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Friday, February 01, 2008

Top city lawyer leaving

Jane Prendergast has the story here

Here is McNeil's email:

The purpose of this email is to announce that I am leaving the Solicitor’s Office effective February 23, 2008. I am leaving to embark upon a new and exciting opportunity as Vice President for Governmental Affairs for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce. I am thrilled and looking forward to the excitement my position will bring, but I am sad to leave behind the working relationships and many friendships I have developed during my tenure with the City of Cincinnati.

Thank you to all of you in the Solicitor's Office for all the many accomplishments over the last almost six years. I thank you for the opportunity to work with a Real Estate Division that successfully generated over $1,700,000 in revenue for the City from the sale of City-owned property. I am proud to be part of creating and establishing the new Claims, Collection, and Recovery Section, within the Litigation Division, which collected revenue of over $480,000 last year . The Economic Development and General Counsel Divisions are to be commended for their hard work and contribution to major projects like the Banks, MSD Consent Decree, CCA, and the new Fountain Square. The Labor and Employment Division has distinguished themselves with a rare victory appealing an arbitrator's decision upheld in the Supreme Court and for turning the trend to victories at arbitration. Settlements likes the Collaborative, Fort Washington Way and Friendship Park will be hallmarks in the City's history and we made those settlements happen. Lastly, to the Prosecutor’s Office, who seldom get recognized and appreciated for their relentless dedication and consistent hard work, I thank you for allowing me to be part of one the most creative and meaningful efforts to reduce gun violence with the creation, production and distribution of the Hard-wear DVD. The Prosecutor's Office and the Office of Administrative Hearings both continuously, positively impact the quality of life for the citizens of Cincinnati with their work enforcing civil code violations, the Housing Docket, and Community Prosecution. A special thank you to my assistant for making every challenge easy and every day brighter.

I wish everyone in the Solicitor's Office both personal and professional success and thank you again for your service to the citizens of Cincinnati. I will be working with the Manager’s Office to create a smooth transition between my departure and my successor’s arrival.


at 12:09 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't the enquiReR blog linking to this latest example of Repugnicant cronyism???


at 12:38 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good riddance! February 23 can't get here soon enough to suit me. This Julia LaRita McNeill has cost the taxpayers a tremendous fortune in dollars that could have been spent elsewhere, to settle blackmailing lawsuits.

Dahoney need not ferry up any of his buddies from Kentucky for the job. This city is rich in very intellegent, capable attorneys who could handle the the position with great aplomb.

BTW, it's time for the communities to get on the wagon to get Terry Cosgrove back out of forced retirement & in his chair. McNeill, as you'll remember, orchestrated the ouster of Mr. Cosgrove over the vehement objections of neighborhood volunteers.

Buh-bye, Julia LaRita! Don't let the door hit you in the back on your way out! Oh, Happy Day!!!

at 12:53 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed- good riddance to bad rubbish.

McNeil is not the brightest light on the Christmas tree and has a terrible disposition/attitude toward the public.

How awful for the Chamber but great for Cincinnatians.

at 1:39 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, Rita is history! She is the worst representation in the Solicitor's Office in years.

Bring back Mr. Terry Cosgrove in her place and allow him to show real leadership.

This City should never commend Rita for anything! I wish her no happiness and nothing but a downfall in her career...........................................................!

at 1:40 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that the Chamber is crazy enough to take this woman on for such an important position.

Where is Doug Moorman going?

Oh, well, it's times like this that I miss the CBC. I never thought I'd say that.

at 3:48 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug Moorman is still at the Chamber, but moved over to take the VP of Economic Development position.

at 5:22 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they are crazy enough to promote Moorman, they are crazy enough to hire McNeil.

Moorman has been ineffective at everything, except when he was convicted in one of Taft's ethical violations.

at 6:12 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God, shes on her way out! She has made the Solicitor's office a joke. There probably isn't a judge on the bench who isn't happy to see this vindictive nit-wit head out. City council... You have a chance to do the right thing and restore the office in the eyes of the public and the legal community. Please don't just pass this off to the City Manager for the selection of another Lemme lemon. Every lawyer in this office believes she has been a disaster...Please take the time to talk to them...AFTER ALL, SHE REPRESENTS YOU. A moment of silence for the poor folks at the Chamber. Why didn't you do your homework?

at 10:58 PM, February 01, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... well said but you dont know the half of it. This joke of a solicitor promoted someone in her office to keep her taudry little secrets out of the news and beyond council's reach. She is not above bribery and everyone in the office knows it.

at 2:00 AM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if the Chamber will allow Rita to pull the time & money wasting crap she instituted at the City's Law Dept. - we're talking book reports, reading "Little Engine that Could", "Who Moved My Cheese?", doing skits, charades, engaging in Wal-Mart type pep rallies & ordering the staff to attend seminars put on by greedy, empty-headed hucksters.

Oh, don't forget McNeil's vacations that really weren't vacations because she could be reached thru telecommunications at all times. Another priceless one was her journeys to far-away places for CLEs & bogus seminars.

I can just envision this Dayton Diva ordering Ellen van der Horst to do book reports & afternoon cheering sessions. Betcha McNeil won't get away with disappearing on "vacations".

Rita has milked & bilked this City, without a doubt. If the Chamber was too blind to see this woman's total scam, it's on them. She can bag up tomorrow & I'll be infinitely happy. She doesn't need to stick around for a "transition". Any intelligent attorney could pick up where Rita left off, discard the wreckage & re-build the Law Dept. back to its lustre before McNeil damaged it.

Lordy, Lordy! My solemn prayers have been answered!!! Ding dong, the wicked witch is gone!

at 9:15 AM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring on the "bye-bye" party! Can we get Pete Bronson to hop out of the cake? Will "The Little Engine that Could" be required reading for the Chamber?? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

at 11:22 AM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone say anything positive about her? Anyone?

at 1:14 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rita, Please don't help the Manager...he should have fired you a long time ago and Council should have insisted upon it. Whimps all. Rightly are the simple so called.

at 4:11 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

People don't value the Chamber highly enough for its usefulness as a place to dump the difficult and dumb. They do a heroic job there. Check out the employees some time. Rita will have supervised day care and a nice salary to take home and she will be in no position to screw up anything of any real importance.

at 5:02 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 11:22


at 6:47 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANON, 2:00 AM, February 02, 2008 ... one thing not noted, Rita also made it mandatory to discuss/view such shows as THE APPRENTICE. Not saying anything wrong with Trump's show, but please! Lord, I hope she does not show her face at the Neighborhood Summit, this year. Rita, just leave us alone, now. God help our Chamber for hiring such a fool and nasty individual from my understanding. Bring back out good friend of neighborhoods, TERRY COSGROVE!

at 6:49 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out here in the neighborhoods, we are suffering from the total lack of lawyership in the city.
Even those of us who don't know a writ from a corpus can see what a disaster the law department has been, and how it is costing us our city, case by lost or bungled case.
Goofy ordinances too.

at 7:40 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Council has any sense, it will give this department a leader with credibility and community support... Yo, does Cosgrove ring a bell? At the expense of the P.C. police, if Rita had been a white guy she would have been fired five years ago, and we all know it! Come on Council...grow a couple! The race thing goes both ways.

at 7:55 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about considering a real lawyer for this position? Howabout Judge Ann Tracey? What a perfect match. She could bring back some credibilty to this office. Pay her whatever it takes...it would be worth it. I can hear the cheers now!

at 10:24 PM, February 02, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those Rita haters are the overpaid, lazy assistant city solicitors and prosecutors.

try finding one after 3 on any given day.

at 8:14 AM, February 03, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:22- why can't you?

Because no one can. McNeil was simply and truly political patronage gone haywire.

at 6:20 PM, February 03, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another of the gazillions of examples of tax revenue well spent. Hey RAISE my taxes, I dare you!

at 5:47 PM, February 07, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could we please change the title of the article? Rita was far from being the top city lawyer.

at 8:42 AM, February 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is TERRY COSGROVE, now? Can he be invited to come back? You pushed him out the door unnecessarily and wrongly. SHAME ON YOU ALL!

at 8:08 PM, February 10, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's simple... Bring Back Cosegrove! Come on Council, enough is enough. This department has been trashed enough...and you know it!

at 9:05 PM, February 11, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Enquirer needs to start looking into the City Manager's latest and greatest director appointment. He spent a year ignoring complaints over McNeil's erratic behavior and harassment of her staff and has now chosen to replace her with an ignorant and lazy retiree who has been praticing law for less than 5 years. Are you kidding me!?? I want to see a story on the vast qualifications of the new City Solicitor!

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