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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Start something good with Grisco

Sylvan Grisco served in the Navy during World War II, built shoes, flew the Bermuda Triangle and was married to the same woman for more than a half-century.

How hard could it be to run Cincinnati?

Grisco, 83, of Madisonville, filed his nominating petitions today with the Hamilton County Board of Elections. He wants to be our mayor.

His platform:
  • A complete audit of all city spending.
  • Allow commuter air traffic into Lunken Airport -- heresy for most East Side neighborhoods.
  • Back the Police Department "110 percent," an apparent attempt to one-up Republican Charlie Winburn by at least 10 percent.
For decades, Grisco owned shoe shops on Main, Vine and Court Streets. His claim to fame, he said, is this: "I made more people walk straight in this city than anybody. I'm a full-fledged shoemaker. I design shoes. If I put heels on your shoes, you're going to walk straight."

Then he told this story, which he insisted he was not making up: In the early 1980s, then-Councilman Charlie Luken walked into his store for a shoe shine. Luken complained that his feet hurt.

The shoe shine man looked at the future mayor and said, "If you put your shoes on the right feet, you won’t have that problem!"


at 4:04 PM, June 30, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not all Easte siders are against commuter flights out of Lunken. I have lived in Mt. Lookout and Mt Washington all my life. It's not commuter or larger jets that cause noise polution, it's the low and slow noisy private planes that sound as if they are ready to fall from the sky. That and the media helicopters!!

at 8:45 AM, July 01, 2005 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to make of an 83-yr old running for mayor, but these ideas are not bad.

I think he's right on target about Lunken. But we don't want to shaft the good people who live in the area.

A long-term smart growth plan that incorporates gradual air traffic increases with gradual property acquisition might be a solution.


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