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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Libertarians think. . .

As we warm up for tonight's Democratic Party debate, here's a news release from the Libertarian Party, lamenting the deteroriation of major party politics:

"Drama steals focus from real issues in race for president"

"While soldiers die and the economy slows, Republicans and Democrats bicker over nonsense"

Quick Quotes:
Shane Cory, Executive Director, Libertarian Party
• "While our soldiers are dying overseas and our economy is grinding to a halt, Republicans and Democrats would rather debate fashion and relationships. Reading the Drudge Report has become like reading a supermarket tabloid."
• "The surge of muckraking in the presidential campaigns of the two major parties is an embarrassment and disservice to our country."

Andrew Davis, National Media Coordinator, Libertarian Party
• "If the Republicans and Democrats won't talk about how to fix this country, then the Libertarian Party will."

Washington, D.C. - The recent explosion of muckraking among Republicans and Democrats in the race for president is a national disgrace, says the Libertarian Party. "The surge of muckraking in the presidential campaigns of the two major parties is an embarrassment and disservice to our country," says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane Cory.

"While our soldiers are dying overseas and our economy is grinding to a halt, Republicans and Democrats would rather debate fashion and relationships," says Cory. "Reading the Drudge Report has become like reading a supermarket tabloid. Aren't there more important issues to discuss rather than what Obama wears or John McCain's private life? It's time to focus on real issues that impact the everyday lives of Americans, and get over this pathetic locker-room drama."

The Libertarian Party calls for a return back to the political issues, and urges candidates to avoid distractions that do nothing to better the nation. The Party refers to the photos circulated by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign that show rival-candidate Barack Obama dressed in traditional Somali attire during a 2006 visit to Kenya, and the debate over John McCain's alleged relationship with a female lobbyist.

"If the Republicans and Democrats won't talk about how to fix this country, then the Libertarian Party will," says Libertarian Party National Media Coordinator Andrew Davis. "America deserves better than muckraking and personal smear-campaigns. Perhaps if Republicans and Democrats focused on policy and not theatrics, our economy would be booming and our troops would be home from Iraq."

The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. More information on the Libertarian Party can be found at www.lp.org.



at 5:13 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph Nader is in the race, but the corporate media won't cover independents.

at 5:34 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the guy on corporate and Republican payrolls to foil Dem. elections?
Someone should look at this traitor's campaign finance reports. He's making a living out of being a joke. At least Kucinich knew when to pack it up.

at 5:57 PM, February 26, 2008 Blogger Quimbob said...

Libertarian Party says old Cuban policy has got to go

Washington, D.C. - The Libertarian Party of the United States is calling for a change in American foreign policy with Cuba, saying the current policy hurts American businesses and Cuban citizens. "The current U.S. policy towards Cuba hurts American businesses by denying them access to the Cuban market, which in turn hurts the Cuban people by denying them the benefits of trade with the United States," says William Redpath, national chairman of the Libertarian Party.

"There have been two victims of the 45-year embargo on Cuba, and neither are the Cuban government," says Redpath. "American agriculture and trade industries have been throttled by the United States' sanctions on Cuba by restricting their ability to trade freely. The loss of trade with Cuba in turn harms the Cuban people, who would enjoy higher-income salaries through trade with American corporations and through increased American tourism. Instead of the Cuban government suffering from U.S.-Cuba foreign policy, it has been American enterprise and the Cuban society."

The Libertarian Party believes that lifting travel restrictions, as well as other sanctions that directly target the Cuban people, will open the Cuban market to trade with American corporations that are currently not allowed to conduct business with Cuba. Many U.S. agricultural and business organizations also support normalizing trade with Cuba, including the U.S.-Cuban Trade Association, which lists more than 50 U.S. companies as members.

"The United States has done nothing but hurt the Cuban people by restricting the ability of American businesses to freely trade with other countries," Redpath concluded. "The Unites States needs to increase engagement with the Cuba instead of continuing a foreign policy that hurts both Americans and Cubans alike."

at 6:22 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Reading the Drudge Report has become like reading a supermarket tabloid." said the Executive Director of the Libertarian Party.
Gee, how long has he been reading Drudge. I would have expected that comment from a regular libertarian (or otherwise) voter but it sounds really ridiculous coming from a guy who's supposed to be informed on the issues and news.

at 6:33 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to those Nader supporters:
Nader has neither a party or organization (beyond a few people, not thousands or, more importantly for a nation of over 360 million people, millions) of people who have been fund raising and organizing for months and months to deserve any attention to his publicity stunt.

at 6:44 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Libertarian Party is on life support. What a shame for a Party that showed such promise 15 years ago. Hamilton County Republican Party is close behind and that also is a shame.

at 9:44 PM, February 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only party more irrellavant than the libertarians are the greens. What a bunch of sad losers.

Go ahead and cry and yell, Mighty Mouse. There's nothing you can do about it.

at 8:05 AM, February 27, 2008 Blogger Quimbob said...

Anon 9:45,
Have you looked at the best the Republicans & Democrats can offer for president ? We should all be crying.

at 3:13 PM, February 28, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did all the Ron Paulbots go? Are they back in their mommy's basement?

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