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Monday, February 13, 2006

In or out? Don't ask Mallory

The Senate campaign of Paul Hackett was minding its own business Monday morning, trying to figure out how to beat Sherrod Brown, when the following e-mail from Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory started popping into reporters' e-mail files:

Media Statement from
Mayor Mark Mallory
City of Cincinnati

For Immediate Release: February 13, 2006
Contact: Dan Phenicie, 513-602-1227

Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory issues the following statement about Paul Hackett's decision to enter the race for the 2nd Congressional District.

"I applaud Paul Hackett for making the difficult decision to step out of the race for the US Senate and to step in to the race for the 2nd Congressional District. Paul's passion and dedication will make him an excellent Congressman for Ohio. It is time for Democrats to come together and focus on providing a clear vision for the future of Ohio and the country."

The problem was, Hackett had made no such announcement, according to Hackett campaign spokesman Karl Frisch.

Only 34 minutes later, Mallory's office put out a second notice to the media, which read as follows:

Media Statement from
Mayor Mark Mallory
City of Cincinnati

For Immediate Release: February 13, 2006
Contact: Dan Phenicie, 513-602-1227

Please note the corrected statement.

Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory issues the following statement about Paul Hackett's decision to enter the race for the 2nd Congressional District.

"I encourage Paul Hackett to make the difficult decision to step out of the race for the US Senate and step in to the race for the 2nd Congressional District. Paul's passion and dedication will make him an excellent Congressman for Ohio. It is time for Democrats to come together and focus on providing a clear vision for the future of Ohio and the country."

Frisch said the Hackett would put out its own statement later today, but said that Hackett intends to stay in the Senate race.


at 1:40 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that's pathetic. Like this race needs any more strife and confusion. Thanks, Mayor. Dumbass.

at 2:15 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I heard on the radio this morning that Hackett was pulling out. Obviously it was a false report but I can only assume Mallory heard the same thing.

at 2:54 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hackett for Mayor!

at 3:56 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this city is really going to get moving when Mallory is sworn in.

When does that happen?

at 4:02 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought I would say this: I miss Luken!

at 5:21 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hackett needs to stay in the Senate race. He's our only chance to beat Dewine. The powers to be are trying to toss him a bone and a few bucks to get him into the OH02 race. They don't want him beating Brown. He doesn't have a chance in the heavly conservative and republican 2nd and they know that. They just want to get rid of him. I hope his is smart enough to see that. Is the mayor getting political on the taxpayers dime?

at 8:49 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 5:21:

Dan Phenicie, who issued the statements, does not work in Mallory's city hall office. He was on his campaign staff, and still does some work as a consultant for Mallory's political involvements.

By the way, I hope to see you ask the same question of George Bush when he flies in on the public's dime in Air Force One to host fundraisers for Mike Dewine and Geoff Davis.

at 8:59 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I encourage Mayor Mallory to go quale hunting with our crack shot VP.

at 10:15 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's curious to see that the people who comment on this Politics blog have so little understanding of political tactics. Mallory's not an idiot. So ask yourself this: Why'd he have a non-staff issue those statements?

This blog is too often frequented by dilettantes. Or Enquirer reporters. Same thing.

at 10:37 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

On September 1st, 2005, Paul Hackett met me in a restaurant in Adams County. We had dinner together for approximately an hour and a half. I asked him if he was going to run for the Senate because I did not want to run for Congress against him... That's when he said, "I'm probably going to do that..." That's when I told him that if he wasn't going to run for Congress in the Ohio 2nd then I was...

A few days before I made my announcement at the Fairgrounds in Pike County, I sent an e-mail to Paul and told him that if he was going to run in the 2nd then I needed to know because, as I said, "Once I'm in, I'm in..."

Since that day, I've been getting up almost every single day between 4:30 and 5:00 am to work on my campaign. Then I go to work all day. Then I come home and either go to meetings, meet with members of the media, or knock on the doors of people who live in Southern Ohio and ask them to vote for me. I've been just about everywhere in Southern Ohio during the last year.

All the while, Paul was aware of my efforts. It would be truly amazing if he, at the last minute, decided to listen to very same people who have been losing this election for more than 3 decades. So I'll say to the people of Southern Ohio tonight, what I said to Paul Hackett so many months ago... "Once I'm in, Im in..."

Many years ago, my father taught me a few things. He taught me, that no matter how successful you become, never forget where you came from or how you got there. Always stand up for what is right. And always stand up for the little guy... even when nobody else will... And NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP...

I just have to believe, after speaking with thousands of people who live in Southern Ohio, after knocking on the doors of more than a thousand families, that people truly want somebody who will stand up and fight for everything that is right and good in this country. You wouldn't believe the incredible stories that I can tell about the people of Southern Ohio, the economic realities, the healthcare experiences, the challenges that people are facing in their daily lives.

I want to send a message to the people of Southern Ohio...


This campaign is not about politics for me... It's about YOU.

Jim Parker
Democratic Candidate for US Congress
Southern Ohio - 2nd District - 2006

at 10:57 PM, February 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like the dumocrats to say, what about Bush, we're not as bad as the republicans. They are the same, one party rule.

at 6:37 AM, February 14, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hackett's a joke! How you like your boy now wilkinson? :)

at 11:37 PM, February 14, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heck, I miss Springer.

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