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Thursday, January 26, 2006

A great big "Thank You'' from Betty Montgomery

Betty Montgomery may have jettisoned her gubernatorial campaign, but not her good manners.

Most politicians could stand a trip to MisteRogers' Nieghborhood for a lesson in the virtues of the words "please'' and "thank you,'' but Montgomery showed Thursday that she is not among them, sending a letter to supporters on her gubernatorial campaign's e-mail list thanking them for their help and asking them (politely) if they would be there for her as she runs for her old job, Ohio attorney general.

Montgomery wrote that she and her campaign staff recently received a new poll that she said identified her as "the most well-known, most well-liked, anmd most trusted candidate in the race.'' Unforutnately for her, it also showed her dead last behind Ken Blackwell and Jim Petro.

"Although I wasn't behind by an insurmountable, the kind of campaign I'd have to wage in the current atmosphere is not the kind of campaign I was willing to run,'' Montgomery said.

"A negative campaign,'' she said, "would poison an already toxic political atmosphere in our state.''

She wrote, too, about her admiration for Ronald Reagan, implying that the Great Communicator would not have appreciated seeing Republicans slinging mud at each other all over Ohio.

Mister Rogers probably wouldn't have thought much of it either.


at 12:03 PM, January 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know if a hidden bias is showing but I'm pretty sure that
Reagan would NOT have appreciated seeing Republicans slinging mud at each other.

at 12:31 PM, January 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reagan would NOT have appreciated it!!!!

at 2:42 PM, January 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say that even as a very strong Democrat Betty Montgomery's class has proven to me that she is truely a decent person. I am happy to see that she may still be involved in state politics, at least in her old job.

at 10:17 PM, January 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Class Smlass. She saw the writing on the wall and got out so she can salvage her campaign for AG.

Petro will be next.

at 2:06 PM, January 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Doesn't anybody from the Enquirer work Fridays?

at 2:07 PM, January 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please back State Senator Tim Grendell for Ohio Attorney General. Tim Grendell is pro-life and pro-guns, making him the conservative choice for Ohio Attorney General. He also has a lot more experience than Betty Montgomery, being an ROTC graduate at John Carroll, and also JAG, going on to a career in law. He's the best choice for Attorney General, and Betty's already started attacking him, something she really wouldn't like to do against Blackwell and Petro. Good ole' Betty.

at 2:18 PM, January 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone who is pro-guns is a terrible choice for attorney general. Why would the State's chief lawyer want to arm more criminals? State Senator Marc Dann for attorney general!

at 10:58 PM, January 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pro-life and pro-guns sounds like an oxymoron, rather like being pro-life and pro-death penalty, except that the pro-gun position gives one the power to exact the death penalty without benefit of trial.

at 12:16 PM, February 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to vote for Tim Grendell until I received a phone call push poll last night and obviously from the Grendell campaign. It started out innocent enough until they started the bad mouthing segment. You know that's where they ask if you would still vote for candidate X if you knew they kicked dogs, stole money from the homeless, hate kids, beat their spouse, etc. At the end I said if Tim Grendell has to stoop this low to get votes, then I am now voting for Betty Montgomery. Tim, wake up, you just violated Reagan's first commandment and you lost my vote as a result.

at 12:19 PM, February 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being pro-guns has nothing to do with arming criminals moron. It means arming law-abiding citizens with guns to defend themselves from criminals. Banning guns only allows criminals to have guns. They did that in Australia and now they have escalating gun violence because now only the criminals can have guns. Same problem has occured in the United Kingdom.

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