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Monday, October 30, 2006

How bad do the Dems want to take out Chabot?

This much:

Over the past 12 days, in the mailbox of one independent voter in Cincinnati's Ward 12, no less than nine mail pieces from the Ohio Democratic Party and the Democratic Congressional campaign committee have appeared. Each one of them is an attack piece on Rep. Steve Chabot.

Five attack pieces focus gasoline prices, calling Chabot the tool of Big Oil. One shows an oil tanker with "S.S. Steve Chabot" stencilled on the bow. One has Chabot dressed up in a rigger's overalls, wearing a hard hat, in front of oil derricks. Another has two tourists sitting on lawn chairs on the National Mall, looking up at a Washington Monument surrounded by oil derricks.

Mail pieces #6 and #7 hit Chabot for voting with the Bush administration 92 percent of the time.

Number #8 is on Iraq. Number #9 is a "more of the same" or "new direction" appeal.

In the same period of time, in the same mailbox, not one pro-Chabot or anti-John Cranley has appeared.


at 2:12 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOu must not live where I do - I got three from chabot and company and two from cranley.
And yes, they want it bad - I hope they get it - if not, I hope Chabot takes heed

at 2:18 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Loser Blessing? I haven't heard anything about him - you know; the legisltor voted least effective and who wasted what could've been an other wise illustrious career, the guy who got the DUI, the guy who left a big mud pile behind the Colerain Civic Center and at his parish, St. Ann's, the guy who orchestrated the hostile take over of the civic center with a board of people from his church, the guy who wasted a bunch of money digging a hole for underground sewers withut a permit and thought his position could get the permit preferential treatment, the guy who do'ates his cammpaign monies to the catholic school system his kids attend rather than to the public school systems desperaqte for money ( though he claims to support the local school tax levy) at least if he donated it to the nw school system raqther than his church affiliates everyone inthe community would benefit, the guy who voted against holding the catholic church accountable for sexual abuse of children --
Any dibbs on Lou-ser Blessing?

at 3:59 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 2:18 PM, I am a Republican in Lou's district. I am voting for his Democrat opponent, Brent Gray

Signs don't mean everything but it seesm like this first-time candidate only puts them up in the right of way. At least he has one in his own yard. This is distressing to me that he is making such amateurish mistakes.

Ironically, while nearly every Republican I am voting for is going to lose, the one Dem I want to win will probably be the only Democrat I can vote for who will end up losing.

Get with Brent at http://www.grayforstaterep.org/

at 11:53 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

grey's making "amateur" mistakes because he is an amateur and burke isn't giving him any financial or strategic help whatsoever.

I got a blessing post card today - if you look at the picture of his opponent, grey, it appears that the photo has been touched up. they made it darker t make his "blackness" more drastic than it is. the whole reason lou-ser blessing is using the otherwise flattering photo is to make sure everyone knows that his opponent is black. that is lou-ser's game plan , play the race card and hoe everyone else is as racist as he is.
somebody should be asking lou-ser why he is using such a flatering picture of grey. usually, when they doctor a photo - they make them look stupid or worse - here they just made him clacker.
just take a good look at the photo - the "touch up" photo was done half ass - he's got dark lines through his face,
funny - ou-ser gave the black man "black face"

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