that The White Democrats are imposing on us and the petition drive to overturn it. This has nothing to do with the federal government's earmark policies. Could you at least read the topic of the thread before you come to a thread and play your broken record?



at 5:48 PM, June 12, 2007 Blogger Unknown said...

I am against it(sales tax increse). Remember the stadiums. Were supposed to stop 1 year ago, But did they? We passed a renewal for schools, that also said operating levy. We(county) pay the upkeep now.

at 9:11 PM, June 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"....The White ... are imposing..."

Typical wRong wingnut whacko spewing the elephant dung propaganda.

Every since the "folley fondling" (G)rand (O)ld (P)edophiles became a minority, they suddenly identify with other minorities !

The Dems will continue to 'coast' to VICTORY !

Now, go back to kissing 'finney's fanny" and reading your racist 'blower" !



at 12:56 AM, June 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...



at 9:18 AM, June 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most troubling part of this is not reading the bickering between the people writing responses in this blog.

The most troubling part of the entire situation is the concept that raising taxes is being hailed as "courageous."

The American Revolution was fought in order to stop a government from imposing taxes upon the colonies without proper representation.

Courage is not something public officials generally get credit for, and rightfully so. They are holders of temporary jobs - politics should never be a career. Perhaps a more accurate word would be the "gamesmanship" or "strategem" of the County Commission is "controversial".

Let's use the language properly. Hardly anything a politician does could ever been seen as courageous unless you are referring to the early colonists who signed the Declaration of Independence pledging their lives, property and sacred honor. Many of those signers paid for that move with their lives and property. That's courage. Let us not water down such thinghs by using our language in such a cavalier manner.

at 10:51 AM, June 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Let's use the language properly..."

Well, aren't we upity Ms. Webster !

Whatever point you attempted to make: ...YOU FAILED !



at 11:03 AM, June 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American Revolution was fought in order to stop a government from imposing taxes upon the colonies without proper representation.

Very true - which is why we have elected officials today.

What isn't true is the belief that "no taxation without representation" means that the public gets to vote on every tax issue.

What's amazing is that in all of this complaining about a half-cent increase to the sales tax, no one has come forward with a way to pay for the new jail (including operating costs) WITHOUT raising taxes.

You all want government services (read: decreased crime and safer streets) but you're not willing to pay for it.

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