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Monday, October 30, 2006

Cowards cut and run, Cooters never do

From the honest-we're-not-making-this-stuff-up file, which grows larger each day this election season:

The campaign of Victoria Wulsin - Harvard-educated physician, resident of Indian Hill - has to reach out to voters in a massive congressional district that, once you move beyond Eastgate on State Route 32, is made up of small towns, farmland and the hollers of the Appalachian foothills.

Who, then, to speak to those voters in the pick-up trucks with the gun racks and souped-up cars?

How about a guy from Dukes of Hazzard?

Enter Ben "Cooter" Jones.

Jones played Cooter Davenport, the grease monkey who kept the Duke boys' wheels running; and he later went on to serve a couple of terms as a congressman from Georgia. (If you are curious as to what Cooter is up to these days, check out his website - www.cootersplace.com.)

Now, on country music radio stations from here to Portsmouth (and there are plenty of them), Cooter is doing a radio ad touting Wulsin over Republican incumbent Jean Schmidt.

Cooter's advice: Pay no attention to the Schmidt attack ads.

"Victoria ain't about to raise your taxes or take your guns,'' Cooter says, as only Cooter can.

If it works and Wulsin is elected to Congress, she's still be referred to in print as "D-Indian Hill," not "D-Hazzard."


at 12:01 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howard, much as I admire your creativity here, and your willingness to keep an open mind about a Democrat, you are wrong in your headline, creative though it is.

Fact is, former Congressman Ben Jones "cut" an ad for Dr. Wulsin, and the ad is to "run" on radio stations.

So, he did cut and run, albeit in a good way.

Here's what Wulsin needs to do to win:

1. Turn out the Democrat vote in Walnut Hills, Pleasant Ridge/Kennedy Heights, and Madisonville.

2. Appeal to suburban moderates in northesatern Hamilton County.

3. Turn out the rural vote in Adams, Brown, Pike, and Scioto, with a populist message focused on increasing opportunities.

From what I can see, she has done well with 2, this ad gets her started on 3, and she is still at the starting gate on 1.

From the looks of things now, she takes MJ down to the wire, but MJ still wins, 55-45.

at 1:15 PM, October 30, 2006 Blogger Whiskey Tango Foxtrot said...

Anybody who believes that Dr. Victoria Wells AKA Dr. Victoria Wulsin does not want to take your guns needs to go out to Adams County. It was in Adams County where Dr. Wells AKA Dr. Wulsin said, during the primary, that she thought that many kinds of guns should be banned. Does Dr. Wells AKA Dr. Wulsin want to ban your hunting rifle as a "sniper rifle"?

Congresswoman Jean Schmidt is 100% pro gun. She has been endorsed by Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Buckeye Firearms Association, and the National Rifle Association.

Dr. Wells/Wulsin just can't be trusted with our tax money or our guns.

at 2:43 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a great point brian. in fact, i fully support the banning of any type of fire arm. you see, my friend robs stores for a living, and to be honest, with all of these damned weapons floating around with law abiding citizens, i fear that one day, he may get injured on the job and we dont want that, now do we?

you know...while we're at it, why dont we just ban cars as well? the other day, i was trying to hijack a car and the guy damn near ran over me! :(

try as you may, tricky vicky, but im afraid you'll be back begging for your job at the heimlich institute in a little over a week or so. after all, arent you the one who laid out a plan to further their illegal, and immoral research on malariatherapy?

at 3:01 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe next we can get a football figure to do a radio ad nailing Jean for un-Portmanlike conduct. Un-Portmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to:

Calling Murtha a coward (Portman did not resort to name calling)

Lying on your resume since 1989


Claiming false endorsements

Spreading lies about your opponents

Ducking debates

Being all talk and no action with the styrene leak

Coordinating a smear campaign against your opponent with the Enquirer

Advocating doing business with Fidel Castro, then taking money from anti-Castro interests

Discussing your newlywed daughter’s sex life in a public forum

Just to name a few things....

at 8:30 PM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congresswoman Jean Schmidt is right on the issues that mean the most to the Second District electorate: Second Amendment gun rights, sanctity of life, upholding traditional marriage and opposing so-called same-sex "marriage," taking the war to the thugs and murderers of Islamic Fascism where they live instead of letting those cretins carry it to us (again), making the President's tax cuts permanent, weaning our nation off our oil dependency by fostering the development of alternative fuels such as corn-based ethanol, securing our borders and dealing with the illegal immigration mess, bringing federal spending under control and reducing the deficit. Wulsin loses on all these issues, because she's on the WRONG SIDE OF THEM! Plus Wulsin has no legislative experience while the Enquirer endorsed Congresswoman Jean Schmidt largely because of her long experience as a township official and member of the Ohio legislature. Wulsin's out. And Congresswoman Jean Schmidt will get to serve her first full term. And as long as she serves the District while upholding her Republican, conservative principles, she has my support 100%.

at 12:38 AM, October 31, 2006 Blogger Brah Coon said...

That Cooter is a good 'ole boy. If he says the Lady Doctor is tip-top and fine as frog hair, by-gawd that's good enough for me!
I don't hardly think she could take my guns away even if she wanted to. Anyway, if you already own guns, ain't nobody gonna take 'em - if you got any sand at all.

So ya'll listen to old Cooter and get out there and VOTE Wulsin: A Cure For The Common Scold!

at 1:43 AM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Victoria thinks that people who make less than a million dollars is middle class and she clearly thinks that people in Adams, Pike, Brown, and Scioto Counties are dumb hill billies that just watch Dukes of Hazard all day long. Dr. Death did go to Harvard, but they apparently don't offer common sense degrees there!

at 7:53 AM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Response to W T Foxtrot (10/30-1:15 pm)
Sadly typical of gun-nutz, WTF makes a leap from legitimate hunting rifles to assault weapons like the AK-47, M-16 and M-4, as being equivalents. The ONLY purpose for full auto assault rifles is to kill humans, not animals, unless you like your venison pre-shredded.
In many cases, these war weapons are penis substitutes for the
testosterone-challenged in their strange fantasy life.
Dr. Wulsin is exactly correct. SOME weapons should be banned; of course, the NRA and their brainless
cadre would dredge up the vague 18th century language of the Second Amendment...get a life, WTF!

at 10:00 AM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey TNP,
saying that Wulsin has no political experience is not necessarily a bad thing. In this political climate, voters see Schmidt as a career politician who does what she needs to further her own ambitions.

Lets remember that Jean's only work outside of politics was as a teller at her father's bank and an aerobics instructor. With those kind of qualifications how can we not trust her political acumen.

Jean represents everything that is wrong with politics in America. Jean puts her personal ambition ahead of her constituency every time. What did she ever do about the styrene fire in Mt. Lookout? NOTHING! As soon as people forgot about it, she looked the other way. It wasn't in her interest to protect the safety of Southern Ohioans. She is a calice, self-absorbed, corrupt, career politician and she will be kicked back to Clermont soon enough.

All Real Republicans are voting NATE NOY for Congress. Vote for Write in candidate NATE NOY on Nov.7 and send Jean back to her Miami Township mansion.

What was Jean pulled over for on I-71 south, late at night, 2 years ago? Ask the Washington Courthouse troopers, they know. It will shock her loyal base.

at 11:16 AM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

TNP said...
Congresswoman Jean Schmidt is right on the issues that mean the most to the Second District electorate.

Why haven’t I heard Jean Schmidt discussing all of the issues that you mention in your post? Could it be that she hasn’t a clue what the issues are? You really need to get yourself a job and stop wasting our time with you bull about Jean.

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